Bulldozing History in Coconut Grove

Say “Goodbye” to the historic Coconut Grove Playhouse while you still can. Oh, there will be something erected on the northwest corner of Main Highway and Charles Avenue, and those assholes who profess to care about historic preservation will still call it the Coconut Grove Playhouse — they may even add the word “historic” to … Continue reading Bulldozing History in Coconut Grove

Rapacious Developers Are Destroying A Historic Black Neighbourhood

In 2012 the city designated Charles Avenue, one of the oldest — if not the oldest — street in Miami, a Historic Roadway.  The Not Now Silly Newsroom has documented time and again how developers around Charles Avenue have done nothing but obliterate that history. The latest outrage is the most massive attempt at gentrification in West … Continue reading Rapacious Developers Are Destroying A Historic Black Neighbourhood

Looking Ed Henry of Fox “News” In The Eye

The dumbing down of ‘Merka — followed by the election of Emperor Trump — could not have happened without the Fox “News” Channel’s mendacity, which I’ve been exposing for the last 8 years. That’s one of the reasons why I watch nearly 28 hours of Fox & Friends every week. It’s the table-setter for an … Continue reading Looking Ed Henry of Fox “News” In The Eye

How Will the Playhouse Redevelopment Hurt West Grove?

West Grove, the historic Black enclave nestled within Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida, is currently threatened on all sides by White gentrification. The latest challenge is the massive Coconut Grove Playhouse condo/restaurant/parking lot/theater redevelopment project threatening West Grove. The Playhouse is at the extreme east end of Charles Avenue. It was designated a Historic Roadway because … Continue reading How Will the Playhouse Redevelopment Hurt West Grove?

Update to “The Parking Garage Is The Thing”

This post is a follow-up to The Parking Garage is the Thing. Something I did not mention in that post is how, after the HEP Board meeting, I introduced myself to Michael Spring, Miami-Dade’s Cultural Czar. We’ve spoken on the phone, but had never met. Spring was the lynch-pin that brought all the competing factions … Continue reading Update to “The Parking Garage Is The Thing”

Who Is To Blame For The Destruction of the E.W.F. Stirrup House?

One of the first pictures I ever took of the E.W.F. Stirrup House – August 26, 2009 This is the inevitable finger-pointing now that the sad, almost decade-long, purposeful campaign of DEMOLITION BY NEGLECT on the once-historic E.W.F. Stirrup House has ended. SPOILER ALERT: In the end rapacious developers got what was wanted and needed. … Continue reading Who Is To Blame For The Destruction of the E.W.F. Stirrup House?

Who Is To Blame For The Destruction of the E.W.F. Stirrup House?

One of the first pictures I ever took of the E.W.F. Stirrup House – August 26, 2009 This is the inevitable finger-pointing now that the sad, almost decade-long, purposeful campaign of DEMOLITION BY NEGLECT on the once-historic E.W.F. Stirrup House has ended. SPOILER ALERT: In the end rapacious developers got what was wanted and needed. … Continue reading Who Is To Blame For The Destruction of the E.W.F. Stirrup House?

EXCLUSIVE: Are Valet Companies Stealing From Miami Taxpayers?

The area surrounding the Coconut Grove Playhouse [Click map to enlarge] LEGEND: A). Grove Gardens Condominiums; aka The Monstrosity;B). Regions Bank; C). The E.W.F. Stirrup House;D). Zoned residential lots, used for illegal parking; E). Part of the 45 parking spaces leased for Valet Parking; F). Blue Star Drive In & remaining 45 spaces leased to … Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: Are Valet Companies Stealing From Miami Taxpayers?

Is Aries Development Coconut Grove’s Biggest Scofflaw?

More on Aries Development Bicycle Shop The Latest In The Cultural Plunder of Coconut Grove • Aries Development Continues To Rape Charles Avenue • Aftermath of the Great Miami Tree Massacre • The Coconut Grove Playhouse Deal Begins to Unfold • Fighting Blight In Coconut Grove • Aries Development: Bad Neighbour Or Worst Neighbour Ever? … Continue reading Is Aries Development Coconut Grove’s Biggest Scofflaw?