Commenting Guidelines

We encourage everyone to join in the discussions that follow most of the articles you see on Not Now Silly and differing points of view are most certainly welcome.   However, we do ask you ensure that your posts respect the following guidelines.  Any posts that we feel contravene our guidelines may be removed.  Anyone who consistently leaves contributions that are contrary to our guidelines may also have their posting abilities revoked.


 Personal Attacks: Personal attacks are not permitted.  Offensive, obscene, derogatory and abusive comments are not permitted.

 Hate speech: Racism, sexism and homophobia and other forms of hate speech are not permitted.

 Language: We ask that you please respect that others who may be reading the comments who may be offended by the words you use.  Conversely, you must also keep in mind that, from time to time, there may be language and content which may find offensive. In essence, please do not go out of your way to be offensive.

Threats: Threats are, quite simply, not tolerated.  Those who post threats may have all access revoked without notice.  Additionally, if threats are deemed to be of a serious nature, information may be shared with the appropriate authorities.

No Spam: Spam and advertising content will be removed.

It is certainly not our intention to censor any contributions, but we maintain the right to remove content which we feel is inappropriate.