Hello Headliners around the world — and to all the ships at sea. How are you celebrating the birthday of Jack Ruby, the man who launched a million conspiracy theories? That’s a lot of Headlines Du Jour of yesteryear. Here are some more:
- 1584 – Sir Walter Raleigh is granted a patent to colonize Virginia.
- 1634 – The first settlers arrive in Maryland.
- 1655 – Saturn‘s largest moon, Titan, is discovered by Christiaan Huygens.
- 1807 – The Slave Trade Act becomes law, abolishing the slave trade in the British Empire.
- 1911 – In New York City, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills 146 garment workers.
- 1931 – The Scottsboro Boys are arrested in Alabama and charged with rape.
- 1948 – The first successful tornado forecast predicts that a tornado will strike Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.
- 1957 – United States Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg‘s poem “Howl” on the grounds of obscenity.
- 1958 – Canada‘s Avro Arrow makes its first flight.
- 1965 – Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King, Jr. successfully complete their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama.
- 1969 – During their honeymoon, John Lennon and Yoko Ono hold their first Bed-In for Peace at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel (until March 31).
- 1995 – WikiWikiWeb, the world’s first wiki, and part of the Portland Pattern Repository, is made public by Ward Cunningham.
Let’s get right to today’s Headlines Du Jour:
Ingham clerk asks
Holder for fed benefits
for married gay couples
WATCH: Leader Of The
KKK Cites ‘Boom In
Membership’ Since 2008
Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes
5 Pro-Pot Myths
That Must Be Busted
NJ Senator Wants To
Legalize Marijuana, Use
Tax To Pay For Roads
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Who would support this crazy MoFo for president? Why, it’s crazier MoFo Mark Koldys aka Johnny Dollar, who went on to defend Fox News and cyber-bully me. |
Christian Right Has Major
Role in Hastening Decline
of Religion in America
Taxpayers fund creationism
in the classroom
Stop giving equal time
to pseudo-science!
Pat Robertson Suggests a
Woman’s Atheism May
Be a Result of Rape or
Demonic Possession
Why America’s Police Are Becoming So Militarized
The 5 most horrifically embarrassing cable news
stories about Malaysia Airlines
Mika Brzezinski Gets Fed Up With Joe Scarborough
On Air And Takes Him To News School
Why ‘fireball season’ is so spectacular this year
Yes, “Cosmos” Fans,
Creationists Also Deny
the Science of Comets
Headlines Du Jour is a leisure-time activity of Not Now Silly, home of the
Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic, and your rest stop on the Information
Highway. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in
today’s open thread.