Headlines Du Jour ► Wednesday, December 25, 2013 ► The All Christmas Edition

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a Jew was stirring
Not even a meshugenah in a crushed velvet suit. . .

Welcome to the All Christmas edition of Headlines Du Jour.


‘We are winning the culture
wars’: Cenk Uygur mocks Bill
O’Reilly’s fear of ‘secularist left’

9 reasons Fox News thinks there’s a war on Christmas
Fox thinks Christianity is under attack, thanks to non-
white Santas, freedom of speech and the word “holiday”

The Gospel according to Fox News — and their cries of
holiday persecution — make them look even more foolish

Black Santa shot by pellet gun during
D.C. toy giveaway while cameras rolled

Right-Wing Is Filled with Biblical Illiterates: They’d Be
Shocked by Jesus’ Teachings if They Ever Picked Up a Bible

Meet Tex-Mex ‘Pancho Claus,’ An Adored
Christmas Fixture In The Lone Star State

GOP Rep Lamborn Pushes Bill to ‘Save
Christmas,’ Fox & Friends Hosts Thank Him

Christian activists show their love by covering
Chicago atheist display and berating onlookers

The Real War on Christmas: The War on the Poor

Reza Aslan Takes Down the Christmas Myths
That Fox News Has Been Peddling for Years

GOP rep. cites ‘pluralism’ to push ‘save
Christmas’ bill that excludes all other religions

“1913 Massacre” Film Takes a Trip Back to
Calumet a Century After a Christmas Eve Tragedy

Surprise! Fox’s Todd Starnes Is Super ‘Outraged’
by Those Alabama Drag Queen Dancers

The real history of the “war on Christmas”

Headlines Du Jour is a leisure-time activity of Not Now Silly, home of the Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic, and your rest stop on the Information Highway. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in today’s open thread.

About Headly Westerfield

Calling himself “A liberally progressive, sarcastically cynical, iconoclastic polymath,” Headly Westerfield has been a professional writer all his adult life.