Fox “News”

Hannity’s Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore
Hannity's Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore
I picked the wrong decade to stop writing Fox “News” Criticism. All my previous TRUTH about the FAKE NEWS CHANNEL can be found HERE and HERE. Hannity’s Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore The other day Roy Moore was accused of having sex with underage girls. Not just one, but FOUR women stepped forward and stated that then-prosecuting attorney Roy Moore had sought out their company for the purpose of sexual relations. The youngest was 14 years ...
Hannity's Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy MooreHannity’s Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore
I picked the wrong decade to stop writing Fox “News” Criticism. All my previous TRUTH about the FAKE NEWS CHANNEL can be found HERE and HERE. Hannity’s Advertisers Are Dropping Like ...
A Brief History of Fox "News" Harassment ScandalsA Brief History of Fox “News” Harassment Scandals
A Brief History of Fox “News” Harassment Scandals On Friday it was reported that Fox News host Eric Bolling was accused of sending unsolicited explicit pictures to three female colleagues. The ...
Eric Bolling Is A Dick ► Fox "News" SnarkEric Bolling Is A Dick ► Fox “News” Snark
UPDATE: Eric “Bully Boy” Bolling has now been suspended from Fox “News” pending the outcome of an internal investigation. Earlier story: Uh oh! News broke overnight that Eric “Bully Boy” Bolling ...
Looking Ed Henry of Fox "News" In The EyeLooking Ed Henry of Fox “News” In The Eye
The dumbing down of ‘Merka — followed by the election of Emperor Trump — could not have happened without the Fox “News” Channel’s mendacity, which I’ve been exposing for the ...
Putting the Kill in Kilmeade ► Fox News SnarkPutting the Kill in Kilmeade ► Fox News Snark
It’s no secret I am an obsessive Fox & Friends viewer, even the inferior-in-every-way weekend edition. I watch it alternating between raucous laughter at just how stupid the average Fox “News” ...
The Fox "News" Phony War on ChristmasThe Fox “News” Phony War on Christmas
Every year at this time Fox “News” ramps up one of its perpetual outrage machines.  Yes, folks, it’s that most wonderful time of the year when God’s Chosen Network launches the ...
The Annotated Bill O'Reilly Talking Point Memo #3The Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Point Memo #3
Welcome to the 3rd Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Points Memo.   Loofah Lad squeezes out a load like this one every single day and calls it a Talking Point Memo. It’s always ...
Bill O'Reilly and Flavor Flav ► Throwback ThursdayBill O’Reilly and Flavor Flav ► Throwback Thursday
Happy birthday to Flavor Flav, born and named William Jonathan Drayton, Jr., 57 years ago today. There’s a strange nexus between Flavor Flav and the Fox “News” Channel which requires further ...
The Annotated Bill O'Reilly Talking Point Memo #2The Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Point Memo #2
Welcome to the 2nd Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Point Memo.  The Falafel King drops one of these piles every weekday and, if I were so inclined, I could answer him every ...
Kicking 2015 to the Curb ► The Ultimate Throwback ThursdayKicking 2015 to the Curb ► The Ultimate Throwback Thursday
As we all look forward to a New Year, some highlights before all the sand runs out of this one: THE JOHNNY DOLLAR WARS Maybe I was just asking for trouble, but ...
The Annotated Bill O'Reilly Talking Point Memo #1The Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Point Memo #1
I’ve read and watched so many of these Talking Point Memos, I could probably write one. All one needs do is use as many of the 7 types of propaganda ...
Bill "The Falafel King" O'Reilly Born ► Throwback ThursdayBill “The Falafel King” O’Reilly Born ► Throwback Thursday
Yes, he actually said this without a hint of irony If there’s any single person that I wish we could throw back, it’s Fox “News” fabulist and serial exaggerator Bill O’Reilly.  Loofah ...