Tag Archives: Benghazi

Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode 27

Bizarro is owned by DC Comics

It’s been tough going lately for Fox “News.” No sooner had it lost the election for Mendacious Mitt, its whole Benghazi Conspiracy Theory started to fall apart. If that wasn’t bad enough, MSNBC started to smoke Fox in the ratings.

However, as the week began Fox “News” still thought it had the White House and the Nielson Ratings cornered. By week’s end, Senator John McCain was hilariously left twisting in the wind after repeating his Fox “News” created smears (he didn’t build that) of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. All he could do on the weekend talk shows was his best Jackie Gleason impression: “Humina humina humina.”

That’s why Fox “News” has to WHITEwash the record and why the Fox “News” Spin Cycle exists.

Morning Eric, but usually the Fox and Friends First cheesecake starts my week early Monday morning. What’s up with that?

Wretched Gretched must have a good agent because she had the whole Thanksgiving week off.

Here’s the lie Fox “News” was pushing when the week began.

Here’s a new lie Fox “News” tried to get away with early in the week, until it was revealed that this language has been included on this web site since 2007.

It would be more accurate to say: Senator smears Obama.

What does Fox “News” have against solar energy? If we were to spend 1/10th subsidizing solar as we do fossil fuel energy, we could solve the energy problem tomorrow.

Fox “News” keeps pushing the lie that the White House lied.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is the Republican that Republicans love to hate. It doesn’t pay to get too close to this President.
Truthfully, Bully Boy? I was just thinking you’ve not given me much material for my Chow Mein and Bolling series lately.

Get used to it, Loofah Lad. Mendacious Mitt is going to be a punchline for the rest of your life, especially after all the Bain Capital lawsuits are finally settled.

Now that it appears to have worked, it will be that much harder for Fox “News” to invent smears against Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. But . . . not impossible.

Sensible people everywhere rejoice when Allen West finally agrees with what has been obvious since the election.

The Fox “News” Phony War on Christmas starts earlier every year.
You can always tell when criticism has stung The Falafel King. It’s when Loofah Lad has to attack someone who has attacked him. Who is the obtuse one?

Short story: Bob Beckel played the buffoon all over again. Long story: He chug-a-lugged a Twinkie milkshake and, seconds later, ran off camera as if he was about to puke. Love that Bob.

Does Miller think there’s a link? What’s the new Petraeus Twinkie Conspiracy?
Believe it, or not, this article was not written by Brad Stine.

Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” they are.
Because we all know what a crack police officer he is.

Because we all know what a ideal soldier he is.

Because we all know what an honest broker she is.

Because we all know how intelligent College Grads are.

Let’s see. Who was President when this language was added to the government web site in 2007? Oh yeah, that LAST guy, who is never blamed by Fox “News” for anything, even though he’s to blame for pretty much everything.


Fox “News” seems very concerned about the Twinkie.

It’s the Wussification of ‘Merka. Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

Fox “News” is still trying to sell the lie. Even though the person responsible has now stepped out and admitted it, Kraut the Hammer and Bill the Loofah Lad aren’t “buying it.”
Secretary of State who???

Secretary of State who???

Wouldn’t be nice if we could all trample a White House flower bed for our Thanksgiving card?

Wouldn’t be nice if we could all afford such a cornucopia of food for our Thanksgiving holiday?

Will you be serving cheesecake for Thanksgiving?

Yes, you are a balloon elf. OH! You mean the picture. Never mind.
Bully Boy Bolling should be thankful he still has a job, considering how many times he’s been wrong.

What’s different about Clayton Morris today? Did he get a haircut?
I am thankful Scammity is not compulsory viewing. At least not yet.

KKKarl Rove is another person lucky he still has a job after his disastrous predictions about the election.

I wonder if Father Jonathan found a way to smear President Obama in the process.
Last week Scammity was promoting books, this week he’s promoting documentaries.

Now the Fox “News” invented Conspiracy Theory really starts to fall apart.
Too! Many!! Jokes!!!

There were shootings and wild fights in the parking lots. Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!
Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Dennis Miller’s not green. Kermit the Frog is green.
Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!
Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!
The kind of joke comedians have made ever since there has been an income tax. However, now Fox “News” gets to use it to smear President Obama. See how that works?

Still promoting a new anti-Obama movie.
Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!! “BOLDER & FRESHER” is the name given to Loofah Lad’s live appearances with the never-funny Dennis Miller, not to be confused with the “BOLD & FRESH” tour, which was with the never-funny Glenn Beck.

Yoga pants?
Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!!

Viva la Unbridled Capitalism!!! Oh! Wait!!! Never mind.
Yoga pants? Again with the yoga pants? A day later and you’re still on about the yoga pants? Yeesh!
That doesn’t take too much these days. Just ask Glenn Beck.

I’m betting “Freedom” is the name of his dog.
I’m betting “Freedom” is also the name of his gun.
Here’s a picture of Freedom.

Mark Shields is no more a Liberal columnist than Bill “Loofah Lad” O’Reilly is a Christian Saint.

More on the Fox “News” Phony War on Christmas.
Wait!!! What???
If this lifts the veil on poverty in this country, this pastor is doing a good thing. If Fox “News” ignores this story a month from now, it’ll just be Fox “News” covering up poverty in this country . . .  as usual.

However, when Progressives from Occupy Wall Street are pummeled by over-zealous police, Fox “News” managed to ignore that, or make fun of the protestors. Conversely, if a Conservative anywhere is disrespected, Fox “News” jumps into action.

Fox “News” has been selling it’s bullshit since 1996, but it’s beginning to look as if its viewers realize they have been lied to all this time. The election really opened a lot of eyes. Fox “News” and its entire roster of pundits were not JUST wrong, but MONUMENTALLY wrong.

It couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of liars.

The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode 26

Bizarro is owned by CD Comics

For all the attention given to other news stories this week, Fox “News” could have just as easily re-branded itself “The Benghazi/Petraeus Terrific Hour,” although that doesn’t sound as officially deceptive as “Fair and Balanced.” 

However, the Fox “News” Brain Room interns spent most of the week trying to come up with a Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory [G.U.C.T.], which would link the attack on Benghazi with David Petraeus’ infidelity, while folding in the Elmo sex scandal and ending, finally, with the bankruptcy at Hostess due to rapacious unionism. However, by week’s end, a G.U.C.T. seems to have eluded them. Let’s get right to the low-lights.

This is now a Meta Joke: Fox “News” posted a story about Bill Maher’s slip-of-the-tongue, in which it called him “Pig Maher” in the headline, as it always does. News Busters, that paragon of professional journalism, shared that story with its followers, copying the headline, which attracted the attention of Bill Maher. This tickled my funny bone. Your mileage may vary.
Now get out of my room, Bully Boy.


If there’s really a God, Huckleberry Mike will not be a part of a Republican road to 2016.
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! This is the ultimate DOG WHISTLE. Hint: It ends with reparations.


Broadwell knew all about Hostess, but had never met Elmo. Jill Kelly knew Elmo, but doesn’t like snack cakes. You can’t force a Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory; it has to happen organically. Back to the drawing board.
Now Kristol tells us it would be okay. However, since Bill Kristol is never right . . .
That’s quite the declarative headline. It’s not supported by the article, however.
Early in the week Fox “News” was still waiting to hear back on its Freedom of Information Request on Elmo’s emails. However, when Elmo’s accuser recanted, it was all moot.
I hope her “surgury” went well, Bully Boy.
Another headline that doesn’t match the story.
TRANSLATION: I’ll pretend I was right all along.
The only thing that’s unraveling is the Fox “News” invented scandal.


You’re asking us?
TRANSLATION: If Hostess knew that Elmo ate Twinkies, how does that hurt Petraeus? Wait!!! What??? Twinks, not Twinkies? Oh! That’s different. Never mind.

Some sore losers in Texas.
TRANSLATION: Mendacious Mitt lost the election because the Left are evil.
How fortunate that Fox “News” was able to find a Black guy that was willing to say what they are all thinking.

I am reminded of the Obama Reelection Office in Denver that was shot up by gunfire. There were any number of “vicious attacks” on people and property for supporting President Obama, but you never heard about those on Fox “News.” However, poor Melissa Joan Hart. Somebody called her mean names.
Was it an Italian Jeep built in China?

Lookie here: Just a few weeks after his own sex scandal, which came on the heels of his phony movie being thoroughly debunked, Fox “News” has taken to quoting Dinesh D’Souza as a credible source all over again. Nothing to see here.
Bully Boy Bolling invites people to the Fox “News” Conspiracy Central.
“A follow-up, if I may, Jay. Has the President stopped eating Twinkies in solidarity with Kevin Clash? And, why not?”
It’s a jungle out there. All week Fox “News” has been feeding people’s anger on the slow recovery efforts. Well played, Fox “News.”

STRATFOR on the Avon is a wonderful place to catch a play. “Room to Regroup” is a piece of experimental theater, in which a character named Petraeus encounters a set of identical twins named “Hostess One” and “Hostess Two” and they search for Big Bird only to find Elmo.

Law enforcement is probably right. In other news: My computer is virus free.
“The Petraeus Twist” is the dance that’s sweeping the ocean.

We’ll know as soon as you invent it, Bully Boy. BTW: The walrus was Paul.
“Even former-UN Ambassador and current Mustache-in-Waiting John Bolton said Clinton was right to attend these meetings in Australia, but that makes a horrible headline. Therefore, can we make it sound like she’s ducking out to go to a wine-tasting instead?”
As with all Fox “News” headlines, this is not what you’d think. Fox “News” producer Jesse Watters hassled the people in line waiting for “Pig” Bill Maher’s show to start by asking them stupid questions.

You mean White ‘Merka? Sorry, that ship has sailed, Kraut the Hammer.
Because no one appearing on Fox “News” has EVER been treated unfairly. EVER!

“And, never forget, John McCain was smart enough to tap me for his VP pick, which is why I won’t go away.”

“And, never forget, I was smart enough to tap Sarah Palin as my VP pick, which is why she won’t go away.”
Kevin Clash is my nominee.

Maybe we should start a pool about how much longer KKKarl Rove will appear on Fox as a pundit. No matter who the GOP is officially blaming for the loss this week, everybody is in agreement: It’s all KKKarl Rove’s fault.

More sore losers.

Wait!!! What??? Who set the trap? What was it baited with?

Here’s a Jon Stewart segment in which he excoriated Fox “News” for saying the exact same thing that Mendacious Mitt said. However, you’ll never know about it by watching Fox “News.”
Buh bye! Don’t let the screen door hit you where the good Lord split . . . Oh! Wait!!! Are you one of those Atheist Libertarians or Religious Orthodox Libertarians?

Fox “News” suddenly remembered Israel. Now looking for a way to blame it on President Obama.
“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

Because it was a ridiculous question, one which a man would never be asked.


Now Scammity is promoting books by Jake Tapper? WTF?
Easily the stupidest thing a Republican said all week. However, Fox “News” WHITEwashed the racist implications away.

She didn’t “crash” The View; she was invited on The View. She didn’t get “lip” from Behar; she engaged in a conversation.

Does this mean Scammity found a way to blame attacks in Israel and Gaza on President Obama?

That fits the Fox “News” narrative.
That also fits the Fox “News” narrative, Bully Boy.

That also fits the Fox “News” narrative, Loofah Lad.

Now Fox “News” is claiming to know what Petraeus will say before the fact.

The only reason Mendacious Mitt lost the election was because he simply didn’t know how to market his bullshit.
So what? Greg Gutfeld ridicules everything and everybody.

So what? Greg Gutfeld ridicules everything and everybody.
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.


Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

More class warfare from Fox “News.”

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Wait!!! What???
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.
Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Fox “News” is still looking for a way to blame President Obama.

Apologies if I came off as a little repetitious this week. That’s only because Fox “News” was a little repetitious this week, like every week. Hopefully, next week the so-called “news” channel will find a new Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory. Awww . . . who the hell am I kidding? It’ll be all Benghazi-gate, all the time.

See you next week for The Fox “News” Spin Cycle #27!

The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode 25

Bizarro is owned by DC Comics

Nothing better demonstrates how Fox “News” is exactly like Bizarro World than this week’s, post-election edition of The Fox “News” Spin Cycle, the 25th in our popular ongoing series. 

Keep in mind: This was the week in which, before the election, the Fox “News” Paid & Preferred Pundits™
were declaring Mendacious Mitt would win in a landslide. It was the same week in which the Fox “News” Paid & Preferred Politician™ Mendacious Mitt Romney lost the Presidential Election in a landslide.

Welcome to the lobby of Bizarro World. Will you be staying here long? The next four years, you say? Certainly, we can accommodate you, providing you stop thinking now. Watch your step as you enter the Fun Way, which is already in progress.

Bully Boy Bolling has no idea how his side is going to be sandbagged by KKKarl Rove tomorrow night.
Wait!!! What??? Wasn’t Fox “News” trying to gin up a controversy over those U.N. election monitors?

TRANSLATION: Media are reprehensible for waiting for the investigations.to play out and not making shit up now.
Hooray! Shameless cynicism didn’t win. Isn’t that a good thing, Fox “News”?

TRANSLATION: There are only a few hours left in which I can pretend that Mendacious Mitt will win in a landslide and where the estimated $300,000,000.00 I am spending on the election will matter. Let me keep up the fiction as long as I can.

TRANSLATION: This will be the last day in which we can pretend that KKKarl Rove’s massive $300,000,000 conflict of interest doesn’t exist, so we won’t mention it . . . once again.


I’ve always maintained it’s more important to know what a station IS NOT reporting than what it IS reporting. A case in point: Some anonymous bozo brags into somebody’s cell phone camera that he’s voted 4 times and Fox “News” decides it’s a national “news” story. Is it true? Who knows? Who cares? Fox “News” certainly doesn’t. Conversely, there has been a lot of reporting (everywhere but on Fox “News”) about the alleged Republican-tied, alleged voter fraud cases in Virginia, and several other alleged locales across ‘Merka — that all seem to be allegedly intertwined — and that all allegedly involve Nathan Sproul, who has alleged connections to KKKarl “Alleged” Rove. Has Fox “News” ever reported on Sproul and his gang? No, because this cell phone video is more important.

It gave me the chills, too. It is a propaganda video that would make Leni Riefenstahl proud.
Tweety went off on one of his rants about GOP Dog Whistles. A little slice and dice — taking comments out of context — and one can justify this headline from Real Clear Politics, which Fox “News” also thinks is a national “news” story.

“Kneecaps” is just another one of those action verbs Fox “News” is fond of. It wasn’t really like that. However, Fox “News” will elevate any story to national “news” if one of its competitors is criticized, even mildly. Action verbs will cover that.

Using his silly quiz to further propagandize is just another one of Loofah Lad’s excesses.

Remember this guy? He used to be on Fox “News” and now he isn’t. That doesn’t mean he’s any less funny now.

I think Mendacious Mitt’s internal polls are lying to him.

The GOP were hoping for counting chaos. Too bad it didn’t happen because then it was harder to say the election was stolen.

There were Swing State newspapers that flipped to President Obama, but Fox “News” will never tell you about them.

The Falafel King started his “people want free stuff so that’s why they reelected President Obama” rant almost immediately after the polls closed. He hasn’t let up since, except to spout racist bullshit about the White Race now being a minority in ‘Merka.

Is this one of those skewed polls? Because it sure was wrong!!!

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! If you see someone on Fox “News” that doesn’t seem right, record and report it.

Thank goodness we dodged that bullet.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! One Black guy, who poll workers said was “relatively pleasant to speak with,” showed up at one polling station, and Fox “News” tried to turn it into this year’s voter intimidation story. It didn’t work.

Who are you voting for, KKKarl?

By the beginning of the week Fox “News” had figured out a way to blame President Obama for Hurricane Sandy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!

There are just a few hours left before KKKarl Rove’s head is going to explode. Until then he can pretend his massive $300,000,000.00 conflict of interest is still going to matter.

I can’t wait until we can do Slo-Mo, freeze-frames of the EXACT moment when KKKarl Rove’s head explodes!!!. Until then we can let him pretend a few hours longer that his massive $300,000,000.00 conflict of interest is still going to matter.

Oddly enough, there were longer lines in Democratic precincts, but Fox “News” will never tell you that.

Five hours later KKKarl Rove’s head is going to explode live on air in one of the greatest public meltdowns ever. However, there is still some time to pretend his massive $300,000,000.00 conflict of interest is still going to matter.

There was a tribute to President Obama painting on the wall of a schoolroom being used as a polling place. Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!

It won’t be pretty when KKKarl Rove’s head explodes.

How long do you think it should take, Clayton? After Hurricane Wilma we were without power for 14 days. Hurricane Sandy was much bigger, moved slower, and left far more destruction. Down here after Wilma the difficult thing for Transportation Departments to find were new, in-the-box traffic lights just sitting on shelves waiting to be installed. They had to be fabricated. There were many intersections that reverted to 4-way stops during the several weeks it took to find enough replacements. However, to listen to Fox “News,” it’s all President Obama’s fault that the number of broken
telephone polls exceeds the supply of telephone polls waiting to be
The Flop Sweat begins now!

Even Jeb Bush was delusional. He must have drunk the KKKarl Rove Kool-Aid served on Bizarro World.

The closer the ‘Merkin public gets to electoral reality, the closer KKKarl Rove gets to Bizarro World.

This will be one of the last times Mendacious Mitt is ahead all evening.

The beginning of the excuse-making. No one seemed to say, “Mendacious Mitt was a lousy candidate.”

This is how Woeful Wednesday began, with a whimper and no Fox and Friends First cheesecake.

Bully Boy Bolling thinks Mendacious Mitt was too moderate. Yeah, that’s why he lost because he was not Conservative enough.

Bully Boy Bolling needs to rethink his party. They’re big losers and behave like sore losers.

Who is crazier: KKKarl Rove, who denied reality for so long, or Fox “News,” which actually brought on the wrongest person on earth to give his post-election analysis? It’s a trick question because it’s a tie! And the brain-dead Fox “News” audience are the ultimate losers because neither Fox “News,” nor KKKarl Rove ever admitted on Fox “News” that his 2 SuperPACs were spending a whopping $300,000,000.00 to influence the 2012 election. There’s only two ways to look at it: Fox “News” either knew the scam, or were duped by KKKarl Rove’s scam. Either way the so-called “news” network allowed itself to be used to raise money to buy a Mendacious Mitt presidency: “Lookie here, I appear on Fox “News” alla time. Gimme my SuperPACs money and we’ll have a puppet in November.” Fox “News” won’t ever admit either side of that coin, so it will gladly turn to KKKarl Rove for post-election analysis.

Oddly enough, Fox “News” really kept telling its brain-dead audience all the reasons why President Obama should NOT have won the election. It never really looked into why Mendacious Mitt lost. Funny that.
Hey, didja hear? Fox “News” is considering a new show to run on both the Fox “News” and the Fox “Business” networks: At first the Head Honchos were going to call it “Mea Culpa with KKKarl Rove,” but then remembered that Fox “News” never admits to its mistakes. That’s why “CYA with KKKarl Rove” won out. Check your local listings.

Here’s a lesson in how Fox “News” pushes news down the memory hole: Donald Trump eventually deleted his tweet which called for a revolution, but not before NBC’s Brian Williams called him out on it. Now, skip ahead to Monday, November 12, 2012: Those Foxy Friends on Fox and Friends hosted The Donald for his regular Monday morning phone call. While The Donald was asked about his Twitter War with Brian Williams, never did anyone mention it was because The Donald called for revolution after Mendacious Mitt lost the election. That part of the kerfuffle is gone down the memory hole and the brain-dead Fox “News” viewers need never know about it.

That’s just one of the nicer thing he said. I wrote about Ted Nugent’s racist attack on Detroit almost two weeks ago. Oddly enough, The Ghost of Gilchrist recycled some of his Detroit attacks and applied them to the nation as a whole. That makes his racial enmity against Detroit so much less special than it seemed just 2 weeks ago.

Maybe Ted Nugent and Loofah Lad are merely trying to label Fox “News” as the Racist Channel.

There is no better place than to run this video again because it’s a keeper:

Maybe if you just throw more money at it, KKKarl. Think of it as your own personal stimulus package.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama’s reelection.?”

Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan are. And, poor Bob Woodward, of Watergate fame, has been acting as Scammity’s stooge.

This has been the Fox “News” mantra since President Obama was reelected.

The entire country has shifted Progressive, but Bully Boy Bolling won’t let that dissuade him from feeling like a winner, even when his most closely-held beliefs were resoundly rejected by the voters. Now that’s what I call “cockeyed optimism.”

Another example of Fox “News” shitting on the competition.

TRANSLATION: We’ll find someone to blame.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama’s reelection?”

Now that really sounds like sour grapes to me.

Here’s a hint: NewsMax did not blame Mendacious Mitt or the GOP. It’s all the voter’s fault.

Just when you thought he’d be slitting his wrists, KKKarl Rove bounces back to pretend he still has some worth to Fox “News.” And, Fox “News” still has to pretend he does, because the alternative is unthinkable. The truth of the matter is that KKKarl Rove stunk up the entire joint for the entire election cycle. If you want to know why Fox “News” blundered so badly in all of its projections, all you have to do is look at KKKarl Rove. Since Fox “News” never reported on Rove’s MASSIVE $300,000,000.00 conflict of interest, it promptly forgot all about Rove’s MASSIVE $300,000,000.00 conflict of interest. The putative “news” network allowed KKKarl Rove to sell it a phony bill of goods as well.

So, it’s all the fault of Mendacious Mitt’s guy, who isn’t as smart as David Axelrod. You’d think Mittens could afford the smartest in the world . . . like KKKarl Rove, f’rinstance.

Let’s file this away and check on it in a few years. Bully Boy Bolling is predicting what commodities will be good buys and which commodities will tank during President Obama’s second term. Don’t forget: Bully Boy Bolling is a former-commodities trader.

Oh, fer fuck’s sake. Bully Boy Bolling’s started a new countdown.

Just not enough to compromise. However, you could be forgiven if you get the opposite impression from this.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama’s reelection? Oh! Wait! We just have.”

If Eric Holder leaves the administration, Fox “News” will lose one of its favourite strawmen.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!

Let’s clear up one thing right now: THIS IS NOT MORNING CHEESCAKE!!!

In discussing legalization of marijuana on The Five, Bully Boy Bolling forgot his Libertarian roots and came out soundly against legalization and referenced his son as a reason. Some people jumped on his hypocrisy. Imagine that. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find Bully Boy Bolling’s Boy’s Bong. Statistically, he’s got to be a doper.



PLEASE! No cheesecake!!!

Oh, jeez. Bully Boy Bolling couldn’t even stick to his 4-year countdown 2 days in a row.

Because we know how “Fair and Balanced” Liz Cheney is.

Shorter Petraeus: It’s all Obama’s fault.

That’s all you got, Bully Boy? When you thought Mendacious Mitt Romney was going to win inn a landslide, you woke up so much more chipper. It’s sad to see you take it so hard.

Already spreading conspiracy theories and it’s only Saturday morning.

And more conspiracies.

And more conspiracies.

Even crossword puzzles are places to push propaganda.

“QUICK! How can we get these people to blame President Obama?”
“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

And more conspiracies.

No, Loofah Lad. The lowest race card was right after the election when you said the only reason President Obama won was because, QUOTE, “The white establishment is now the minority.” Nice going, Whitey!

TRANSLATION: Still more conspiracy theories.

And even more conspiracies. By the end of the weekend Fox “News” personalities were creaming their collective jeans because the giant Benghazi Conspiracy Theory newsfront was about to interact with tracking weather patterns as a new front moves in from CIA headquarters. While there’s still a lot of time before these conspiracies coalese and make landfall, Fox “News” is predicting this could become a biggest shitstorm than Hurricane Sandy. At least if it has any say about it.

Personally I never thought Veep Joe Biden would run for the presidency in ’16. And, I’d rather not be proven wrong.

Oh, lookie here: KKKarl Rove wants to change the subject. Let’s change it back.

This Simpson’s clip from just last night, after the election:

By the end of the weekend, Fox “News” found a new conspiracy that involves Attorney General Eric Holder, abortion clinics and his wife. I’m sure there’s far less to this than Fox “News” is making out. There always is.

So, the question must be asked of the GOP and Teabaggers everywhere: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago, before you spent all that money trying to get Mendacious Mitt elected?

What have been learned? On this reality-based world a reasonable assessment would be that FOUR years of Fox “News” lies was not enough to scare enough people into voting against the Black guy. One would have to conclude that the Fox “News” brand of propaganda is no longer working.

What did they learn on Bizarro World? Nothing. As soon as the election was over Fox “News,” along with its sycophantic echo chamber of GOP operatives and Teabagging professionals, were already doubling-down on the lying conspiracy hysteria that allowed the once proud GOP to nominate, and then back, a proven liar like Mendacious Mitt Romney.

Welcome to Bizarro World. The WHITEwash zone is for loading and unloading, which is why The Fox “News” Spin Cycle exists in the first place. You’re welcome..

The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode 24

Bizarro is owned by DC Comics

This SPECIAL ELECTION EDITION of the Fox “News” Spin Cycle is being compiled the day prior to the election. It’s been an intense several months. The closer we got to the election, the faster the so-called “news” network has had to spin in order to WHITEwash for Mendacious Mitt.

It was a week in which there was a national disaster of historic proportions. However, if you were watching Fox “News,” you could almost be forgiven for not knowing about it. That’s because the network spent so much more of its airtime trashing President Obama for conspiracy theories it has invented about Benghazi. That is, until they could figure out the right way to blame President Obama for the hurricane. As a new week begins, that’s just what they have done.

About that election tomorrow. Media Matters put together a little infographic that highlights why Fox “News” is not “Fair and Balanced.” Never has been. Never will be. This is the context for everything that follows.

Media Matters for America infographic. Fox “News” made them a sworn enemy. What better recommendation is there?

Any week that starts with a little cheesecake is a good week.

Hurricanes do not make a good week. Unless you can blame them on President Obama.

My morning cheesecake.

Here in Florida we have several hurricane alerts every year. You people have no idea what’s coming.

Why? Since you rule out “Climate Change” as a credible answer I’ll have to choose “Dragons.” What do I win?

No one ever would have thought of that on their own. It’s a good thing Scammity’s here for us all.

Just more made up bullshit that didn’t come to pass. However, they got a couple of days service out of this lie.

Here’s the other lie Fox “News” fed all week. I’ll wait until the several investigations are finished before I point the finger.

You people!

All week Mendacious Mitt pretended he had momentum. All week Fox “News” let him.

By week’s end, Fox “News” had figured out a way to blame the hurricane on President Obama. This was early in the week.

Fox “News” managed to get through the entire election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012 election cycle.
Let me repeat: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012 election cycle. Rob Portman? He’s another partisan.

These last 3 messages from KKKarl Rove came within minutes of each other. I suspect that means he knows Mendacious Mitt is losing. NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012 election cycle.

This next one was a few hours later. I think it’s Rove’s Turnout Model that will turn out to be wrong. See what I did there? NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire
election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is
spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012
election cycle.

That’s what KKKarl Rove needs you to believe. NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire
election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is
spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012
election cycle.

NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire
election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is
spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012
election cycle.

Still playing down the middle, but by week’s end they found a way to blame the hurricane on President Obama.

Storm politics? Benghazi? Storms in Benghazi?

Morning Joe happened to be right, but Fox “News” felt the need to repost a snarky article about Morning Joe.

Nothing was mentioned about Republican dirty tricks. Why was that?

Because showing President Obama’s competence was an OUTRAGE! An outrage, I tells ya!!!

TRANSLATION: “C’mon media. We made up all this great shit and don’t want to be hanging out here by ourselves.”

Because even a bullshit quiz is to be used as propaganda.

By the end of the week Fox “News” owner Rupert the Murdock had found a way to get Governor Christie to kiss his ring.

See how Fox “News” was trying to draw a false equivalency? The truth is President Obama stayed off the election trail two days longer than Mendacious Mitt. And, he didn’t buy $5,000 worth of groceries to prime the pump at a bullshit Relief Rally.


Hoo boy!!!

KKKarl Rove has a one-track mind. He is still trying to push the fiction that Mendacious Mitt has momentum. He doesn’t. That’s all fell apart by week’s end and revealed to be a sham. You’ll never hear about that on Fox “News.” Rove also knows that Fox “News” will never tell reveal his MASSIVE conflict of interest in spending $300,000,000 to influence the 2012 election cycle. He’s safe, until the voter fraud lawsuits start. I expect to see him front and center in some of those trials.

Everybody is concerned about Hurricane Sandy, except KKKarl Rove, who is empty inside.

I’d pay to see Bully Boy Bolling bathe in tapioca pudding. How about you?

You would need to pass a bill by Congress because election day is proscribed by the Constitution, Wretched Gretched.

This is when the Fox “News” coverage started to turn, and we began to hear criticism of President Obama.

How’s this for nepotism? American Crossroads is one of KKKarl Rove’s two SuperPACs, which are spending an estimated $300,000,000 to influence the 2012 election — and that doesn’t include the “in kind” donations every time KKKarl Rove appears on Fox “News” and they play one of American Crossroad’s adverts without mentioning Roves HUMONGOUS conflict of interest.

It didn’t matter what the polls showed, KKKarl Rove had a scenario he was selling.

This guarantees President Obama will win because Dick “Toe Sucker” Morris has never been right about anything.

Oh my! My rep appears to have had words with an overly officious cop and Fox “News” wants you to believe it was an “altercation.”
By mid-week this graphic had been deleted and restored at facebook. Being restored doesn’t make it any truer.

More Benghazi Bullshit from Bully Boy Bolling.

There was no Sandy aftermath to speak of. It was all about Benghazi.

Another Loofah Lad media bun fight?

I doubt he will be running in 2016.

TRANSLATION: “I’ll be pretending Mendacious Mitt is still going to win, but I’m dying inside.

What consulate could?

And so it begins. Blame Obama for Hurricane Sandy begins.

Would you be at all surprised to find out that after spending an estimated $300,000,000 to influence this election cycle, KKKarl Rove is willing to call it for Mendacious Mitt?

All the good chair jokes have been done to death.

I have never seen Fox “News” pass along a President Obama advert. Why is that?

That’s what they WANT you to believe.

That’s what they WANT you to believe.

That’s what they WANT you to believe.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

“QUICK! How can we blame Sarah Palin on President Obama?”

Because it was easier than making it out of Hurricane Sandy debris.

The Falafel King never passes along all those HIGH-LARRY-US jokes made about Mendacious Mitt. What’s up with that?

More free advertising for the Mendacious Mitt Out-Of-Context-Faux-Outrage Machine.

By mid week, KKKarl Rove is grasping at straws because he sees his $300,000,000 spent from his two SuperPACs going down the drain as Mendacious Mitt’s poll numbers start to tank mid-week. Rove is trying to put then best face on it.

“Stand and deliver for conservative values” from a Fox “News” personality just proves it is not a “Fair and Balanced.” Never has been. Never will be.

Because they can make shit up just as easily as Fox “News” can. Stay tuned.

However, this is how the above comment appeared on my wall, attached to this pic from Republican Hate Fear Lies and Distortion, via American Women United. McCain is a hypocrite and a sore loser.

How many free commercials will Fox “News” be able to Give Mendacious Mitt? That all ends on Wednesday.

Thanks for the warning.

Fox and Friends First jump on the bandwagon.

The day after NYC Mayor Bloomberg endorsed President Obama, Fox “News” found a way to attack him.


And it will be all Bully Boy Bullshit.

And so it goes. The full bore Blame Obama cycle begins.

Near the end of the week Loofah Lad outdid himself with letting his id say stupid racist shit that he’s been holding back. This was worse than his restaurant review of a few years back. Then he backs off and says that he has to answer the tough questions.

“QUICK! How can we made this sound bad for President Obama?”

Bloomberg was being foolish to think that NYC should have still run the marathon. However, Fox “News” crucified him over it because Bloomberg endorsed President Obama, so this is a two-fer.

World mocks Markris lawsuit.

This is the most poorly sourced story Fox “News” passed along this week. Somebody, who knew somebody, who was told by somebody, who told The Daily Caller that President Obama MAY have had a 2.6 GPA, but didn’t know for sure.

I already wrote about this in Chow Mein and Bolling, but it;s always instructive to see how proud Bully Boy Bolling is over his bullshit.
“QUICK! We found a way to blame this on President Obama.”

I like seeing pampered punks like Steve Doocy whine about being cold when people have died in this hurricane. Certainly he knew that, right? That people have died? So his snide little Prius/Katrina/FEMA joke isn’t the least bit funny. And his minor inconvenience at being cold is hardly worth mentioning, right Doocy, you little pampered little punk? Even Brian Kilmeade, whose entire 1st floor was destroyed by flooding, had it worse than you did, Doocy. Did you have to put on a few extra sweaters?

“QUCK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

If this election is stolen, it will be in Ohio. Since Fox “News” knows that, it is deflection your attention to this.

I want to see these guys throw punches next time. Put it on Pay Per View and you could retire the debt.

TRANSLATION: They show Mendacious Mitt ahead. If they showed President Obama ahead, we would have said they were skewed.

By Friday Fox “News” had found a way to take a word out of context and smear the president with it. Then Mendacious Mitt was able to pick up on it. By the end of the week President Obama was being painted as an Angry Black Man.

Why I oughta!!!

Now retailing the “Obama Phone” lie that’s already been debunked.

Hoo boy!!!

TRANSLATION: It’s early in the day. Tell us what to think.

TRANSLATION: It’s late in the day. We’ll tell you what to think.

Would you be surprised to discover he’s not so much for Mendacious Mitt, but against President Obama?

Would you be surprised to discover they’re not so much for Mendacious Mitt, but against President Obama?

You should have left the headline at the end of “swing.”

Now look what asshole has been inconvenienced by a natural disaster that’s affected millions of other people.

If we can’t blame him for the hurricane, we still have these lies.

We’ll ignore the help that was sent, to continue this lie.

And, just like that, Mendacious Mitt had his closing argument: President Obama is an Angry Black Man and only Mittens loves his country.

ANother Joe Biden gaffe.

“QUICK! How can we blame Governor Christie after he almost licked the back of President Obama’s hand?

A rare double, reverse dog whistle: Progressives will just find this funny. Racists will find it confirms their stereo-types.

Rove must be getting ready to sell his mailing lists and wants to pad them out a bit before Wednesday, when they might be worthless.

It took almost no time at all to turn this into a tee vee commercial to smear President Obama with another out-of-context quote.

As I keep explaining to people: That’s not voter fraud. That’s voter registration fraud. Adolph Hitler is not going to show up to vote. Either is Mickey Mouse or Popeye. However all those names get written down on voter registration forms.

And, now a word from our sponsor: It’s a national movement, according to Mendacious Mitt.

I hear a dog whistle.

They’re really hypnotizing Joe Trippi.

Wait!!! What??? Tunisia???

Sunday? Isn’t 5 days a week of your Bully Boy Bullshit enough?

HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! Another Joe Biden gaffe.

Remember the Sainted Reagan?

And, now a word from our sponsor, which is me . . .

Fox “News” tried hard to smear Elizabeth Warren this election cycle. Here’s its last attempt.

And how many have gone to President Obama?

And, by the end of the week, Governor Chris Christie kissed Rupert Murdock’s ring, because Rupie warned him a Mendacious Mitt loss would be blamed on him.
The weekend ended with Fox “News” promoting its election night coverage. It will be a fun night watching the Fox “News” sponsored GOP fall to defeat tomorrow night.

Tomorrow’s the election. Make sure you get out to vote, especially if you are voting for President Obama.

Bully Boy Bolling Believes Bullshit Baffles Brains


It was an epic battle this morning on Fox and Friends as Geraldo Rivera and Bully Boy Bolling battled it out over the tragedy in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Let’s not forget — as Geraldo clearly has not — that on September 12th, Fox “News” was already politicizing the deaths in the Benghazi attack. However, it must be noted, Fox “News” was merely regurgitating Mendacious Mitt’s talking points from the night before. Mittens began politicizing this tragedy while it was still ongoing and before anyone knew there had even been deaths.

That’s why for the past 7 weeks Fox “News” had done little more than make up lies about what happened in Benghazi in order to smear President Obama. It’s been virtually non-stop. This past week Fox “News” barely took time out to report on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy because that would have taken precious time away from blaming President Obama for the Libyan attack.

This morning Geraldo Rivera appeared with those Foxy Friends on Fox and Friends and attempted to add some reasonableness to the Fox “News” invented hysteria. At first, it sounded like it would go well:

STEVE DOOCY: We’re gonna talk about the problems around here in the New York series — City — area with Geraldo who’s got some boat damage, ummm, in a moment, but first let’s talk a little bit about Libya.


DOOCY: So much more information out. New cables show that the militia charged with protecting the consulate, apparently, uhh, cables show they — it was likely infiltrated with Islamists. We couldn’t trust them. Also, apparently, the State Department declined to send this rapid response team, uhh, which has been sent in the past to help, uhh, on the Cole and investigations and stuff like that. They could have actually gotten in sooner than the FBI did — it took them 24 days. And, finally, we were telling folks yesterday about the emergency meeting they had just about 3 weeks before September 11th, Twenty Twelve, where the the consulate people said, “Hmmm, We really can’t protect ourselves. There are all of these training grounds here. We are screwed.”

GERALDO: That’s a mouthful and [measuring his words carefully] I just have to say that for us to be probing this 3 or 4 days before the election guarantees that reasonable prudence will not be exercised because of the —

DOOCY: But Geraldo, Fox “News” has been looking at this for over a month.

GERALDO: Okay. Let me — uhh, err — Please, I didn’t come to argue with you.

DOOCY: Okay.

Let’s stop right there for a moment and parse. Doocy sets Geraldo up with allegations, totally devoid of any facts, with 126 words. Geraldo gets out 39 words which, if you watch the video, he is carefully weighing and measuring so as to not offend and to be able to get his point across. However after 39 words, during which Geraldo never even gets to his point, Doocy’s heard enough. He interrupts with the most accurate thing he’s said in months, although it would have been more accurate for him to say that Fox “News” has been politicizing this tragedy for more than a month. Geraldo re-measures his words, and says he didn’t come to argue. It seems as if Bully Boy wasn’t listening. Let’s pick up where we left off.

GERALDO: Okay. Let me — uhh, err — please. I didn’t come to argue with you.

DOOCY: Okay.

GERALDO: I just wanna —

DOOCY: But it’s frustrating.

No more frustrating than it is to hear Fox “News” lie day after day to politicize the deaths of these brave people in Benghazi. At that point Rivera is actually given a couple of minutes to accurately lay out the timeline of events. However, at about the 4 minutes mark — and I’m surprised he got that far — Bully Boy Bolling boils over and finally explodes. That’s when the fireworks begin. While Bully Boy Bolling blusters, Geraldo tries to battle back. However, it devolves into a three and a half minute shoutfest in which Geraldo makes several good points, including:

That is an obscene lie. You are a politician looking to make a political point” and “You are misleading the American people because you want to make a political point.” Geraldo accurately called Bully Boy a liar several times. I’m surprised they didn’t come to blows.

You’ll just have to watch. The good stuff starts at 4:00 and they never did get to Geraldo’s boat:

As usual, Bully Boy Bolling shows no shame. He was so proud of his lies that he sent out the following afterwards:

Bully Boy Bolling truly hopes that bullshit baffles brains and he’s full of it.

Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode 23

Bizarro is owned by DC Comics

Monday already? That must mean it’s time for another exciting edition of The Fox “News” Spin Cycle, where the so-called “news” channel does everything in its power to WHITEwash for Mendacious Mitt and employ every lie it can invent to smear President Obama. 

It was a very busy week for the Fox “News” spinners: Mittens lost another debate and there were all those Benghazi lies to invent. That’s why I managed to collect 265 separate screen captures. After removing the duplicates and those that were meant to deflect away from the GOP lies, this is what we were left with this week. Let’s get to it, shall we?

I’ve written previously about Bully Boy Bolling being an unmitigated coward, however this past week he showed himself to be a simpering coward. When I saw that the Bully Boy was going to be just up the road from me I offered to drive up so we could get together and talk through our differences. I even offered to buy the coffee. However, the Bully Boy was too much a coward to take me up on my offer, let alone respond.
Juan Williams and Geraldo Rivera have tried to add some reality to the Fox “News” manufactured FREAK OUT over the attack Benghazi. However, Fox “News” isn’t listening because it sees an opportunity to use these 4 tragig deaths as a way to smear President Obama before all the facts are in and the investigations have had a chance to play themselves out. After all, there’s an election coming and this is the best way it knows to help Mendacious Mitt win.
KKKarl Rove is just another one to jump on the Benghazi Bandwagon. Please note: His two SuperPACs are spending an estimated $300,000,000.00 to influence the 2012 elections, but that’s never mentioned on Fox “News.” Instead, he is merely presented as a former Chief of Staff in the former Bush administration. There’s a reason Dubya nicknamed him “Turd Blossom.”
So that’s why you haven’t been able to lie as often as usual. Got it!!!
While Bret Baier presents this as a “Fair and Balanced” debate between Trippi and Rove, he never mentions KKKarl Rove’s MASSIVE conflict of interest.
Sure, why not? Then President Obama can bring up all the Reich Wing Nuts™ who are endorsing Mendacious Mitt.
Then why did Mendacious Mitt keep bring the debate back to domestic issues?
Once again Fox “News” uses an action verb to OBLITERATE the notion that Rudy “A Noun, A Verb, 9/11” Giuliani refused to answer a perfectly logical question and attacked the questioner instead. That’s right out of the Newt Gingrich playbook.
Mama Grizzly tries to promote a conspiracy over what is clearly an unfortunate error by the CBS affiliate in Phoenix. Every station spends weeks before an election testing its graphics. You can’t test the graphics without putting SOME numbers in the computer. Somebody pressed the wrong button and it accidentally went out over the air. However, ket’s compare that with all those dishonest Fox “News” graphics that were not the result of somebody pressing the wrong button.

Uh oh! A Democratic candidate got caught doing something. However, Fox “News” will NEVER show it when a Republican gets caught doing something illegal. This is just another reason why Fox “News” is not “Fair and Balanced.” Never has been. Never will be.
Loofah Lad loves to attack Sandra Fluke. This was merely another opportunity.
As it did last week, Fox “News” only showed tweets that attacked President Obama or promoted Mendacious Mitt.
If Fox “News” has anything to say about it, Benghazi will be the key. That’s why it has been making up shit faster than you can say “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
I’m not so sure it’s a good tactic to remind people about the ellegal, preemptive war in Iraq started by that OTHER guy that THIS guy ended.
“Epic takedown”??? Hardly.
Shorter Gutfeld/McGuirk: If you’re voting for Mendacious Mitt you’re smart. If you’re voting for the Socialist, Muslim, usurper currently in the White House, you ought to have your head examined.
Fox “News” promotes an editorial that gets it exactly backwards. Does Fox “News” really think Mendacious Miit will get tough on China, where he makes so much money, and Wall Street, where he makes so much money?
HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! as Judge Nap might say.
Thank goodness Scammity didn’t stay in Boca Raton long enough to pollute the water.
Only a doofus trying to relive his teens wears a baseball cap indoors.
Ya gotta love how The Falafel King can even use his silly quiz as propaganda.
Which means the Svammity mockery begins at 9:01.
That’s why Fox “News,” against all available evidence, had to pretend that Mendacious Mitt won the last debate.
When taking the President out of context, it’s usually a good thing to at LEAST get the quote right. President Obama said he would have more flexibility in a second term, which is just an unremarkable fact of life in ‘Merkin politics.
The war monger tempers his language. Fox “News” loves it.
And so does Judge Nap, who knows it’s bullshit from a bullshitter.
I’ve seen a lot of Reich Wing complaints about what President Obama didn’t do in Syria, but I have yet to see anybody say what he should have done that wouldn’t have involved ‘Merka in another war.
But, Mendacious Mitt let it slide because he knows his argument is a loser. He’s not going to allow himself to repeat Fox “News” lies again, like he did in the previous debate.
If lying is “sober, steady” and “sounds presidential” then Mendacios Mitt is a winner.
Mendacious Mitt loved this line so much he repeated it several times. Fox “News” loved it so much it repeated it several times.
This was President Obama’s best line in the debate.



YEAH! You can lie for yourself, Mittens.
And, who can we blame for that debt? The GOP and Dubya. Who will add 5 trillion dollars to the debt? Mendacious Mitt.
Iran is under no illusions about President Obama’s resolve, even if Fox “News” is.
News Flash to Steve Doocy: President Obama didn’t say the Marines had no bayonets. He said they had fewer. And you call yourself a “newsman”??? You’re nothing but a partisan hack.
Saying it won’t make it true, Scammity.
“I just won’t tell you what it is.”
Israel is under no illusion that this is the case, even if Fox “News” is.
Yet, Fox “News” has continually ignore what the president has said in order to manufacture lies and smear him.
But, every time he does, Mendacious Mitt brings takes debate to “everything but.” He knows that foreign policy doesn’t work for him, so he’ll lie about other things instead.
Oh, goodie: Candy Crowley is off the hook for fact-checking Mendacious Mitt.
However, Mendacious Mitt, who makes so much money from his investments in China, is not the man to do it.
Mendacious Mitt is the only candidate in this election who has PERSONALLY sent jobs to China and invested in Chinese companies.
This is one of those phrases that sounds good, until one examines the actual proof. Let’s see, there was Regime Change in Iraq, Iran, Guatemala, Haiti, and a host of other countries going back to the overthrow of the monarchy in Hawaii before it achieved statehood. I would call that dictating to other countries, Mendacious Mitt.
If Fox “News” politics can quote President Obama accurately, why can’t Steve Doocy? Oh, that’s right! Because Steve Doocy is a partisan hack and isn’t ashamed to show it.
Fossil fuels = eventual failure.
However, there was no money available from teh bands for a managed bankruptcy, which is why Dubya and, later, President Obama stepped in to rescue the auto industry. Mendacious Mitt really would have LET DETROIT GO BANKRUPT, just as he argued to allow home foreclosures to reach bottom and allow the markets to settle it out.
What makes him think President Obama wouldn’t do the same?
Any rational reading of history puts a lie to this pile of bullshit by the supreme bullshitter. Ask the Iraqi people if they feel like they’ve been freed. Keep in mind there’s an estimated 1,000,000 dead Iraqis that can’t respond.
More of that ‘Merkin Exceptionalism that always gets the country in trouble in the long run.
There has never been an Apology Tour, but Fox “News” is hoping that if they repeat it enough people will believe it. And, guess what? They do. Every brain-dead Fox “News” viewer is positive that President Obama apologized, even though he never did.
WHOOPS! Steve Doocy will say anything to cover up for the fact that the GOP created the sequester.
It doesn’t matter what people think because you will tell them what to think. BTW: Where’s the morning cheesecake pic?
Mendacious Mitt had his clock cleaned, but I’m sure you’ll find a way to lie about it.
Dick “Toe Sucker” Morris? He’s never been right about anything.
Because we know how “Fair and Balanced” John McCain is.
This was another one of Frank Luntz’s bullshit focus groups.
Two Republicans and an ineffective Democrat. That sounds about right for a “Fair and Balanced” Fox “News” panel.
Because we know how “Fair and Balanced” they both are.
‘Merkin Exceptionalism! Manifest Destiny! Remember the Maine!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If it were a real brawl someone would have ripped that bad toupee right off Luntz’s head.

Fox “News” will always crow when Jon Stewart attacks President Obama. It will never repeat something like this.
Would you be surprised to learn this was a misquote of what was said?
Some Right Wing Whack Job™ threatened to arrest Al Gore for his comments on Climate Change, so Fox “News” has to turn it into a national “news” story.

Look at how Fox “News” has spun this: This was NOT an NBC News audience. It was a bunch of people crowded around an NBC live segment microphone. However, Fox “News” wants to put out the lie that it was an NBC audience because that feeds into its meme that NBC is evil bad.
This is a total misrepresentation of what the First Lady said, but that wouldn’t surprise you at all, would it?

TRANSLATION: We’ll be lying furiously on The Five and not let Beckel get in a word edgewise.
TRANSLATION: I will be forced to lie in order to twist what President Obama said in last night’s debate about Romney’s position on the auto bailout.
Hey, Scammity! What ever happened to all that money you collected from your bullshit Freedom Concerts? Did any of it actually get to the intended recipients? Did you ever provide an accounting of that money? How much made it into your pockets?
I will be the first to say that if this is true, it’s despicable. However, there has been no confirmation by the police. We only know of this from a press release issued by the REPUBLICAN Senator, who is repeating (or not) a story told to him by his son. It would not be the first time a son has made up a story to cover up a larger issue, or the first time a REPUBLICAN lied to make Democrats look bad.
Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” that trio is.
HA! Fox “News” is heavily invested into pretending there’s no War on Women and, to do so, Loofah Lad has to pretend that Mendacious Mitt’s debate style appealed to women because we all know how much women like liars.
This interruption brought to you by the folks at NewsHounds. Fox “News” continues to pretend KKKarl Rove is not spending an estimated $300,000,000.00 to game the 2012 elections.
Remember when all those polls showing President Obama in the lead were skewed? Now that Mendacious Mitt has an infinitesimal lead in a poll, Fox “News” is back to touting the polls uncritically.
KKKarl Rove is all over the Fox “News” schedule, from early morning to late at night, and never once does the so-called “News” channel mention his SuperPACs are spending an estimated $300,000,000.00 to influence the 2012 elections.
One person says one stupid thing to the Vice President of the United States and Fox “News” turns it into a national news story.
Ever since the debate ended Mendacious Mitt and Fox “News” has been trying to convince people that the Mittmentum is on his side.
Is this harridan still a Fox “News” contributor? Will she be asked to explain her “shuck and jive” comment? Of course not!
I’d love to see what really happens behind those closed doors.
Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” Laura Bush is.
I, for one, was happy about the delay.
As usual it was a load of crap, but that didn’t stop Fox “News” from promoting it and pretending it was really something special.
Because the latest Rasmussen Poll shows Mendacious Mitt ahead.
Fox “News” has spent almost two months politicizing the tragic deaths in Benghazi without facts, based on mere speculation. Rather than wait for the outcome of the several investigations now ongoing. Instead it will make up shit in order to smear President Obama and blame him DIRECTLY for these tragic deaths.
Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” she is.
Fox “News” promotes many anti-Obama ads, but I have yet to see them promote an anti-Mendacious Mitt ad, or even a pro-Obama advert. Which just means it’s bidnezz as usual at Fox “News.”
More promotion for Donald Trump’s sill announcement that went over like a fart at a family dinner.
Now The Falafel King repeats the same lie, except he turns it into an MSNBC crowd.
There has been a lot of possible, alleged voter fraud in Florida, but this is all you’ll hear about because it’s alleged to come from Democrats. All those allegations of much wider Republican voter fraud? You’ll never hear about it from Fox “News.”
I have a thought: Why don’t you tell your audience that American Crossroads is just one of KKKarl Rove’s SuperPACs, both of which are spending an estimated $300.000.000.00 to influence the 2012 election?
Chris Matthews had the temerity to say the obvious, so it’s time to drag out a Republican Black Guy™ to disagree and smear Chris Matthews.
No, not really.
More promotion for Donald Trump’s idiocy. Yet nothing is ever said on Fox “News” about Mendacious Mitt refusing to release his tax returns.
And more promotion for The Donald’s bullshit.
This would be funny, if it weren’t so sad. Because David Letterman was fooled by Right Wing talking points, Bully Boy Bolling thinks it not only confirms his lies, but that Letterman and Maddow what his feeble little show.
Claiming responsibility on facebook is not proof of anything, unless you believe everything you read on facebook. Furthermore, the State Department has now said that this was not the case at all. But, Fox “News” will never retract a good lie it’s made up.
She was just another donor that exchanged a few words with President Obama at a fund-raiser. However, Fox “News” wants its brain-dead viewers to believe that the president helped Gloria Allred cook up some nefarious scheme against Mendacious Mitt.
And, jusy who is in charge of the TWO ‘Merkin Crossroads SuperPACs spending an estimated $300,000,000.00 to influence the 2012 election? Why, it’s none other than KKKark Rove, who never admits that when he appears on Fox “News” as an independent analyst.
Why isn’t this guy in jail? Later in the week this (alleged) criminal, who got off on a technicality, felt the need to spend money to sponsor these posts, which he pumped out all week.
TRANSLATION: “I’ll be promoting an anti-Obama advert for FREE.
President Obama makes a slip of the tongue, which he corrected IMMEDIATELY, and Fox “News” turns that into a national “news” story. However, it has never reported on Mendacious Mitt’s opposition to wind and solar power, instead denigrating the idea of alternative energy.
Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” Conoleeza Rice is. Yet, she told The Greata Greta that Fox “News” should wait for the outcome of the investigations into the Benghazi tragedy and that she saw no evidence of wrong-doing on the part of the Obama administration. Yet, the next night The Greata Greta was back to politicizing this tragedy as if the former Secretary of State had never said a thing.
Like when she helped lie the country into an illegal, preemptive war in Iraq, or when she told Greta that Fox “News” was jumping to conclusions in smearing President Obama over the tragedy in Benghazi? Which is it, Bully Boy?

ANd, naturally, Bully Bot=y Bolling and Scammity shouted the sensible Juan Williams down.
It makes me uncomfortable when Bully Boy Bolling calls asshole Donald Trump a “good friend.”
But none of the wedding photos were cheesecake,

Say it along with me: No mention will be made of the estimated $300,000,000.00 KKKarl Roves 2 SuperPACs are spending to influence the 2012 election.


I’m like a broken record: No mention will be made of the estimated $300,000,000.00 KKKarl Roves 2 SuperPACs are spending to influence the 2012 election.
If the manure fits . . .
A totally unsourced story on the Bullshit “News” Channel (BNC) from the Bullshit Glenn Beck (BGB) web site in order to help the Bullshitter Mendacious Mitt (BMM). It’s the bullshit circle of bullshit life.
Remember when Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin attacked Ann Coulter for using the word “retard” like she did when Rahm Emanuel used the word “retarded”? Yeah, me neither.
This is what KKKarl Rove wants proplr to believe. However, the reality is the opposite. And, remember: KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000.00 from 2 SuperPACs to influence the 2012 election. Why should he be trusted, especially when he doesn’t mention his conflict of interest.
HOT VIDEO, which is total bullshit promoted by Bullshit News Channel.
I’d love to see how the whiny, simpering Doocy would respond if he really got into it with someone.
Gee, why don’t you tell us what those clearly racist comments were.
Bully Boy Bolling has to make up a pile of crap to pretend President Obama is annihilating the Middle Class. Lie much?

Once more with feeling: No mention will be made of the estimated $300,000,000.00 KKKarl Roves 2 SuperPACs are spending to influence the 2012 election.
Only the polls that favour President Obama are skewed. The rest are just fine.
I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face: No mention will be made of the estimated $300,000,000.00 KKKarl Roves 2 SuperPACs are spending to influence the 2012 election.
The same guy who helped lie the country into an illegal, preemptive war and said ‘Merking troops would be welcomed with hearts and flowers and unicorns?
Because we all know how “Fair and Balanced” he is.
Hannity forever!!!
That Fox “News” lies to its audience.
There was a lot of pearl-clutching at Fox “News” over the fact that President Obama called Mendacious Mitt a “bullshitter.” Yet, it’s still the truth, no matter how many pearls are clutched.
This was the other thing that had Fox “News” breaking out the smelling salts near week’s end. Yet, they won’t tell you that Sainted Ronald Reagan made a similar “first time” joke 33 years earlier.

Oh, get over it, Loofah Lad, and stop acting like you are scandalized. MACKRIS!
Another poll that’s okay to cite because Mendacious Mitt comes out ahead.
Fox “News” went from politicizing the deaths in Benghazi without any evidence to using the families of those who died in Benghazi to politicize these tragic deaths, rather than wait for the investigations to play themselves out.
I wrote all about this in my series about Bully Boy Bolling. Twice.
Like Canada?

And that’s pretty much how the week ended. Removed were all the references to Benghazi, which were all repeats by week’s end, and Hurricane Sandy, which Fox “News” was starting to get serious about. Tune in next week as we deconstruct more lies from Fox “News.”