Tag Archives: Ludwig von Mises

Judge Not 6 ► This Week’s Pop Quiz

“Give your tired, poor snark to the
huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Each week, as my Judge Not series has grown in popularity, Judge Nap’s output has declined considerably.  I sure hope I have not been inhibiting him.

Judge Nap knows the only reason I spun him off into his own HIGH-LARRY-US sitcom/blog series was because he was so damned prolific. When compiling screen caps for The Fox “News” Spin Cycle, Judge Nap was the single most verbose Foxite, with more than 100 posts in one week, which was a third of the output of everyone else at the station combined. That’s why this Fox Snark Series™ seemed like a good idea. Comedy gold.

However, this week: just 22 measly captures, several of which were duplicates.

I’m warning you now, Judge Andy. If you won’t cooperate in matching the output of those earlier, happier, halcyon days of President Obama’s 1st term, EmTV will drop this series like a bad Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory.

Yes. Next question.

How did they do that, Judge?

Secession is all the rage now that President Obama has been reelected. There are certainly a lot of sore losers.

President? Really?

Here’s the deal, Judge Nap: It’s not George Soro’s MoveOn and this is bullshit. Furthermore: you know it’s bullshit. Will you correct the record or are you content to leave the lie?

The lawmaker who wrote that bill says it was designed to do just the opposite.

Buy Judge Nap’s book and save ‘Merka.

Who cut the cheese? I’m surprised Judge Nap is still pushing this false narrative.

Kilemeade: “If this catches on, I want to get paid in zinc.”

Chief among them: Are there really that many sore losers in ‘Merka?

Reclaim? I hadn’t realized my right to buy books had been taken away. God given rights? Are you one of those who say the Constitution was divinely inspired, Judge? I’m not sure how you can square rational Libertarianism with belief in a Sky God.

I’d take away the Fox “News” White House Press Pass entirely, but that’s just me.

HAW!!! HAW!!! HAW!!! HAW!!!

Get out your Number Two pencil and answer this one, Judge Nap. Which laws should rule supreme?
A. The various states which have relaxed marijuana laws?
B. The Feds, which classifies weed as a Class One Narcotic.
C. The United Nations, which has its own concerns about legalization?
D. None of the above?
E. All of the above?
Take your time.

The TSA is the agency everybody loves to hate. Get out your Number Two pencil and answer this one, Judge Nap. Essay question. What would you would replace it with? Take your time.

Get out your Number Two pencil and answer this one, Judge Nap. Explain in 25 words or less the difference between a police helicopter and a police drone. Take your time.

Get out your Number Two pencil and answer this one, Judge Nap. Is the Constitution divinely inspired? Bonus question: By which God?

HAW!!! HAW!!! HAW!!! HAW!!!

What do you think about the subsidies taxpayers give to Wal*Mart workers in things like Health Care and Food Stamps because working at Wal*Mart doesn’t pay a livable wage?

Who cut the cheese? Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! The extreme right and Libertarians want everyone to think social safety nets and Health Care reform is Socialism and the destruction of ‘Merka. Be afraid of the 47%!!! Be very afraid of the 47%!!!

Judge Not 5 ► The Book Promotion Edition

Judge Nap 4 prominently featured ‘above the fold’
on the “Lost Liberty & Freedom Today” e-zine

I am both amazed and gratified at how quickly the Judge Not series is growing in popularity. I picked up a number of new visitors this week in particular, after Judge Not 4 was featured on “Lost Liberty & Freedom Today,” an e-zine that seems to exist only to lionize Judge Andrew Napolitano. I couldn’t be more proud. 

However, ironically, as this series grows in popularity, Judge Nap has really slacked off sending out those witty bon mots that set up the comedy gold of my series. This week I only found 34 meager set-ups for my HIGH-LARRY-US punchlines. Maybe it’s because he’s too busy promoting his new book this week. Or, maybe he’s still licking his wounds that the Libertarian did not win the Oval Office. Or, maybe he’s just gotten lazy.

Heya, Judge Nap: I spun off this entire series just for you. Don’t make me sorry I did so.

Who indeed?

Is Fundamental Christianity the modern day Berlin Air Lift?

It’s all about the balance sheet, right Judge? Did you remember to factor in the 32 people killed, and the 480 people made seriously ill, from meningitis due to a lack of regulations in Massachusetts that govern compounding pharmacies???
When having a mistress is outlawed, only outlaws will have a mistress.

A phony headline, from a Conspiracy-A-Day web site, and Judge Nap thinks it’s worth making a fuss, despite knowing it’s a lie. There have been NO STATES that have petitioned the White House. Anyone can post a petition at the White House web site and several idiotic sore losers have submitted secessionist petitions. There had even been one petition that Grover Norquist be punched in the balls, but the White House actually had the nerve to deleted that petition.

Because he thought he was going to win by a landslide. Karl Rove and Dick Morris told him so.

They weren’t. However, Judge Nap wants you to be afraid of Big Brother. I wonder what he’s got to worry about.

Judge Nap wants you to be afraid of Big Brother.

He quit, he wasn’t fired. He still has a Constitutional Right to cheat on his wife.

“Ayn” Rand Paul doesn’t have to run for election until 2016. If he’s reelected then, one MIGHT call it an evolution. Hell, one might even call it a REVOLUTION. Until then I will develop a “wait and see” attitude.

Would you be surprised to learn it’s the two presidents he wrote about in his latest book that he’s promoting this week?

This is the Fox “News” slogan and what Judge “Andy” counts on.

Which only proves there are so many sore losers in the Right Wing of this country.

Now Fox “News” is going to have to invent new lies because General Petraeus will testify truthfully, destroying all the speculative fiction the station has been building up until now.

Wait!!! What???

What about your Fox “News” Conspiracy Theory that Petraeus is being silenced? 60 seconds is not nearly enough to do that Conspiracy Theory justice, Judge Andy.

Wait! Didn’t you post the same picture last week?

Buh bye!!!

I don’t believe you. I’m gonna Google it.

Is Judge Andy playing a game of “Pop Cultural Reference” with the Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff?

C’mon, Ron Paul. Don’t be defeatist. Where’s that ‘Merkin ‘Ceptionalism I’ve heard so much about?

He wasn’t silenced. He resigned, Judge.

♪ ♫ ♪ If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Here’s to you my CEE EYE EH!!! ♫ ♪ ♫

A Single Payer System, or Universal Health Care, solves every problem you can name with Obamacare. However, it’s a Socialist/Communist/Fascist system, so forget it!!!

And, when States start to secede, there is no Federal Government to nullify.

When one has a book to promote, they’ll appear anywhere. Here Judge Nap appears with a fake news host that delights in trashing the so-called “news” station he works for on an almost daily basis.

And promotes his book.

And promotes his book.

Are you kidding me, Judge Nap??? You work for Fox “News,” fer fuck’s sake!!!

Thomas Jefferson also said, “Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.” That’s why Fox “News” and Judge Nap will not even be footnotes in the Book of Wisdom.

Judge Not 4 ►

Unretouched photo of Judge Nap taken from author’s tee vee

Maybe Judge Nap was still licking his wounds after Tuesday’s election, in which Mendacious Mitt had his ass handed to him.

Or maybe it was simply because Judge Judy still won’t return his tweets. [It’s a long, complicated story. Sunday night The Judge and I were killing time and a bottle of tequila when he got a crazy idea and took out his smartphone. I warned him not to send Judge Judy that! Have you ever tried to tell The Judge what to do when he gets a snoot-full?]

Whatever the cause, Judge “Andy” Napolitano, the Fox “News” Senior Judicial Libertarian, barely sent out anything out this week, especially when compared to his high of 2 weeks ago. It’s the second week in a row that Judge Not  (soon to be a major motion picture starring Matt Damon or Steve Carell. I always get those two confused.) showed a marked decline. Since I had only 41 messages to choose from, as you can imagine, I had to use the good and the bad, starting with a Libertarian cause very close to The Judge’s heart:

Most people do not realize that Judge Nap runs a string of Animal Mills across the country. The Judge Nap Animal Mill™ sells dogs and cats and, yes, even rabbits. However, much closer to the Judge’s heart are the wolves and hyenas he loves to breed. If LA can close down his Animal Mills, then where next?
Like a lot of people who had power and hot and cold running water, Judge Nap joined the outrage against NYC Mayor Bloomberg after he endorsed President Obama.

Hating NYC Mayor Bloomberg became the GOP’s national sport as soon as he endorsed President Obama. The marathon merely gave those haters a focus for their hate. Don’t say that Judge Nap isn’t willing to jump on a bandwagon once it’s already going.
That’s not the question I want answered. I’d prefer to ask, “Are the Supremes Individual?” Not the Supreme Court, either! Diana Ross and The Supremes! I hear a symphony.
I’ve already written about this in my blog post “Bully Boy Bolling Believes Bullshit Baffles Brains.” What does this prove? Even Judge Nap likes a good fight and is willing to jump on  a bandwagon.
Judge Nap thinks nothing of passing along a thoroughly debunked piece of crap, long after it had already been debunked. That’s why Judge Nap fits in so well on Fox “News,” because it’s a network that doesn’t care about truth either.
Judge Nap jumped on the Libertarian bandwagon that argued the position that Free Markets should rule after a natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy and that jacking up the cost is not really price gouging, it’s simply the laws of supply and demand coming in to play.
It didn’t take long before Fox “News” figured out a way to blame Democrats for the aftermath of a once-in-a-lifetime natural disaster.
After an unprecedented hurricane, people became angry that it was taking as long as it was to repair a massively broken infrastructure. Judge Nap was happy to jump on that bandwagon and fan the flames of anger and resentment. That’s why Judge Nap would leave it to the private sector.
TRANSLATION: “Then we’ll just have to find something else to blame NYC Mayor Bloomberg for . . .
“. . . FOUND IT!!! Proven to be a quote taken out of context and not true at all? Too late!!!”

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.
It really doesn’t seem as if Judge Nap is terribly optimistic about the human race.

That’s how a Republic works. Get over it.
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from Kid Rock being right about something.

Several Republicans are arriving in Washington to pick up Ron Paul’s Losing Banner. Hooray!!!

This will be a battle between State Rights and Fed Rights. Pass the popcorn. And the Cheetos. Did you bring the M&Ms?

Right after the election, Republicans started to play The Blame Game to avoid the Pink Elephant in the room. This is what DeMint should have said: “If Republicans don’t understand the important aspects of what THE AMERICAN PUBLIC is saying, we won’t be able to exist as a party, certainly not a majority party.”

Why doesn’t Judge Nap believe that Mendacious Mitt wouldn’t also crush personal freedoms? Because, silly, those are personal freedoms that Judge Nap doesn’t believe that those with a uterus deserve.
Yes, they are. Next question.
Here is Judge Nap fanning the flames of anger and resentment some more. The election’s over, but The Judge is prepared to start fighting it again RIGHT NOW!

There’s a lot of silly Monday Morning Quarterbacking going on following the election, but the Libertarian position seems the silliest. One could make the argument that Ron Paul supporters threw the GOP under the bus.

More Monday Morning Quarterbacking merely to fan the flames of anger and resentment. Heya, Judge Nap! Over here! When does the GOP or Libertarian Party say, “Even with the lies we made up against President Obama — even with the hundreds of millions of dollars we spent propagandizing those lies — the people still preferred the President’s message. Imagine how much of a drubbing we would have taken had if Mendacious Mitt actually told the truth — about anything at all.”

Empty slogans cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer.
Far gone, man.
What was Judge Nap saying when Dubya was talking about Regime Change in Iraq?

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”
“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”
Don’t Libertarians just say the darndest things?

Judge Nap sided with the GOP before the election and sided with the GOP after the election. He’s a LINO: Libertarian In Name Only. However, far worse is his lack of self-awareness. There’s no shame. No stock-taking. No introspection. No mea culpa. There will be no apology tours. None of that hand-wringing, self-analysis for Judge Nap. It’s all the Progressive’s fault, all of the time.

Judge Not, lest you be judged. Which, using my convoluted logic, is why Westerfield Data Room called this series Judge Not. And, if any further proof was needed, here’s a song followed by some classic British comedy. Judge Not, ‘Merka.

Judge Not 3 ► Libertarian Leprechaun

Maybe it was the after effects of Hurricane Sandy, maybe it was sheer laziness on Judge Nap’s part, or maybe I was away from my computer more this week (which seems pretty unlikely). However, Judge Nap really seemed to slack off this week, only sending out some 40 updates, when last week I had 153 to choose from. 

Regardless the reason, it doesn’t mean that the Laughing Judge neglected any of his favourite topics. They were all there, from drones, to Ludwig von Mises, to legalization of marijuana, the to government being the enemy. Let’s deconstruct, shall we?

If it’s secretive, how is it that you know all about it?

It’s not unconstitutional until a court has adjudicated it so. Or did you forget that lesson, Judge?

Rep. King, who I rarely agree with, seems to disagree with Judge Nap’s assessment of this. I put my money on Rep. King.

But Rep. King and Congress says they’re legal. I put my money on Rep. King and Congress.

Patent #6630507 is for medicinal forms of marijuana. I’d love to see Judge Nap be honest with the brain-dead Fox “News” audience and admit on the air that he is for the legalization of drugs for recreational purposes. Their heads would explode.

Only an idiot would deny that there is no economic benefit to people having to rebuild and replace all their household goods. It may not be politically correct to say, but it’s true.

Just covering up for Mendacious Mitt’s idiocy during the GOP primary debate.


I think it’s disgusting how Charles Woods’ grief is being used by Fox “News” to attack President Obama. I’m not the only one who thinks so. Your colleague Geraldo Rivera agrees with me. I think it’s disgusting that you are so willing to jump on that bandwagon, Judge Nap.

Who cares?

A defense of price gouging, which says, essentially, that market forces of supply and demand should rule.

Then why isn’t Ron Paul the Republican nominee, as opposed to Mendacious Mitt, who has traded with China and even shipped jobs to China?

Next question.

Would you be surprised to learn that Judge Nap would find it helped Mendacious Mitt?



This narrative was falling apart by week’s end, but facebook turned it into a controversy.

This is a total misreading of what’s going on. Homeland Security is simply making it easier for local LEOs to bring forward concerns. It does not give local police departments any additional power, but Judge Nap wants people to think so, even though he knows better.

facebook censored that image above, and then reversed itself and put it back. Fox “News” tried to turn this into a censorship issue which ONLY affected the Right Wing. Tell that to all the nursing mothers who have had pictures removed from facebook. While Jude Nap correctly said facebook, as a private company, can do what it likes, the truth of the matter is that facebook only responds to complaints. Often it takes action before thinking it through properly. You can also find many Left Wing organizations who have had their images, and words, removed by facebook, but Fox “News” will NEVER tell you about that.

Another case of Eminent Domain gone awry.

Regardless of the fact that Judge Nap said facebook is a private entity and can do what it likes, he still played along with Fox “News” and called it censorship and made a big deal out of the fact that some poor, FALSE Right Wing meme was removed, and then restored. It happens to people on the other side of the political spectrum all the time, but Fox “News” will never tell you that.

Remember The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.

What’s your point?

Then Judge Nap’s an idiot. It restored the pic and apologized, but that’s not good enough for Judge Nap, who still refuses to accept it happens all the time on facebook, to people on all sides of the political spectrum.

Lookit, Judge. Groups of people have reported facebook pages that were full of racial remarks against Muslims and others that were filled with hateful messages against the LGBT communities. facebook, in its infinite wisdom, replied that it didn’t find anything wrong with the pages being reported. Everyone who has ever dealt with these facebook issues understands that somebody — with little experience in these matters — makes a snap judgement call when something has been reported. Not all of these decisions are going to be right. But, Judge Nap is going to make a federal issue out of one FALSE Right Wing meme being removed from facebook. Get with the program, Judge. Or, at the very least, be honest and admit it happens to both sides.

YIKES!!! Now that’s scary!!!

Arrested for what? These nothing illegal in this and when it happened during Dubya’s Administration there was nary a peep.

TRANSLATION: Gouging is good.

A phony story taht Judge Nap felt the need to pass along because it smeared Obamacare.

There is no evidence whatsoever that drones have been deployed within our borders.

Why don’t you ever pass along the jokeds made about Mendacious Mitt?

He’s right, yannow.

Are you advocating for legalization, Judge? Will you ever say that on Fox “News”?

I thought so too. It might actually make some people think twice about voting for Mendacious Mitt.

C’mon, Judge. Come right out and tell us how you really feel.

I keep hoping that one of these days Judge Nap will be honest and do what Geraldo Rivera did this morning: Call out Fox “News” for its lies. Do you think he has enough guts for that?

Judge Not Two ► Libertarian Logrolling

Here come the Judge

Welcome to Week Two of Judge Not. This week proves why it was necessary to spin Judge Nap off into his own series. In the last 6 days the Laughing Libertarian sent out — at minimum — 153 updates that I captured. 

NB: These are only those I caught. I am not at my desk 24 hours a day. One wonders how Judge Nap finds the time to do any work.

Judge Nap espouses the Libertarian viewpoint, which some people also call Randian, after Libertarian Social Security-taker Ayn Rand. Coincidentally, or not, President Obama gave his views on Ayn Rand this week in a Rolling Stone interview:

RS: What do you think Paul Ryan’s obsession with her work would mean if he were vice president? 

BHO: Well, you’d have to ask Paul Ryan what that means to him. Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we realize that a world in which we’re only thinking about ourselves and not thinking about anybody else, in which we’re considering the entire project of developing ourselves as more important than our relationships to other people and making sure that everybody else has opportunity – that that’s a pretty narrow vision. It’s not one that, I think, describes what’s best in America. Unfortunately, it does seem as if sometimes that vision of a “you’re on your own” society has consumed a big chunk of the Republican Party.

I have often compared followers of Ayn Rand with selfish teenagers, so it’s nice to be in agreement with President Obama. With that said, let’s deconstruct what Judge Nap felt important enough to send out to his brain-dead followers this week:

Of course, AU H2O lost the 1964 election in a landslide because ‘Merkins thought he was too extreme and still do.

Judge Nap has his own YouTubery Channel for his own YouTubery.

One of Judge Nap’s big concerns this week was drones. He droned on and on about it.

Good ol’ Ludwig seems to be a hero of Judge Nap’s. What Ludwig and Judge Nap won’t tell you is that all taxation is redistribution of wealth. Previous generations saw the need to build infrastructure, going back to the earliest canals, before there were roads. Now, however, Libertarians seem to want the infrastructure to crumble, unless it can be privatized. Then they’ll take government funds to pay private companies to do the work.

George McGovern’s body wasn’t even cold when Libertarians tried to claim him as one of their own. McGovern was a Democrat and a Liberal and a Progressive and Anti-War. Don’t try to steal his legacy.

A surprising article to pass on, considering how much Fox “News” is in the tank for Mendacious Mitt Romney.

“Stop and Frisk” is a topic that’s starting to blow up. While Judge Nap doesn’t tip his hand, he appears to be against it.

Just as he is against the mythical “Nanny State.”

However, the NRA is still telling its brain-dead members that “Obama’s coming for your guns.”

Judge Nap is hoping Liberals will have buyers regret and vote for Mendacious Mitt.

Central planning? That’s a euphemism for Communism. Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

Thomas Jefferson also said, “Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor.”

You sure do like to quote Jefferson a lot, doncha? Thomas Jefferson also said, “I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

More Jefferson? Give it a rest, Judge. For every Jefferson quote you can find that supports your Libertarian views, I can find one supporting Progressive views. Jefferson also said, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!! Of both cyber attacks and a White House powerful enough to stop them.

Some goofballs in other countries seem to support President Obama. Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

Annie get your gun!

Judge Nap should know better to pass on bullshit like this for many reasons. The Daily Caller is not a credible source of news and is the source of must Conspiracy Theories these days (if you discount Bully Boy Bolling). The Daily Caller is quoting Willie Brown, who admits he has no direct knowledge of such a conference call. The Daily Caller is referencing a conference call that included Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who President Obama disowned 4 years ago. Yet, a conference call implies that there were several, to many, participants and, if this were true, there would be more than one NON-participant who knows about it. Yet despite all these caveats, Judge Nap feels this is worth passing along to his brain-dead followers so he can connect the President to Reverend Wright all over again. Shameless scare-mongering! BE AFRAID! BE VERY AFRAID!!!

Preschool for very young children allows mothers to return to the work force. Of, would he prefer they apply for welfare?
If Judge Nap had one mantra this week, it was to blame President Obama for the attack in Benghazi, despite a lack of evidence and ongoing investigations. No sense letting facts get in the way if a story can be spun to smear the President.

The world is a dangerous place and President Obama is doing what’s necessary. However, at least he’s not starting any illegal wars, like the last guy.

Yet Mendacious Mitt keeps saying he’ll create 12 million jobs, while also saying the givernment doesn’t create jons. What’s up with that?

There were far more than 5 issues that one didn’t hear at any of the debates.

Judge Nap never comes right out and says he’s against the War on Drugs because that would make the Fox “News” viewers’ heads explode. However, knowing his Libertarian views, and that he passes along Photoshopped pics like this, one can easily guess his views on this topic.

Judge Nap loves to pass along poorly sourced stories, as long as they might smear President Obama.

Judge Nap came back to this issue over and over again all week long.

First of all: We don’t have a “government regulated and centrally planned economy.” Second: ‘Merka is still a capitalist country. Third: Just because something hasn’t worked previously doesn’t mean it can’t work.

The Judge Nap sitch-eee-ay-shun getting worse the more we learn about him.

Darrell Issa begins a new fishing expedition and Judge Nap is happy to see ‘Merkin tax dollars spent this way.

New Jersey? Will this put an end to Jersey Shore?

Oh the humanity!!!

“QUICK! How can I blame this on Obamacare?”

“QUICK! How can I blame this on Obamacare?”

“QUICK! How can I blame this on … Oh, wait!” One of those things that Judge Nap won’t admit is that religion and Libertarianism are diametrically opposed.

What bullshit. That’s why President Obama called him a bullshitter, and Judge Nap his happy to shovel Mendacious Mitt’s bullshit at his brain-dead followers.

All taxation is redistributive. The low taxes over the last decade for the top earners have not led to jobs, jobs, jobs, so that talking point is pure bullshit too. Nor will it necessarily lead to government dependence. Judge Nap shovels a lot.

What if we made truth matter again? Fox “News” would have to go out of business.

“QUICK! How many times can I blame this on President Obama?”

“QUCK! How many different ways can I blame this on President Obama.”

The TSA is the organization everybody loves to hate.

Lots of politicians float stupid ideas. Get back to us when the D.C. Council actually puts it up to a vote.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

Libertarian is not “Left.”

What does the NYPD use for Muslim bait? Somebody ask The Falafel King Bill O’Reilly.

HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! That’s historical hysterical.

Gas in ‘Merka has always been artificially low and Steven Chu recognizes that fact. One sentence taken out of context is not enough to use to smear President Obama, unless you are Judge Nap.

Try and stop him.

Then try and stop him.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

This was the Top Reich Wing Bullshit of the Week: The email merely quotes a facebook posting (and which was later deemed wrong) that a Al Qaeda-tied group had CLAIMED responsibility. I have noticed that a lot of people on facebook claim a lot of things. Should they all be taken seriously?

Then stop him, Judge Nap. Go ahead. I dare ya!!!

“QUICK! How can we blame confused email sent in the Fog of War on President Obama?”

“QUICK! I’m running out of ways to blame President Obama.”

TRANSLATION: I’ll be blaming President Obama for unconfirmed facebook postings.

TRANSLATION: I’ll give a one-sided report on these emails.

QUICK! I found a new way to blame President Obama, even though I don’t know what the truth is yet.”

WRONG!!! Let it be known that Judge Nap is not adverse to passing along information that turns out to be bogus.

Let’s give it to welfare recipients here at home.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

Which only adds to what Dubya built. Were you opposed to the Patriot Act, Judge Nap?

Are we taking bets? If so I say, “Never.”

TRANSLATION: “I just finished lying to Mike Huchabee.”

LOL If Ron Paul was so smart, how did he lose the nomination?

Enough of this guy already!

More of Wall Street should be held accountable. This is a good first step.

Don’t have a cow, man!


Forbes totally misrepresented what the President said, so naturally Judge Nap passes it along.

Judge Nap sent out a lot of these promotions during the week. Remember that Freedo,mWorks helped astroturf the nascent Teabaggers. Sharing a stage with dead beat Dad Joe Walsh is no honour, Judge Nap.

What the fuck does that even mean?

“QUICK! I found a new way to blame President Obama.”

Get out your hip waders. Judge Nap is shoveling more bullshit.

Gee thanks for that.

Hip waders time again.

“QUICK! How can I blame this on President Obama? He’s from Chicago, right?”

Judge Nap loves to pass on negative stories about the TSA, the organization everybody loves to hate.

Judge Nap keeps droning on about drones.

“QUICK! Who can we find to blame this on President Obama?”
If drones are bad for domestic police departments, why aren’t helicopters?

This is the biggest load of bullshit Judge Nap shoveled this week. Anything from Glenn Beck is automatically suspect, but Judge Nap has no problem passing it along to his gullible brain-dead followers.

Eminent Domain is just ‘Merkin Exceptionalism run amok.

You’ve got to be kidding?!?!?!

The Washington Free Beacon? You’ve got to be kidding.

Judge Nap has redesigned his moribund web site. Let him know what you think.

Note the picture. It’s used in a lot of stupid Right Wing and Libertarian memes, mostly by “Young Americans for Liberty,” a group that Judge Nap believes is share-worthy. Yet, there’s no reason that education should not be free and no excuse not to pay teachers more. These are not necessarily mutually exclusive ideas. Yet, there’s always enough money for war. What’s up with that?

The Federal Reserve is another one of Judge Nap’s hated institutions.


POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

Unless a Republican is in office. Then it’s considered treason. See: Dixie Chicks.

Where were you when Dubya was dragging the country into an illegal war in Iraq? Were you speaking out then, Judge Nap, or were you one of those who stood on the sidelines and kept your thoughts to yourself or, worse, egged the government on with jingoistic shouts of YEW! ESS! EH! YEW! ESS! EH! YEW! ESS! EH! YEW! ESS! EH! YEW! ESS! EH!

While Lee Atwater showed remorse on his deathbed, let’s never forgetAtwater is directly responsible for the likes of KKKarl Rove, whom your network keeps putting on the air without revealing he’s spending an estimated $300,000,000.00 to influence the 2012 election. In fact , one could even say that Atwater is responsible for Fox “News” and the way it lies to its audience. It’s truly ironic that you would pass this documentary on, Judge Nap.

If someone, somewhere, says something stupid, you can be sure that Judge Nap will pass it along to scare people.

I am a firm believer that the Constitution is a living document, otherwise Black folks would still be considered 3/5ths a human being. That’s what all those Amendments are about Judge.

POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

So, send all those jobs to China as it artificially protects its economy. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

For years Fox “News” told its brain-dead audience that the president couldn’t do much about high gas prices. But that was during Dubya’s administration. Now that there’s a Democrat (and a Black one at that) in the White House, Fox “News” has been clamoring for President Obama to do something — ANYTHING — about the high price of gas. And, now Judge Nap wants you to believe that President Obama has dome something to lower the price of gas in Ohio and will do the same in the other swing states to get reelected. This is why Judge Nap is just another Right Wing liar who will float any conspiracy theory if it will harm President Obama. Libertarian? Only when it suits him to claim so.

See? Right Wing Talking Points without any proof whatsoever, as long as he can score points against President Obama.

POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

Building and/or repairing crumbling infrastructure is not digging holes and filling them in.

I thought you were in favour of a free markets economy. Certainly you’re not making fun of this, are you?

If you really cared about national disgraces, you would not work for Fox “News,” which has been making shit up about Benghazi ever since it happened.

Don’t let Fox “News” tell you what to believe.

Yet, that has not slowed doen the pace of the crap you send out over facebook. What’s up with that?

I find it disgusting how Fox “News,” Judge Nap, and the rest of the Reich Wing have been politicizing the tragedy in Benghazi in order to attack President Obama. Furthermore, to use a parent’s grief to do so is beyond the pale, which means it’s business as usual for these MoFos. I’m willing to wait for the outcomes of the various investigations currently underway before I blame anyone, clearly Judge Nap made up his mind a long time ago based on Fox “News” slanted reporting.

Judge Nap sure likes to pass along quotes of long-since dead people.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

While I am only using one, Judge Nap sent out several pictures of these bodies being returned to U.S. soil. It’s too bad that he didn’t consider how politicizing these events in Benghazi dishonours the memory of these brave Americans.

More politicizing from Judge Nap.

Oh look! It’s that same picture again used once again to make young Liberals look stupid all over again.

More politicizing of the deaths in Benghazi. Judge Nap, you should be ashamed of yourself.

More politicizing of the deaths in Benghazi. Judge Nap, you should be ashamed of yourself.

But, Judge Nap has no shame, as he proves by speaking in front of a FreedomWorks seminar.

Here’s his full speech for FreedomWorks, if you have the stomach for it. I wonder how much they paid him.

POLICE STATE!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!! More empty slogans for the empty-headed followers.

That’s it for this week. While I culled out most of the duplicates, that still left a lot to comment on. I may be sorry I ever decided take on Judge Nap’s idiocy. However, be sure to join us next Saturday for another exciting episode of Judge Not.

Judge Not ► Chapter One ► Here Come The Judge

I want you!
To buy my conspiracy theories!

Welcome to the inaugural post of a brand new series for the Aunty Em Ericann Blog. Judge Not is a weekly series appearing (hopefully) every Saturday, which explores the fascinating mind of Judge Andrew Paolo Napolitano, the Fox “News” Senior Judicial Analyst, who is not very judicious. 

Judge Nap, as he is affectionately called, not only appears on the Fox “News” Channel, but also on sister station Fox Business Network, that no one ever watches. Judge Nap puts a Libertarian anti-government spin on the regular Fox “News” anti-Obama spin. As he claims on his own web site, written in the 3rd person as if he never met himself:

He is nationally known for watching and reporting on the government as it takes liberty and property.

I would argue that he is more well-known for his braying laugh that comes off as a cross between a horny donkey and a stampeding elephant, which is quite an apt description for the Libertarian he plays on tee vee.

Oddly enough for someone who pretends to care about people’s rights, when Judge Nap was at Princeton University he was one of the founders of Concerned Alumni of Princeton in 1972. The WikiWackyWoo has more:

The primary motivation behind CAP was to limit the number of women admitted to the university. CAP also opposed affirmative action designed to increase minority attendance at the Ivy League institution. CAP also exhibited strong support for Princeton’s eating clubs, which were male-only at the time.

The existence of the organization attracted wide notice in January 2006 during the nomination of Samuel Alito, who was a former CAP member, to the Supreme Court of the United States, as Alito included his membership in the organization on a job application to work in the Reagan administration in 1985. No mention of Alito has been found in CAP files, apart from his own written 1985 statement of membership. Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano was a founding member. Former Senator Bill Bradley, a liberal Democrat, was a member until 1973, when he resigned because of the tone of the organization’s magazine, Prospect. Republican Senator Bill Frist, at the time a recent Princeton alumnus, contributed to a report that labeled the organization as far-right and extremist.

As Judge Nap’s own Wiki entry reminds us: Napolitano has called himself the “Ayn Rand of Fox News” and has also promoted the works of Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and Ludwig von Mises on his program.

However, for our purposes, Judge Nap sends out a ton of crap over facebook. When I started collecting screen caps for my Fox “News” Spin Cycle series, I was amazed at the sheer number of things Judge Nap was sending out. He’s a lot like your crazy uncle who sends out all those cat pictures, except The Napster sends out Libertarian memes and wacky conspiracy theories, most often outsourced from Austin Petersen and/or the Ludwig von Mises Institute. That’s why I decided to spin Judge Nap off into a separate series. Let’s get right to it.

But first, an important word from Sammy Davis, Jr.:

Judge Nap spouts off against the stimulus quite often. However honest economists (which would be no one at the Ludwig von Mises Institute) say stimulus money kept the country from sinking into a much deeper depression. That 1900 people are being investigated is less an indictment against the government and/or stimulus than against a corrupt society.

Americans for Prosperity was founded by two Kochsuckers, David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch of Koch Industries. What more do you need to know? Personally, I’d like to know whether AFP pays Judge Nap to speak at these rallies and, if so, just how much.

Ayn Rand appeals to the selfish teenager and those who never grew up emotionally. It’s a proven fact, just like Fox “News” facts.

Oh, I get it. They’re both exactly the same so vote for the Libertarian spoiler Gary Johnston. Yet, they are not the same unless one lives in cartoon land.

Judge Nap is fond of quoting Ludwig von Mises and/or his Institute. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics has a biography of von Mises. What jumped out was:

Mises’s ideas—on economic reasoning and on economic
policy—were out of fashion during the Keynesian revolution that took
over American economic thinking from the mid-1930s to the 1960s. Mises’s
upset at the Keynesian revolution and at Hitler’s earlier destruction
of his homeland made Mises bitter from the late 1940s on. The contrast
between his early view of himself as a mainstream member of his
profession and his later view of himself as an outcast shows up starkly
in The Theory of Money and Credit. The first section, written in 1912, is calmly argued; the last section, added in the 1940s, is strident.

Ludwig von Mises counted Ayn Rand among his friends and contributed articles to the journal of the John Birch Society, as well as serving as a member of its Editorial Advisory Board..

HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! Ain’t that a knee-slapper? I’d much rather see pictures of cats, truth be told.

When Citizens for a Sound Economy split off into two organizations, one was Americans for Prosperity (mentioned above) and the other was the Dick Armey organized FreedomWorks, which helped spawn and supported the nascent Tea Party. On a side note: A Dick Armey sounds like the shock troops for The Gay Agenda. Maybe that’s why people call them Teabaggers.

What you’re not being told is the “rants” included threats of violence. Judge Nap wants you to think the government is cracking down on people’s rights of Free Speech.

Is there any one who really thinks that U.S. Customs should not be searching people entering the country under certain circumstances? However, Judge Nap wants you to equate this with TSA agents at airports, but these are totally separate issues, no matter how one feels about the TSA.

Every liar on the right wants you to believe that President Obama is coming for your guns. (See: NRA.) And, whatever you do, don’t tell Glenn Beck that the government is coming for his gold.

This is just another of Judge Nap’s reports trying to convince the brain-dead Fox “News” audience that the government wants to lock everybody up and throw away the key, or something. It’s so hard to keep track.

Fox “News” has been trying to create a Catch 22 for President Obama. If he attacks in Libya it’s all an election ploy. If he doesn’t attack he’s weak and will be apologizing to the terrorists before the election. Either way Fox “News” wins. Media Matters has more.

When did the government spending money on infrastructure become evil? Aside from the fact that ‘Merkin infrastructure is crumbling before our eyes, you would think that even Right Wing business owners would want infrastructure maintenance since they might be able to get some of those hefty government contracts. Or have we privatized that too?

Remember when the Right Wing went nuts over using children in politics? I guess Libertarians do not have the same revulsion.

Note how Judge Nap doesn’t explain he’s talking about Medical Marijuana. One area in which I agree with Judge Nap is that he supports the decriminalization of marijuana. Yet, you’ll never hear him say that because it would make the Fox “News” audience’s collective head explode. That’s why he never comes out and explicitly says this and quotes others, while he dances around the topic.

If he’s against drone planes for police departments then he also has to be against police helicopters, right?
Fox “News” has bought the entire GOP, but you’ll never hear Judhe Nap admit that either.

However, Judge Nap is also against government regulation, which includes the Food and Drug Administration. Which is it?

Note there is no law in effect. Judge Nap just wants you to be afraid that the government is taking away your rights yesterday.

Okay, there’s another area in which I agree with Judge Nap. Florida’s newest policy is odious.

If only Mendacious Mitt had followed the rules for the debate that he negotiated he wouldn’t have screwed up so badly on Benghazi.

Judge Nap plays along with the Fox “News” meme that any spending to improve electric cars is wasted. Therefore, let’s keep drilling for oil, which is not a renewable resource, and which fouls the environment in two ways: 1). When there’s a catastrophe like the BP oil blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico; 2). The internal combustion engine pollutes the air.

This is how Judge Nap slyly shows his support for the issue of Medical Marijuana and decriminalization.

Judge Nap wants you to be afraid of the government, so he won’t add to this message that this is ONLY for those who are breaking the law and trading with Iran, in opposition to the severe sanctions imposed by ‘Merka.

Sure, a wooden Bender has so much to teach us.

The people are also entitled to a so-called “news” station that doesn’t lie. Oh well, you can’t have everything.

What would you do, Judge?

Armed posses? What could possibly go wrong?

Judge Nap likens Social Security to a Ponzi scheme. In the same light all of Wall Street is a Ponzi scheme as people get rich just by moving paper around in a big circle jerk.

This is the clearest statement that Fox “News” is building a Catch 22 for President Obama.

A government small enough to be drowned in a bathtub is no good for anybody.

Teleprompter jokes are so old, especially from someone who works in a newsroom and relies on a teleprompter.

From the Wiki:

Milton Friedman considered Mises inflexible in his thinking:

The story I remember best happened at the initial Mont Pelerin
meeting when he got up and said, “You’re all a bunch of socialists.” We
were discussing the distribution of income, and whether you should have
progressive income taxes. Some of the people there were expressing the
view that there could be a justification for it.

Another occasion which is equally telling: Fritz Machlup was a
student of Mises’s, one of his most faithful disciples. At one of the
Mont Pelerin meetings, Machlup gave a talk in which I think he
questioned the idea of a gold standard; he came out in favor of floating
exchange rates. Mises was so mad he wouldn’t speak to Machlup for three
years. Some people had to come around and bring them together again.
It’s hard to understand; you can get some understanding of it by taking
into account how people like Mises were persecuted in their lives.

Here we go again!

This is a total misreading of the statistics. While there is a small disparity, it’s less than in the worforce overall. However, to get to the statistics quoted they do not account for the fact that they are comparing apples to oranges, totgally different jons within the administration.

HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! While I saw this meme passed around facebook a lot, I think it’s really beneath Judge Nap, who wants people to take him seriously.

People have died, and hundreds are sick, but Judge Nap wants you to believe that the FBI, which acts independently from the White House and has no political affiliation, has only raided the pharmacy as a “political election year stunt.”

The GOP built that.

Judge Nap sent this out so many times. He really must want people to believe it. Does this mean that George “Dubya” Bush was responsible to the attack on 9/11?

Here are more instances where Judge Nap is trying to convince through repetition.

Regardless of what one thinks about the (alleged) terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, one has to admit he sure knows how to get the Wing Nuts at Fox “News” apoplectic.


And he’ll keep repeating it until everybody in ‘Merka agrees with him.

And repeating it.

“Value-free foreign policy”??? What the hell does that even mean, except as a different way of saying “Obama is responsible for the mess in Libya”???

The unsullied combination of YouTubery and AssHaterry.

Because electric cars are bad since Big Business has yet to find a way to own all electricity.

This is amusing coming from a former judge. Regardless of what one may think about this case, Ms Plante was ordered jailed for refusing to cooperate with a Grand Jury in the Northwest. The Grand Jury system sucks, but it is a part of the Constitutionally sanctioned Judiciary. What do you think about that Constitution now, Judge Nap?

Finding new ways of repeating the same thought.

Trying many ways of saying the same thing.

Judge Nap and Fox “News” wants you to believe he told the Town Hall participant something different than the ‘Merkin public. However, he merely clarified his statement.

I wonder if Judge Nap was blaming Dubya for the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and was calling the illegal War in Iraq a political ploy.

Yet, the whole Fox “News” constructed case for a cover-up continues to unravel.

This seems to make the case for a retaliatory attack in Libya, but hasn’t Judge Nap already condemned that as election yearpolitics?

Libertarians and the Right Wing want it both ways. They argue for “due process” except when it comes to those locked up in Gitmo. Then it’s “lock ’em up and throw away the key.” When President Obama wanted to shift those trials to NYC the Right Wing, aided by Fox “News,” went ape shit. Yet, that would have been “due process.”

More from the WikiWackyWoo:

Within the post-WWII mainstream economics establishment, Mises suffered
severe personal rejection: for example, in a 1957 review of his book The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, The Economist
said of von Mises: “Professor von Mises has a splendid analytical mind
and an admirable passion for liberty; but as a student of human nature he is worse than null and as a debater he is of Hyde Park standard.” Conservative commentator Whittaker Chambers published a similarly negative review of that book in the National Review,
stating that Mises’s thesis that anti-capitalist sentiment was rooted
in “envy” epitomized “know-nothing conservatism” at its
“know-nothingest.” Economic historian Bruce Caldwell writes that in the mid-20th century, with the ascendance of positivism and Keynesianism, Mises came to be perceived by many as the “archetypal ‘unscientific’ economist.”

One of the best ways Fox “News” has found to denigrate President Obama is to take his words out of context.

Another attack on “green energy” because Big Business has yet to find a way to own the sun and wind.

What Judge Nap and his ilk will never tell you: ALL taxes are redistributive, whether it’s a progressive tax or a flat tax.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!

By only telling part of the story, the Right Wing is trying to indict President Obama for the attack in Libya. Yet, even this reading of the Fox “News” sponsored story has been unraveling right on Fox “News” and everything.

If he’s refused to uphold his oath to the Constitution it should be a simple matter of impeaching him then, right?

If it’s just a matter of interpretation, you know Judge Nap and Fox “News” will always take the side that hurts President Obama the most. If that doesn’t work, they’ll just re-edit the video, which they’ve started doing today on Fox “News” Sunday. In the trade that’s called “pulling a bretbart.” This only became an issue because Mendacious Mitt walked into Fox “News” created Benghazi wall in the 2nd debate and Fox “News” has been trying to WHITEwash his screw-up ever since. However, if Mittens was so right, then why has he dropped all mention of Libya from his stump speech?

Drill here. Drill now. Drill in National Parks. Drill in Central Park. Screw the environment.

Libertarian catch-phrases all.

Was he this vocal during the Dubya administration when these policies were put in place? Or is it only a problem now that there’s a Democrat in the Oval Office?

It’s beginning to look like Judge Nap will repeat any bullshit, as long as it comes from the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Yeah, that’s the WHOLE reason, Judge Nap. It’s all President Obama’s fault and has nothing to do with the instability that “our former ally Col. Gadhafi” [sic] wrought. Oh, fer fuck’s sake!!! Give your head a shake, Judge.

The TSA is the agency everyoen loves to hate.

Right, because we all know how progressive police departments are, right Judge Nap?

Would Judge Nap have been sending this cartoon out during 2006 or would he have just kept quiet to cover for a duplicious Dubya?

Is Judge Nap advocating breaking the law?

Another thing which distinguishes countries is whether there are propaganda outlets disguised as so-called “news” stations prepared to support a single political party against the truth. C’mon down Fox “News.”

What if ‘Merka had Universal Health Care like so many other countries? That’s what President Obama wanted to do, but was forced to compromise so now the ‘Merkin system is a hybrid of Single Payer and Insurance Company profiteering. Well done, GOP!!!

Because going to war to preserve ‘Merkin self-respect has worked so well in the past.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. More empty slogans.

When this secret system was being crafted by Dubya, did you complain then?

When sidewalk sitting is outlawed, only outlaws will sit on sidewalks.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

We get it: The Federal Reserve is evil.

And Jefferson knew a lot about tyranny because he was a slave owner.

Hours later this report was deemed false. However, who put the story out in the first place? BTW: Dick “Toe Sucker” Mossis has never been right about anything, so you look like an idiot passing along anything he says, Judge Nap. Besides, it’s a universally known truism: Never trust a man who wears a bad toupee.

And yet Dubya welcome international monitors at ‘Merkin polling places during previous election cycles.

Told ya so!!!

Drones are no different than helicopters as a police crime-fighting tool. If you are against one, you must be against both.

I don’t even know what to make of this. A non-documentary Hollywood movie that purports to tell the truth about 9/11 trutherism? It almost sounds like a bad joke.

Yet, every 4 years there’s still an election when people can turf out the government. Personally I prefer the Parliamentary system where a government can be turfed by a vote of non-confidence.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. More empty slogans.

That’s it, that’s all for the first exciting chapter of Judge Not. Join us every week when we explore the uncensored Id of Judge Nap and make fun of his Libertarian leanings, which only seem to attack President Obama. Now everybody D A N C E to what many people consider the very first Rap tune: