100% true. Just ask him. He’s lying if he denies it. Here are the proofs.
began in April, 2012. It was started only after he posted details of my sex life on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog (later redacted). I wrote for NewsHounds at the time — motto: “We watch Fox so you don’t have to” — under the nom de plume of Aunty Em Ericann. Because Johnny Dollar is a Fox “News” defender (let that sink in for a sec), he thought the very best way to defend Fox “News” against FAIR CRITICISM was to publish details of my alternative lifestyle.Had it ended there, this would be a short story. However, since 4/2012 I have collected enough new material for an entire book. Publishers: Contact me. I’m turning this into a situation comedy or a Gothic horror movie. It works both ways.
The Johnny Dollar Wars
Chapter One
This is a very good place for truth-seekers to start. While this was the last chapter written (so far), it describes the multi-year arc of The Johnny Dollar Wars, which began long before I came along.
Chapter Two
When it was learned that Fox “News” paid opposition agents to attack those who criticized it in the blogosphere, it became an open question whether Mark Koldys was a paid troll, or whether he was just freelancing when he outed my sex life.
Chapter Three
After pondering whether Fox “News” paid him, it was hardly a leap to consider whether Fox “News” supports Johnny Dollar’s tactics of outing a person’s sex life in order to defend Fox “News” over a political difference of opinion. Whether it was done for pay, or because it seemed like a good idea, hardly matters. It is despicable and Mark Koldys now wants to pretend it never happened. Yet, it did.
Join in on the fun! The Johnny Dollar Depreciation Society is your place for the daily antics of The Flying Monkey Squad.
Chapter Four
Anyone who would reveal a person’s sex life to try to destroy the messenger is a very DANGEROUS PERSON. No longer about defending Fox “News” on a shitty blog, when Mark Koldys published details of my alternative lifestyle, he began the politics of personal destruction that sparked this crazy feud. For my part: I have merely continued to document the truth about these crazy, obsessive, malevolent Mofos — as it happened — in order to reveal them to the world as the dangerous scumbags they are. I consider it a public service. YMMV
Chapter Five
No discussion of Koldys’ Kiddie Klan would be complete without a look at his henchmen: Grayhammy and The Flying Monkey Squad. [Geddit? AUNTY EM!!! AUNTY EM!!!] There used to be an entire hornet’s nest of Johnny Dollar sycophants, who attacked any and all perceived enemies of Fox “News” and/or Mark Koldys. Sadly, for the reunion meetings, most have dropped out, one by one, until only the most perniciously malignant — or crazily obsessed — remains. Ashley Graham has anointed himself Johnny Dollar’s defender, using the exact same exact tactics as Mark Koldys uses to defend the Fox “News” Channel: lies, smears, and innuendo.
My sex life was a CABLE NEWS TRUTH? |
IRONY ALERT: Of course, there would be no reason to defend Johnny Dollar had Mark Koldys not conspired with Ashley Graham to reveal my sex life on
his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog. Grayhammy wrote, and Mark Koldys published, the post that attempted to destroy me over a difference of political opinion. Nowadays Grayhammy and Johnny Dollar pretend to be my victims. This after publicly attacking me for my victimization. Hypocrite much? Especially after just last week — more than 2 years after he first did so — Ashley
Graham used 12-year old references to my sex life in an attempt to smear me again. To defend Johnny
Dollar again. See? It’s the CABLE NEWS TRUTH vast circle of life.
This is what passes for clever political debate by The Flying Monkey Squad. That’s why they had to expose my sex life. They have no valid arguments. |
Chapter Six
I can be kind of slow on the uptake sometimes. It didn’t occur to me that what I had been undergoing at the hands of The Flying Monkey Squad was a non-stop, relentless campaign of cyber-bullying until I read the sad story of Rebecca Sedwick, who killed herself after concentrated cyber-bullying by “a coterie of 15 middle school” classmates. It was the references to “coterie” and “middle school” that made the light bulb go off. DING! DING! DING! While Ashley Graham’s written attacks are so Jr. High School, it’s in his refrigerator art where he really shows his true emotional age. However, better this than another Columbine. Am I right?
More proof nothing gets by Ashley Graham’s crazily, obsessive cyber-sleuthing. He discovered Aunty Em’s secret identity and my sex life. This picture appeared in the Miami Herald when the paper mentioned my campaign to Save the E.W.F. Stirrup House. That’s when my beard started undergoing Twitter attacks, which was then echoed by Fox “News” Chief Washington Correspondent James Rosen, as opposed to a denial, after I proved a passage in his book on John Mitchell was a lie. |
Of course this will continue. That’s because The Flying Monkey Squad is far too stupid to just let it drop. They have already hinted they know my birth name, which leads them to my friends and my family on social media. Nothing that happens anywhere on the innertubes gets past the cyber-sleuth Ashley Graham. Just last week, after I wrote about how Pop’s declining health was beginning to weigh on me, Grayhammy started a new barrage of attacks. Like any schoolyard bully, he attacks when he senses weakness.
Meanwhile there are several more chapters — and dozens of crazy tweets — which illustrate The Johnny Dollar Wars. However, just like I’ve run out of steam finishing this post, I couldn’t even bother to give some of them names:
• Johnny Dollar ► Hypocrite ► UPDATED! • Is Johnny Dollar The World’s Biggest Hypocrite? • The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day ► One Year Anniversary • The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day ► The gretchen carlson Edition • The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • And, many more . . .
When will it end? Stay tuned CABLE NEWS TRUTHERS. But first, a word from our sponsor:
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