In order to best celebrate Dean Stockwell‘s 78th birthday, let’s take some look at Headlines Du Jour of yesteryear:
- 1616 – Nicolaus Copernicus‘s book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium is banned by the Catholic Church
- 1770 – Boston Massacre: Five Americans, including Crispus Attucks, and a boy, are killed by British troops in an event that would contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War
(also known as the American War of Independence) five years later. At a
subsequent trial the soldiers are defended by future U.S. president John Adams. - 1836 – Samuel Colt patents the first production-model revolver, the .34-caliber.
- 1912 – Italian forces are the first to use airships for military purposes, employing them for reconnaissance behind Turkish lines.
- 1933 – Adolf Hitler‘s Nazi Party receives 43.9% at the Reichstag elections. This later allows the Nazis to pass the Enabling Act and establish a dictatorship.
- 1946 – Winston Churchill coins the phrase “Iron Curtain” in his speech at Westminster College, Missouri.
- 1960 – Cuban photographer Alberto Korda takes his iconic photograph of Marxist revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
- 1974 – Yom Kippur War: Israeli forces withdraw from the west bank of the Suez Canal.
- 1979 – America’s Voyager 1 spacecraft has its closest approach to Jupiter, 172,000 miles.
Let’s get right to today’s Headlines Du Jour:
Texas Republican official: Founding fathers would never allow ‘sodomites’ to marry
Opportunity for Democrats:
68% Think the Republican
Party is Out of Touch
Lindsey Graham Spends His Tuesday On Twitter Blaming Everything On Benghazi
KKK flag draws
criticism in West Boca
Sears worker fired after racial exchange with customer
63 Black Harvard Students Share Their
Experiences In A Powerful Photo Project
Pat Robertson on marrying first cousins: ‘Go for it,’ but don’t have ‘mongoloid’ kids
Kentucky Church: Come
to Jesus, Get a Free Gun
This Is What A Legitimate
Religious Liberty Claim Looks Like
Opening up Cuba: Is it
time to end the embargo?
Popular New Marijuana Product
Called ‘Wax’ Is Now the Target
of Govt. Drug Panic Propaganda
Watch The ‘First Ever’ Marijuana Commercial To Air On Major Television Stations
Top News Corp. Executive Admits
Unethical Behavior In Third
Month Of Phone Hacking Trial
A Successor to Sagan
Reboots ‘Cosmos’
Latest Government Documents Leaked By Edward Snowden Include Secret Pictures Of UFOs
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