The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode 24
Bizarro is owned by DC Comics

This SPECIAL ELECTION EDITION of the Fox “News” Spin Cycle is being compiled the day prior to the election. It’s been an intense several months. The closer we got to the election, the faster the so-called “news” network has had to spin in order to WHITEwash for Mendacious Mitt.

It was a week in which there was a national disaster of historic proportions. However, if you were watching Fox “News,” you could almost be forgiven for not knowing about it. That’s because the network spent so much more of its airtime trashing President Obama for conspiracy theories it has invented about Benghazi. That is, until they could figure out the right way to blame President Obama for the hurricane. As a new week begins, that’s just what they have done.

About that election tomorrow. Media Matters put together a little infographic that highlights why Fox “News” is not “Fair and Balanced.” Never has been. Never will be. This is the context for everything that follows.

Media Matters for America infographic. Fox “News” made them a sworn enemy. What better recommendation is there?

Any week that starts with a little cheesecake is a good week.

Hurricanes do not make a good week. Unless you can blame them on President Obama.

My morning cheesecake.

Here in Florida we have several hurricane alerts every year. You people have no idea what’s coming.

Why? Since you rule out “Climate Change” as a credible answer I’ll have to choose “Dragons.” What do I win?

No one ever would have thought of that on their own. It’s a good thing Scammity’s here for us all.

Just more made up bullshit that didn’t come to pass. However, they got a couple of days service out of this lie.

Here’s the other lie Fox “News” fed all week. I’ll wait until the several investigations are finished before I point the finger.

You people!

All week Mendacious Mitt pretended he had momentum. All week Fox “News” let him.

By week’s end, Fox “News” had figured out a way to blame the hurricane on President Obama. This was early in the week.

Fox “News” managed to get through the entire election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012 election cycle.
Let me repeat: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012 election cycle. Rob Portman? He’s another partisan.

These last 3 messages from KKKarl Rove came within minutes of each other. I suspect that means he knows Mendacious Mitt is losing. NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012 election cycle.

This next one was a few hours later. I think it’s Rove’s Turnout Model that will turn out to be wrong. See what I did there? NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire
election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is
spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012
election cycle.

That’s what KKKarl Rove needs you to believe. NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire
election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is
spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012
election cycle.

NEVER FORGET: Fox “News” managed to get through the entire
election cycle without having to reveal the fact that KKKarl Rove is
spending an estimated $300,000,000 dollars to influence the 2012
election cycle.

Still playing down the middle, but by week’s end they found a way to blame the hurricane on President Obama.

Storm politics? Benghazi? Storms in Benghazi?

Morning Joe happened to be right, but Fox “News” felt the need to repost a snarky article about Morning Joe.

Nothing was mentioned about Republican dirty tricks. Why was that?

Because showing President Obama’s competence was an OUTRAGE! An outrage, I tells ya!!!

TRANSLATION: “C’mon media. We made up all this great shit and don’t want to be hanging out here by ourselves.”

Because even a bullshit quiz is to be used as propaganda.

By the end of the week Fox “News” owner Rupert the Murdock had found a way to get Governor Christie to kiss his ring.

See how Fox “News” was trying to draw a false equivalency? The truth is President Obama stayed off the election trail two days longer than Mendacious Mitt. And, he didn’t buy $5,000 worth of groceries to prime the pump at a bullshit Relief Rally.


Hoo boy!!!

KKKarl Rove has a one-track mind. He is still trying to push the fiction that Mendacious Mitt has momentum. He doesn’t. That’s all fell apart by week’s end and revealed to be a sham. You’ll never hear about that on Fox “News.” Rove also knows that Fox “News” will never tell reveal his MASSIVE conflict of interest in spending $300,000,000 to influence the 2012 election cycle. He’s safe, until the voter fraud lawsuits start. I expect to see him front and center in some of those trials.

Everybody is concerned about Hurricane Sandy, except KKKarl Rove, who is empty inside.

I’d pay to see Bully Boy Bolling bathe in tapioca pudding. How about you?

You would need to pass a bill by Congress because election day is proscribed by the Constitution, Wretched Gretched.

This is when the Fox “News” coverage started to turn, and we began to hear criticism of President Obama.

How’s this for nepotism? American Crossroads is one of KKKarl Rove’s two SuperPACs, which are spending an estimated $300,000,000 to influence the 2012 election — and that doesn’t include the “in kind” donations every time KKKarl Rove appears on Fox “News” and they play one of American Crossroad’s adverts without mentioning Roves HUMONGOUS conflict of interest.

It didn’t matter what the polls showed, KKKarl Rove had a scenario he was selling.

This guarantees President Obama will win because Dick “Toe Sucker” Morris has never been right about anything.

Oh my! My rep appears to have had words with an overly officious cop and Fox “News” wants you to believe it was an “altercation.”
By mid-week this graphic had been deleted and restored at facebook. Being restored doesn’t make it any truer.

More Benghazi Bullshit from Bully Boy Bolling.

There was no Sandy aftermath to speak of. It was all about Benghazi.

Another Loofah Lad media bun fight?

I doubt he will be running in 2016.

TRANSLATION: “I’ll be pretending Mendacious Mitt is still going to win, but I’m dying inside.

What consulate could?

And so it begins. Blame Obama for Hurricane Sandy begins.

Would you be at all surprised to find out that after spending an estimated $300,000,000 to influence this election cycle, KKKarl Rove is willing to call it for Mendacious Mitt?

All the good chair jokes have been done to death.

I have never seen Fox “News” pass along a President Obama advert. Why is that?

That’s what they WANT you to believe.

That’s what they WANT you to believe.

That’s what they WANT you to believe.

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

“QUICK! How can we blame Sarah Palin on President Obama?”

Because it was easier than making it out of Hurricane Sandy debris.

The Falafel King never passes along all those HIGH-LARRY-US jokes made about Mendacious Mitt. What’s up with that?

More free advertising for the Mendacious Mitt Out-Of-Context-Faux-Outrage Machine.

By mid week, KKKarl Rove is grasping at straws because he sees his $300,000,000 spent from his two SuperPACs going down the drain as Mendacious Mitt’s poll numbers start to tank mid-week. Rove is trying to put then best face on it.

“Stand and deliver for conservative values” from a Fox “News” personality just proves it is not a “Fair and Balanced.” Never has been. Never will be.

Because they can make shit up just as easily as Fox “News” can. Stay tuned.

However, this is how the above comment appeared on my wall, attached to this pic from Republican Hate Fear Lies and Distortion, via American Women United. McCain is a hypocrite and a sore loser.

How many free commercials will Fox “News” be able to Give Mendacious Mitt? That all ends on Wednesday.

Thanks for the warning.

Fox and Friends First jump on the bandwagon.

The day after NYC Mayor Bloomberg endorsed President Obama, Fox “News” found a way to attack him.


And it will be all Bully Boy Bullshit.

And so it goes. The full bore Blame Obama cycle begins.

Near the end of the week Loofah Lad outdid himself with letting his id say stupid racist shit that he’s been holding back. This was worse than his restaurant review of a few years back. Then he backs off and says that he has to answer the tough questions.

“QUICK! How can we made this sound bad for President Obama?”

Bloomberg was being foolish to think that NYC should have still run the marathon. However, Fox “News” crucified him over it because Bloomberg endorsed President Obama, so this is a two-fer.

World mocks Markris lawsuit.

This is the most poorly sourced story Fox “News” passed along this week. Somebody, who knew somebody, who was told by somebody, who told The Daily Caller that President Obama MAY have had a 2.6 GPA, but didn’t know for sure.

I already wrote about this in Chow Mein and Bolling, but it;s always instructive to see how proud Bully Boy Bolling is over his bullshit.
“QUICK! We found a way to blame this on President Obama.”

I like seeing pampered punks like Steve Doocy whine about being cold when people have died in this hurricane. Certainly he knew that, right? That people have died? So his snide little Prius/Katrina/FEMA joke isn’t the least bit funny. And his minor inconvenience at being cold is hardly worth mentioning, right Doocy, you little pampered little punk? Even Brian Kilmeade, whose entire 1st floor was destroyed by flooding, had it worse than you did, Doocy. Did you have to put on a few extra sweaters?

“QUCK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”

If this election is stolen, it will be in Ohio. Since Fox “News” knows that, it is deflection your attention to this.

I want to see these guys throw punches next time. Put it on Pay Per View and you could retire the debt.

TRANSLATION: They show Mendacious Mitt ahead. If they showed President Obama ahead, we would have said they were skewed.

By Friday Fox “News” had found a way to take a word out of context and smear the president with it. Then Mendacious Mitt was able to pick up on it. By the end of the week President Obama was being painted as an Angry Black Man.

Why I oughta!!!

Now retailing the “Obama Phone” lie that’s already been debunked.

Hoo boy!!!

TRANSLATION: It’s early in the day. Tell us what to think.

TRANSLATION: It’s late in the day. We’ll tell you what to think.

Would you be surprised to discover he’s not so much for Mendacious Mitt, but against President Obama?

Would you be surprised to discover they’re not so much for Mendacious Mitt, but against President Obama?

You should have left the headline at the end of “swing.”

Now look what asshole has been inconvenienced by a natural disaster that’s affected millions of other people.

If we can’t blame him for the hurricane, we still have these lies.

We’ll ignore the help that was sent, to continue this lie.

And, just like that, Mendacious Mitt had his closing argument: President Obama is an Angry Black Man and only Mittens loves his country.

ANother Joe Biden gaffe.

“QUICK! How can we blame Governor Christie after he almost licked the back of President Obama’s hand?

A rare double, reverse dog whistle: Progressives will just find this funny. Racists will find it confirms their stereo-types.

Rove must be getting ready to sell his mailing lists and wants to pad them out a bit before Wednesday, when they might be worthless.

It took almost no time at all to turn this into a tee vee commercial to smear President Obama with another out-of-context quote.

As I keep explaining to people: That’s not voter fraud. That’s voter registration fraud. Adolph Hitler is not going to show up to vote. Either is Mickey Mouse or Popeye. However all those names get written down on voter registration forms.

And, now a word from our sponsor: It’s a national movement, according to Mendacious Mitt.

I hear a dog whistle.

They’re really hypnotizing Joe Trippi.

Wait!!! What??? Tunisia???

Sunday? Isn’t 5 days a week of your Bully Boy Bullshit enough?

HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! Another Joe Biden gaffe.

Remember the Sainted Reagan?

And, now a word from our sponsor, which is me . . .

Fox “News” tried hard to smear Elizabeth Warren this election cycle. Here’s its last attempt.

And how many have gone to President Obama?

And, by the end of the week, Governor Chris Christie kissed Rupert Murdock’s ring, because Rupie warned him a Mendacious Mitt loss would be blamed on him.
The weekend ended with Fox “News” promoting its election night coverage. It will be a fun night watching the Fox “News” sponsored GOP fall to defeat tomorrow night.

Tomorrow’s the election. Make sure you get out to vote, especially if you are voting for President Obama.

About Headly Westerfield

Calling himself “A liberally progressive, sarcastically cynical, iconoclastic polymath,” Headly Westerfield has been a professional writer all his adult life.