Tag Archives: cyber-rape

The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

Johnny Dollar/Mark Koldys – Scumbag – Supreme Hypocrite

National Trufax has been scouring the internets for the best in Mark Koldys sheer-buffoonery.  Snagged a good one today.  Johnny Dollar tweeted out the following criticism of Martin Bashir.

That’s the very same argument he used when he cyber-raped me by publishing details of my sex life on his blog.  I was asking for it.  Ain’t that rich?  Here’s what he said after he edited out the portion about my sex life, even as he defends doing it:

He realized he went too far, even if he could justify doing it legally.  Had those comments remained, he knew he never would have survived the shit storm. So he edited them into oblivion, but I have screen captures which will be shown in the proper forum,unless he makes good on his threat in the above.

For those who have NOT been following this saga, a quick recap: Because I wrote for NewsHounds, Johnny Dollar published a lie-filled smear about me that was made bullet proof with question marks (Cavuto Marks) by ex-lawyer Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar.  Here’s how Cavuto Marks work: Why is Mark Koldys a former lawyer?  Were there investigations leading up to that?  Were all his clients files protected?  Has anyone filed protective orders against him?  And, most important of all: Did all his clients die of natural causes?

My sex life was revealed online because I wrote for NewsHounds and NewsHounds must be destroyed.  So Johnny Dollar had my nom de plume investigated by GrayHammy, who did all the legwork and the writing.  But make no mistake: This had to be a Mark Koldys/Johnny Dollar production, otherwise why would he post it, edit it, and continue to defend it to this day? He can’t distance himself from it in any way now. 
Here’s the topic of discussion for the comment thread: Is Mark Koldys the sleaziest ex-lawyer in Michigan or is he, like “some people say,” the sleaziest lawyer in the world?  Discuss.

The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

As I get used to my new Blog Digs, I discovered these stat buttons. I was shocked to find my most loyal readers, as a group, were #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive from the Johnny Dollar sewer.  I couldn’t feel more honoured and so, to give back I am launching the Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day, an occasional feature.

Today’s comment is a screen capture of an exchange today from the J$ sewer. As I precdicted on Twitter as soon as the edit in question was made, they would eventually deny it was ever there.  Here’s the game now: To either get me to post what they edited, exposing myself, or for Mark Koldys to reinstate it himself.  He’s threatened to do so already.  Now they are using my sex life as blackmail against me in order to silence me.  And, if he reprints it as threatened, you just know he will blame me, just as I have already been blamed for GrayHammy’s despicable post because of some shit that happened on a blog I never heard of with people I don’t know.

If you see a Mark Koldys comment you think worthy of posterity, don’t hesitate to bring it to my attention. We are here to memorialize the most duplicitous blogger in all Blogville and I need your help showing what happens to a Michigan shyster lawyer when they allow their dark side to win. It can be a Mark Koldys/Johnny Dollar from anywhere the sick fuck hangs out.  Some of my readers know better than I the dark recesses of the innertubes he occupies.

On The Thread Where He Cyber-Raped Me, Johnny Dollar Edited Away My Mild Sarcasm

Last one for tonight, folks, I have a book review I’m writing.

Nothing proves better proves what a fucking little hypocrite worm of an indecent human being Johnny Dollar is than his edit of my comments on his blog.  On the thread where he cyber-raped me, and then threatened to do it again, he edited away some of my mild sarcasm of himself and his little cult of personality.



It is sad that a CABLE NEWS TRUTHER feels the need to pull such stunts.  Anyone who would cyber-rape another human over a vendetta with NewsHounds is capable of anything.  That’s why I keep saying that Johnny Dollar is a dangerous man.  His actions, and continued actions, are beyond the pale.  As an ex-lawyer he has learned how to twist the truth and as a Fox “News” Defender he has learned the politics of personal destruction.  If he says anything about this at all, he’ll insist I broke his rules.  The next step is to put people on Johnny Dollar Island when one refuses to answer a gotcha question.  I’ve been predicting all his actions all along the way.

Coward. Worm. Shyster Lawyer. Duplicitous blogger and Fox :News” defender.  There’s your Johnny Dollar/Mark Koldys, folks.

Johnny Dollar Threatens To Cyber-Rape Me All Over Again

And worse: He took my obvious ironic sarcasm as gratitude.

Johnny Dollar’s biggest problem now, as I see it, is I am no longer bound by any niceties and can now finally behave exactly like the sleazy lawyer Mark Koldys, lead singer of #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive has done since the day I started writing for NewsHounds. However, since I no longer write for NewsHounds Johnny Dollar needs a new excuse to cyber-rape me all over again.  I suspect it’s now become sport and he’s believes I am giving him permission to cyber-rape me by my ‘come hither’ looks and what I’m wearing.. “Aunty Em was asking for it!” As predicted earlier today on Twitter he will cyber-rape me all over again and blame me for it.  Look at that comment above.  He’s already laying the groundwork, if you’ll pardon the expression.

A reminder: Johnny Dollar defends Fox News and was once, I suspect, a very sleazy lawyer.  What more do you need to know?

Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person

Recently Ellen wrote about Johnny
Dollar.  Today it’s my turn.  Mark Koldys, the psychopath* behind the
Johnny Dollar brand, has published a very long post by GrayHammy that accuses
me of: 1). Writing under a nom de plume; 2). Being a man; 3). Being a man named
Headly Westerfield; 4). Being an elitist; and 5). Being the puppetmaster of
anyone who tweets at him.  1). Duh!; 2). Yes;
3). Yes; 4). WTF?, 5). Double WTF?  However,
why is Johnny Dollar dangerous?  Under
the guise of his rubric of “CABLE NEWS TRUTH” he published GrayHammy’s long character
assassination on his website, which exposed my alternative lifestyle.  Reprehensible.  Disgusting. 
Beyond the pale.  And, we must
ask: Why was this done?  Simply because I
write for NewsHounds.  If it’s something
that could potentially hurt NewsHounds, then why not destroy Headly Westerfield
personally by all means necessary?  I’m
merely the collateral damage in the years long war J$ has dishonestly fought
against NewsHounds.  There was no other
reason to expose things about me that have no relevance to my writing for
NewHounds and there is nothing in that article that has any relevance to
NewsHounds.  Johnny Dollar has proven
himself to be a very dangerous person. 

The long post (which I won’t link
to, but is there for all to see unless it has been changed or deleted. Screen
caps all ‘round if needed) was written by GrayHammy, one of the sycophantic
asslickers that hang out in Johnny Dollar’s sewer.  GrayHammy—who it must be said is hiding
behind his own secret identity—sends dozens
upon dozens
of tweets to me and Alex ON A DAILY BASIS.  Here’s a link to the profile so you can see
for yourself just one crazy, obsessive, cyber, stalking bully from the Johnny
Dollar cult at work.  Now GrayHammy is
only one of several that will pop over from the J$ sewer and shit all over our
timelines, but he is the most persistent. 
In fact, in his post he admits joining Twitter only to harass us with
questions.  Why?  Because we write for NewsHounds and he’s in
the Johnny Dollar cult of personal destruction. 
Is another reason needed?  I
collectively call them #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive and there are times that all
of them are hitting all of us NewsHounds at once with tweets.  Yet, get this: In his post that demonstrates
his obsessive stalking behaviour even better than his hundreds and hundreds and
hundreds of tweets, GrayHammy denies being an obsessed stalker.  Ironic, no? 
I’m the only NewsHounder that hasn’t blocked those Dollarites due to
their creepy stalking-like behaviour.  In
his post GrayHammy gives me credit for that. 
Ironic, no? 
#MarkieKandtheSycophantFive are hilarious most of the time, and I have
some good fun yanking their chains; there are entire Spotify playlists
dedicated to them.  But there are times all
I wanna do is tweet with friends.  Just
ignoring #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive can be exhausting at times.  
Lest we lose sight of the primary
mission: all this obsessive behaviour from the Johnny Dollar Cult is because they
are defending Fox “News” against us terrible NewsHounds.  Therefore, in order to defend Fox “News,” GreyHammy
put on his cyber-camo to creep and crawl around the innertubes to find shit I
forgot was even out there.  It’s true
what they say; it never goes away.  This
was obviously a long project on the part of GreyHammy.  Look at all the meticulous research.  Read how he lays out all the clues—one after
another—like it’s the final scene in a Perry Mason novel.  I’m a writer. 
I know how much research and writing and editing went in to get this
just right.  Then I read his P.S., his final
AHA! moment when GrayHammy levels a new charge at me, one I’d never heard
before in my entire life: I am a draft dodger who high-tailed it to Canada
when the going got tough in the Vietnam war. 
Of all the spurious smears Johnny Dollar and his crew of dead-enders
have tried to slap on me, that’s the only one I will address.  However, ask yourself: Why would GrayHammy even
go there?  Politics and NewsHounds again.  Today I tweeted out a NewsHounds post that
exposed Ted Nugent as a self-admitted draft dodger.  This can’t stand.  My reputation must be destroyed in order to
defend Fox “News’” and Sean Hannity’s favourite son, Ted Nugent. 
Anyway, here’s the truth in a
nutshell: When I was 17 years old I made the same mistake a young Levi Johnston
made and I got a girl pregnant.  She was
Canadian.  I moved to Canada to marry
the mother of my child.  End of story,
except that I duly registered at my ‘local’ draft board at the United States
Consulate on University Avenue
in Toronto and was
100% copasetic with my draft board.  YAWN.
While GrayHammy did the legwork, he
wasn’t the one who published this screed of personal destruction—this character
assassination that has no NewsHound content. 
Mark Koldys published it because he’s all about CABLE NEWS TRUTH, doncha
know?  For reasons that only a psychopath
might understand, Mark Koldys decided that this post of GrayHammy’s qualified
as “CABLE NEWS TRUTH,” so he published it. 
In doing so, Johnny Dollar has proven himself to be a very dangerous
person.  I am left to answer any
questions that family and friends may have. 
There’s a group who argue politics on the patio of the local coffee shop
who all know I write as Aunty Em.  I
suppose I’ll have some explaining to do there, too.  Meanwhile, Mark Koldys/Johnny Dollar and his
evil sycophants cackle in his comment thread how they got NewsHounds good by
taking Aunty Em down.  But here’s the
thing: This was exactly the reason I used a pen name.  I was fearful of writing about ‘Merkin politics
and being stalked by crazies.  Johnny
Dollar has proven himself to be a very dangerous person by exposing both my
identity and my lifestyle. 
Here’s something else about Johnny
Dollar’s sewer that I find interesting. 
He only ever publishes linked headlines, unless it’s about
NewsHounds.  Then he will do long posts
that twist our words and spit them out in a way that make them resemble a fun
house mirror.  His only reason to exist
appears to be to tear down NewsHounds and he’s been at it a very long time
now.  Ellen says he must be paid to be so
devoted.  I think he’s just plain mean
and crazy.  Yesterday, when he learned I
was travelling to Michigan
where he resides, he suggested we meet for “détente.”  Today he exposes me, leaving me without even
a fig leaf of cover.  That’s clearly
psychotic behaviour.  Johnny Dollar has
proven himself to be a very dangerous person. 
If he has paymasters, I hope they are proud of the Frankenstein monster
they created.  Maybe he’ll get a bonus
for this one. 
On a more personal note, as if this
hasn’t been gut-wrenching enough: I sincerely apologize to all NewsHounds past
and present and a special apology to Ellen Brodsky for any disgrace my private
life may have brought upon NH.  I am here
because I have always believed in the mission. 
Just before I moved back to ‘Merka after 35 sane years in Canada, I decided
to write about what I had seen happened to the land of my birth from media
distance that eluded most in this country. 
When my mother’s illness forced me to move back I started looking for a
nom de plume because I knew the opposition have guns and are bat shit
crazy.  I kept rejecting the name Aunty
Em Ericann, but it kept making me laugh in a way that Phil Harmonic, Phyllis
Stein, and Ben Dover didn’t.  I
eventually gave in to the inevitable.  But
here’s some more truth about me.  I am
not anti ALL ‘Merkins.  Hell, some
of my best friends and family are ‘Merkins. 
I’m just anti-some ‘Merkins, like those who would actually cheer on this
act of personal cruelty perpetrated by Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys, aka the
lead singer of #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive. 
Considering what I have been through in the last 12 hours, I think the
nom de plume was well-chosen. 
With all my love,
Headly Westerfield
* Not an actual diagnosis by an
actual doctor, but I have eyes.