Tag Archives: Ted Nugent

Hair Today; Gone Tomorrow

This video is dedicated to —

Oh, hell. Just watch.

I miss Pops every day.

At the same time I was fighting the The Hair Wars, I lived 4 houses south of David Palmer, original drummer for The Amboy Dukes, which would practice in his garage on Gilchrist Street in northwest Detroit.

David Palmer, far left

David and I went to the same school, of course. When I was getting kicked out for having long hair — and then no hair — David also had a run-ins with the administration of Coffey Jr. High over the issue of his hair length.

To see the current condition of
Coffey Jr. High, click HERE.

At this point, The Amboy Dukes had already had a hit, or two. So David showed up with a note from his lawyer. It said (translating legal lingo into English), “David Palmer is in Show Biz. Today’s Show Biz requires long hair. Forcing Master Palmer to cut his hair could negatively impact his earnings. We’ll sue.”

The school, which had been fumbling with its hair policy ever since The Beatles invaded these shores, decided to fold. They agreed that Palmer need not sheer his locks, but would have to keep it inside his shirt collar. From that day on Palmer wore his hair beneath the collar of his psychedelic shirts, while wearing a wild tie to hold it all together.

It was always fun to be walking behind him as we were leaving school at the end of the day. The second he crossed the threshold he’d reach around and, with one motion on the back of his neck, would sweep his hair out of his shirt, where it would cascade down to the middle of his back.

Here are a few of the Amboy Dukes greatest tunes, starting with them miming their biggest hit:

It’s too bad about that douchenozzle Ted Nugent, though.

Is Ted Nugent Racist? ► Throwback Thursday

For this week’s Throwback Thursday I am — once again — reaching into my vast writing archives. In 2012 I was freelancing for Stones Detroit, a website out of…err…Detroit. This original article was commissioned by my editor.

Is Ted Nugent A Racist?
Our Stones Detroit Writer Says, “Yes”
OPINION by Headly Westerfield — October 2012


The house I lived in on Gilchrist Street

When I was growing up in Detroit I lived on Gilchrist Street, 5 houses away from David Palmer, the original drummer for the Amboy Dukes. When the Amboy Dukes were rehearsing in Dave’s garage, all us neighbourhood kids would gather at the end of the driveway and listen, but we’d catch hell if we took one step onto the property. As a teenager I saw the Amboy Dukes dozens of times in large and small venues and, consequently, have followed the career of Ted Nugent ever since, culminating in his crazy, racist rant earlier this week.

Where to begin? Let’s start with the Vietnam War. Nugent, who is a long-time board member of the NRA, and brandishes weapons on stage, was a self-admitted Draft Dodger.

I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build. I stopped shavin’ and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard, really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin’ kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I’d drink the syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up.

Nice imagery.

Nugent, the coward, also claimed to have snorted crystal meth just before his physical. However, that’s all old news. More recently Nugent had to explain himself to the Secret Service for remarks he made earlier this year:

Because I’ll tell you this right now: if Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year. Being at the NRA event, God Bless ya, good indicator, but if you can’t go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house of this vile, evil America Hating Administration, I don’t even know what you’re made out of.

This column could be filled with just the incendiary comments he’s made, like when he called President Obama a punk and suggested he suck on the machine gun he was brandishing on stage. However, I’d much rather deal with the comments he made this week to Brett M. Decker of The Washington Times.

Decker: You and I are Motown soul brothers, as you’ve put it before. When outsiders visit our hometown today, the reaction is always the same: This place looks like some post-apocalyptical disaster area. Once one of America’s richest, most dynamic business centers, how did the Motor City fall so far and what lessons can be learned from the demise of Detroit?

Nugent: It is so very true that my birth city of Detroit was the cleanest, most neighborly, positive-energy, work-ethic epicenter of planet earth when I was born there in 1948, right on through to the 1960s. Enter the liberal death wish of Mayor Coleman Young and a tsunami of negative, anti-productivity policies by liberal Democrats that put a voodoo curse on our beloved Motor City. When you train and reward people to scam, cheat and refuse to be productive, there is only one direction that society can go: straight down the toilet. It is truly a heartbreaker. Some wonderful people are still to be found back home, but they are outnumbered by the pimps, whores and welfare brats that have made bloodsucking a lifestyle. And now we have a president who is doing everything he can to take the whole country down that same path. Truly amazing.

This is wrong on so many levels. Let’s count the ways, shall we? To begin with Coleman Young didn’t become mayor until 1974, well after the ’60s ended. What sent Detroit “straight down the toilet” was racism, pure and simple.

At a time when Detroit could have become a model for integration, it was already going the other way and becoming one of the most segregated cities in the United States. As far back as the 1920s respectable people like Dr. Ossian Sweet found that Whites were not going to share their neighbourhoods with Black folk.

The racial strife only became worse during World War Two. Blacks from the south were recruited to help in the factories of the Arsenal of Democracy, as Detroit was called at the time. In 1943 Packard promoted 3 Black men to work the line and 25,000 Whites went out on strike.  During the strike one voice was heard on the loudspeaker to say, “I’d rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a Nigger.” This was just 3 weeks before the Detroit Race Riot of 1943.

After the war ended and throughout the ’50s, when both Blacks and Whites had enough money to buy houses, Whites could purchase anywhere they wanted, but Blacks could not. Properties were “redlined,” in the vernacular of the day, and Blacks could only buy in certain neighbourhoods, if they could get bank loans at all. Meanwhile, White folk started to buy and build in the suburbs beyond 8 Mile Road. White Flight had already begun in the 1950s, but it truly sped up after the Detroit Riot of 1967. Had the White folk stayed in the city, things would have been much different.

I’m not going to mince words: I find Ted Nugent’s comments racist. The Detroit he remembers was “the cleanest, most neighborly, positive-energy, work-ethic epicenter.” This was the White Detroit of Nugent’s halcyon memories. The neighbourhood Nugent grew up in, and the neighbourhood I grew up in, were all-White. Black Detroit? For Nugent that’s the Detroit of the “liberal death wish” of Coleman Young, the Black mayor, who put a “voodoo curse” — a Black curse — on his beloved Detroit. “Pimps, whores and welfare brats” are all Nugent’s impression of Black Detroit as well. No one describes White folk that way.

Detroit gets knocked by a lot of people, but to hear Nugent ignore Detroit history to spout racist tripe is beyond the pale.

It’s hard to sum up a few hundred years of history in a short post. I’ve written far more extensively about Detroit’s Race Relations on my blog in an essay called The Detroit Riots ► Unpacking My Detroit. Please check it out and tell me what you think.

Originally published at Stones Detroit.

Is Ted Nugent A Racist? Our Stones Detroit Writer Says, “Yes”

OPINION by Headly Westerfield
When I was growing up in Detroit I lived on Gilchrist Street, 5
houses away David Palmer, the original drummer for the Amboy Dukes. When
the Amboy Dukes were rehearsing in Dave’s garage, all us neighbourhood
kids would gather at the end of the driveway and listen, but we’d catch
hell if we took one step onto the property. As a teenager I saw the
Amboy Dukes dozens of times in large and small venues and, consequently,
have followed the career of Ted Nugent ever since, culminating in his
crazy, racist rant earlier this week.
Where to begin? Let’s start with the Vietnam War. Nugent, who is a
long-time board member of the NRA, and brandishes weapons on stage, was a
self-admitted Draft Dodger.

I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that
day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more
washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris
build. I stopped shavin’ and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard,
really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin’
kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with
nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never
touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I’d drink the
syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to
the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants
got crusted up.

Nice imagery. Nugent, the coward, also claimed to have snorted
crystal meth just before his physical. However, that’s all old news.
More recently Nugent had to explain himself to the Secret Service for remarks he made earlier this year:

Because I’ll tell you this right now: if Barack Obama
becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in
jail by this time next year. Being at the NRA event, God Bless ya, good
indicator, but if you can’t go home and get everybody in your lives to
clean house of this vile, evil America Hating Administration, I don’t
even know what you’re made out of.

This column could be filled with just the incendiary comments he’s
made, like when he called President Obama a punk and suggested he suck on the machine gun he was brandishing on stage. However, I’d much rather deal with the comments he made this week to Brett M. Decker of The Washington Times.

Decker: You and I are Motown soul
brothers, as you’ve put it before. When outsiders visit our hometown
today, the reaction is always the same: This place looks like some
post-apocalyptical disaster area. Once one of America’s richest, most
dynamic business centers, how did the Motor City fall so far and what
lessons can be learned from the demise of Detroit?
Nugent: It is so very true that my birth city of
Detroit was the cleanest, most neighborly, positive-energy, work-ethic
epicenter of planet earth when I was born there in 1948, right on
through to the 1960s. Enter the liberal death wish of Mayor Coleman
Young and a tsunami of negative, anti-productivity policies by liberal
Democrats that put a voodoo curse on our beloved Motor City. When you
train and reward people to scam, cheat and refuse to be productive,
there is only one direction that society can go: straight down the
toilet. It is truly a heartbreaker. Some wonderful people are still to
be found back home, but they are outnumbered by the pimps, whores and
welfare brats that have made bloodsucking a lifestyle. And now we have a
president who is doing everything he can to take the whole country down
that same path. Truly amazing.

This is wrong on so many levels. Let’s count the ways, shall we? To
begin with Coleman Young didn’t become mayor until 1974, well after the
’60s ended. What sent Detroit “straight down the toilet” was racism,
pure and simple.
At a time when Detroit could have become a model for integration, it
was already going the other way and becoming one of the most segregated
cities in the United States. As far back as the 1920s respectable people
like Dr. Ossian Sweet found that Whites were not going to share their
neighbourhoods with Black folk. The racial strife only became worse
during World War Two. Blacks from the south were recruited to help in
the factories of the Arsenal of Democracy, as Detroit was called at the
time. In 1943 Packard promoted 3 Black men to work the line and 25,000
Whites went out on strike.  During the strike one voice was heard on the
loudspeaker to say, “I’d rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a Nigger.” This was just 3 weeks before the Detroit Race Riot of 1943.
After the war ended and throughout the ’50s, when both Blacks and
Whites had enough money to buy houses, Whites could purchase anywhere
they wanted, but Blacks could not. Properties were “redlined,” in the
vernacular of the day, and Blacks could only buy in certain
neighbourhoods, if they could get bank loans at all. Meanwhile, White
folk started to buy and build in the suburbs beyond 8 Mile Road. White
Flight had already begun in the 1950s, but it truly sped up after the
Detroit Riot of 1967. Had the White folk stayed in the city, things
would have been much different.
I’m not going to mince words: I find Ted Nugent’s comments racist.
The Detroit he remembers was “the cleanest, most neighborly,
positive-energy, work-ethic epicenter.” This was the White Detroit of
Nugent’s halcyon memories. The neighbourhood Nugent grew up in, and the
neighbourhood I grew up in, were all-White. Black Detroit? For Nugent
that’s the Detroit of the “liberal death wish” of Coleman Young, the
Black mayor, who put a “voodoo curse” — a Black curse — on his beloved
Detroit. “Pimps, whores and welfare brats” are all Nugent’s impression
of Black Detroit as well. No one describes White folk that way.
Detroit gets knocked by a lot of people, but to hear Nugent ignore Detroit history to spout racist tripe is beyond the pale.

It’s hard to sum up a few hundred years of history in a short post.
I’ve written far more extensively about Detroit’s Race Relations on my blog in an essay called The Detroit Riots ► Unpacking My Detroit. Please check it out and tell me what you think.

– See more at:

Is Ted Nugent A Racist? Our Stones Detroit Writer Says, “Yes”

OPINION by Headly Westerfield
When I was growing up in Detroit I lived on Gilchrist Street, 5
houses away David Palmer, the original drummer for the Amboy Dukes. When
the Amboy Dukes were rehearsing in Dave’s garage, all us neighbourhood
kids would gather at the end of the driveway and listen, but we’d catch
hell if we took one step onto the property. As a teenager I saw the
Amboy Dukes dozens of times in large and small venues and, consequently,
have followed the career of Ted Nugent ever since, culminating in his
crazy, racist rant earlier this week.
Where to begin? Let’s start with the Vietnam War. Nugent, who is a
long-time board member of the NRA, and brandishes weapons on stage, was a
self-admitted Draft Dodger.

I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that
day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more
washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris
build. I stopped shavin’ and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard,
really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin’
kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with
nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never
touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I’d drink the
syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to
the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants
got crusted up.

Nice imagery. Nugent, the coward, also claimed to have snorted
crystal meth just before his physical. However, that’s all old news.
More recently Nugent had to explain himself to the Secret Service for remarks he made earlier this year:

Because I’ll tell you this right now: if Barack Obama
becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in
jail by this time next year. Being at the NRA event, God Bless ya, good
indicator, but if you can’t go home and get everybody in your lives to
clean house of this vile, evil America Hating Administration, I don’t
even know what you’re made out of.

This column could be filled with just the incendiary comments he’s
made, like when he called President Obama a punk and suggested he suck on the machine gun he was brandishing on stage. However, I’d much rather deal with the comments he made this week to Brett M. Decker of The Washington Times.

Decker: You and I are Motown soul
brothers, as you’ve put it before. When outsiders visit our hometown
today, the reaction is always the same: This place looks like some
post-apocalyptical disaster area. Once one of America’s richest, most
dynamic business centers, how did the Motor City fall so far and what
lessons can be learned from the demise of Detroit?
Nugent: It is so very true that my birth city of
Detroit was the cleanest, most neighborly, positive-energy, work-ethic
epicenter of planet earth when I was born there in 1948, right on
through to the 1960s. Enter the liberal death wish of Mayor Coleman
Young and a tsunami of negative, anti-productivity policies by liberal
Democrats that put a voodoo curse on our beloved Motor City. When you
train and reward people to scam, cheat and refuse to be productive,
there is only one direction that society can go: straight down the
toilet. It is truly a heartbreaker. Some wonderful people are still to
be found back home, but they are outnumbered by the pimps, whores and
welfare brats that have made bloodsucking a lifestyle. And now we have a
president who is doing everything he can to take the whole country down
that same path. Truly amazing.

This is wrong on so many levels. Let’s count the ways, shall we? To
begin with Coleman Young didn’t become mayor until 1974, well after the
’60s ended. What sent Detroit “straight down the toilet” was racism,
pure and simple.
At a time when Detroit could have become a model for integration, it
was already going the other way and becoming one of the most segregated
cities in the United States. As far back as the 1920s respectable people
like Dr. Ossian Sweet found that Whites were not going to share their
neighbourhoods with Black folk. The racial strife only became worse
during World War Two. Blacks from the south were recruited to help in
the factories of the Arsenal of Democracy, as Detroit was called at the
time. In 1943 Packard promoted 3 Black men to work the line and 25,000
Whites went out on strike.  During the strike one voice was heard on the
loudspeaker to say, “I’d rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a Nigger.” This was just 3 weeks before the Detroit Race Riot of 1943.
After the war ended and throughout the ’50s, when both Blacks and
Whites had enough money to buy houses, Whites could purchase anywhere
they wanted, but Blacks could not. Properties were “redlined,” in the
vernacular of the day, and Blacks could only buy in certain
neighbourhoods, if they could get bank loans at all. Meanwhile, White
folk started to buy and build in the suburbs beyond 8 Mile Road. White
Flight had already begun in the 1950s, but it truly sped up after the
Detroit Riot of 1967. Had the White folk stayed in the city, things
would have been much different.
I’m not going to mince words: I find Ted Nugent’s comments racist.
The Detroit he remembers was “the cleanest, most neighborly,
positive-energy, work-ethic epicenter.” This was the White Detroit of
Nugent’s halcyon memories. The neighbourhood Nugent grew up in, and the
neighbourhood I grew up in, were all-White. Black Detroit? For Nugent
that’s the Detroit of the “liberal death wish” of Coleman Young, the
Black mayor, who put a “voodoo curse” — a Black curse — on his beloved
Detroit. “Pimps, whores and welfare brats” are all Nugent’s impression
of Black Detroit as well. No one describes White folk that way.
Detroit gets knocked by a lot of people, but to hear Nugent ignore Detroit history to spout racist tripe is beyond the pale.

It’s hard to sum up a few hundred years of history in a short post.
I’ve written far more extensively about Detroit’s Race Relations on my blog in an essay called The Detroit Riots ► Unpacking My Detroit. Please check it out and tell me what you think.

– See more at:

Headlines Du Jour ► Thursday, February 27, 2014

We’re all singing Happy Birthday to National Velvet star Elizabeth Taylor, born on this day in 1932. It was her dying wish we look at the Headlines Du Jour of yesteryear:

1782American Revolutionary War: the House of Commons of Great Britain votes against further war in America.
1801, Washington, D.C. is placed under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress.
• 1812 – Poet Lord Byron gives his first address as a member of the House of Lords, in defense of Luddite violence against Industrialism in his home county of Nottinghamshire.
1844 – The Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti.
1864American Civil War: The first Northern prisoners arrive at the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia.
1900 – The British Labour Party is founded.
1933Reichstag fire: Germany‘s parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, is set on fire.
1940Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discover carbon-14
1963 – The Dominican Republic receives its first democratically elected president, Juan Bosch, since the end of the dictatorship led by Rafael Trujillo.

Let’s get right to today’s Headlines Du Jour:


Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer Vetoes Hatred
That Was Disguised As
Religious Freedom Bill

Arizona governor Brewer
vetoes controversial anti-gay
law, Ohio pulls similar bill
after Brewer’s veto

Texas ban on marriage equality ruled unconstitutional, Rick Perry upset


Obama wants to put people to work by fixing
the nation’s crumbling roads and bridges


Police Chief Cites Fake News
Article in His Anti-Pot Testimony


Man Arrested in Key West: “I Thought Cocaine Wasn’t Illegal in Florida”


Brent Bozell: American Atheists ‘Devoted To The Hatred Of God’


Rob Ford wraps up day in Ottawa, gets criticized by Quebec mayors



Spike Lee’s epic anti-gentrification speech


SEE IT: NASA images
capture desperation of
California’s drought

California recorded its driest year on record in 2013. New images capture bone-dry conditions near Sacramento and along the Sierra Nevada mountains.


Stossel: ‘Crotchety Old
Geezers’ Like O’Reilly
Need to Quit Complaining
About ‘The Kids’



Tucker Carlson: It’s ‘called fascism’ when laws give LGBT people equal treatment

Tucker Carlson: US Should Stop Entry Of Refugees Because They’ll Vote Democratic -And It’s Not His ‘Moral Obligation’


Fox News guest tells Hannity: ‘Overfed’ non-whites use food stamps as a ‘fat pill’


Bullying black holes force galaxies to stay red and dead

NASA discovers 715 new planets


Headlines Du Jour is a leisure-time activity of Not Now Silly, home of the
Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic, and your rest stop on the Information
Highway. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in
today’s open thread.

Headlines Du Jour ► Sunday, February 23, 2014

Today we honour W. E. B. Du Bois, on the anniversary of his 1868 birth. While he died in 1963, his books and articles are still avidly read around the world. Among the other Headlines Du Jour of yesteryear are:

1455 – Traditional date for the publication of the Gutenberg Bible, the first Western book printed with movable type.
1836 – The Battle of the Alamo begins in San Antonio, Texas.
1861President-elect Abraham Lincoln arrives secretly in Washington, D.C., after the thwarting of an alleged assassination plot in Baltimore, Maryland.
1896 – The Tootsie Roll is invented.
1898Émile Zola is imprisoned in France after writing “J’accuse“, a letter accusing the French government of antisemitism and wrongfully imprisoning Captain Alfred Dreyfus.
1903Cuba leases Guantánamo Bay to the United States “in perpetuity”.
1954 – The first mass inoculation of children against polio with the Salk vaccine begins in Pittsburgh.

Without further delay, here are today’s Headlines Du Jour:


Aries Development Continues To Rape Charles Avenue




George Takei’s Ripping
Letter to AZ about
‘Turn Away the Gay’ Bill


Democrats say ‘class warfare’
is part of the Fla GOP agenda


The South still lies about the Civil War
In an ongoing revisionist
history effort, Southern
schools and churches
still pretend the war
wasn’t about slavery


The Horrifying Song Ted Nugent Released in 1981
that Nobody Seems to be Talking About (VIDEO)

Ted Nugent, Gay Pirate?


Woman Violently Arrested
After Jaywalking

Cops hit my car, then
arrested me: suit


‘Time to Forget the United States…’: Beck Says the ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America Has Already Happened


The Pink Zone: Why Detroit is the New Brooklyn


No Global Warming? NOAA
Says January Was Fourth
Warmest on Record


Tom DeLay Claims God
‘Wrote The Constitution’

Things I learned during the
Alabama Legislature’s Ten
Commandments debate today

“Hipster” Christianity:
9 hilarious attempts by
the religious right to be cool


FOX Alert: O’Reilly Factor Producer Asks DeSmogBlog
to Provide Best Arguments
Against Global Warming

Fox producer emails climate blog looking for “the very best arguments” against man-made global warming


Headlines Du Jour is a leisure-time activity of Not Now Silly, home of the
Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic, and your rest stop on the Information
Highway. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in
today’s open thread.

Headlines Du Jour ► Tuesday, February 18, 2014

As every Beatles fan knows, February 18 is the birthday of Yoko Ono, who gets the Headlines Du Jour delivered to her doorstep every morning. She says her favourite part is the Headlines Du Jour from yesteryear:

1861 – In Montgomery, Alabama, Jefferson Davis is inaugurated as the provisional President of the Confederate States of America.
1865American Civil War: Union forces under Major General William T. Sherman set the South Carolina State House on fire during the burning of Columbia.
1885The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is published in the United States.
1913Pedro Lascuráin becomes President of Mexico for 45 minutes; this is the shortest term to date of any person as president of any country.
• 1930 – Elm Farm Ollie becomes the first cow to fly in a fixed-wing aircraft and also the first cow to be milked in an aircraft.
1954 – The first Church of Scientology is established in Los Angeles, California.
1970 – The Chicago Seven are found not guilty of conspiring to incite riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention.

How’s that? Was it good for you too, Yoko? If so, let’s get right to today’s Headlines Du Jour.


Olympic police re-arrest former
Italian MP for wearing rainbow outfit

Watch: Lawmakers Cheer As
Ugandan President Declares ‘War
With The Homosexual Lobby’

Susan Rice Urges Ugandan President
Not To Sign Anti-Gay Law

Anne Rice Unloads on Anti-Gay Facebook Commenters


California police use taser
on deaf man trying to communicate with them
via sign language


George W. Bush: Still the worst

A new study ranks Bush near the
very bottom in history, due to delusional
wars, reckless spending and inflexibility

Happy Presidents’ Day! Meet The Five Most Overrated American Presidents


Uruguay Prez Jose Mujica To
United States: Legalize Weed

Medical Marijuana Sponsor Says
Police Are Addicted To Drug War Dollars


GOP Senate Candidate Calls
Mitch McConnell ‘Beltway
Turtle’ In Anti-Cornyn Ad

Greg Abbott under fire
for Ted Nugent invite

43 House Republicans Want to Sue Barack Obama For Being President

The GOP Has Screwed Itself
Out Of A Perfect Obamacare
Election Message


America’s First President
Was The Tea Party’s
Worst Nightmare


Montana county attorney’s office to mother of 5-year-old rape victim: ‘Boys will be boys’


CNN’s Don Lemon Hits Back
at Fox’s Gregg Jarrett: ‘Mind
Your Business, Old Man’

Chris Wallace Says Climate Change Isn’t Occurring Because It Is Cold On The East Coast


Heatwave frequency ‘surpasses levels previously predicted for 2030’
Abbott government urged to better articulate dangers of climate
change as Climate Council highlights rising number of hot days


NC high school faces legal challenge for refusing secular club


Donald Trump faces
Irish wind farm battle


John Carlisle: Some Detroiters
living with Marathon plant
pollution find peace – at a price


Yoko Ono backed by John Lennon, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention

Headlines Du Jour is a leisure-time activity of Not Now Silly, home of the
Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic, and your rest stop on the Information
Highway. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in
today’s open thread.

Headlines Du Jour ► Sunday, February 9, 2014

As we celebrate Alice Walker‘s birthday (1944), let’s take a look at some headlines from yesteryear for this day:

474Zeno crowned as co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
1775American Revolutionary War: The British Parliament declares Massachusetts in rebellion.
1913 – A group of meteors is visible across much of the eastern seaboard of North and South America, leading astronomers to conclude the source had been a small, short-lived natural satellite of the Earth.
1950Second Red Scare: Senator Joseph McCarthy accuses the United States Department of State of being filled with Communists.
1964The Beatles make their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, performing before a “record-busting” audience of 73 million viewers.

And now, let’s get right to today’s Headlines Du Jour:


George Zimmerman’s Epic Boxing Match With DMX Has Been Canceled
The rapper will not get to stop, drop, shut Zimmerman down after all


Justice Department to
give married same-sex
couples equal protection


‘Racial slurs’ used in more
than 10,000 tweets a day


Republican Party wing creates
18 fake websites for Democrats


Tea Party Brings The Knives
Out For Mitch McConnell


The Religious Right Sells the False Choice of the State or Christianity


Alaska Could Be The Next
State To Legalize Marijuana

This Is Why So Many Reasonable People Think Anti-Marijuana Crusaders Look Ridiculous

Marijuana Legalization Plan Stalls in New Mexico


Former high school bully congratulates gay victim after seeing marriage proposal online

Some bullies never seem to learn:
The Johnny Dollar Cyber-Bully Comments of the Day


Bill O’Reilly Is On The
Wrong Side Of The
Minimum Wage Debate

O’Reilly Sucks Up
To Ted Nugent

Bill O’Reilly: “I Believe
That John Boehner Is
Secretly A Democrat”

Geraldo Rivera Calls O’Reilly ‘President
Of Most Of The White Guys In America


Rob Ford ‘talking gibberish’ during late night B.C. pub visit
Mayor reportedly disappeared into tiny staff washroom for more than an hour, emerging incoherent and fidgety before ordering rounds of drinks.

Toronto police mostly quiet on visit to Mayor Rob Ford’s office

Somali group to use Gawker funds for mentoring


NC parenting columnist’s 3-year-old son shoots 17-month-old sister
with dad’s gun

6-year-old Alabama boy
shot while Dad was trying
to unload his pistol


Red skies discovered on extreme brown dwarf


Headlines Du Jour is a leisure-time activity of Not Now Silly, home of the
Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic, and your rest stop on the Information
Highway. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in
today’s open thread.

Headlines Du Jour ► Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mayor McCheese blames the Hamburglar for asking wrong questions

Welcome to today’s exciting edition of Headlines Du Jour, where only the freshest headlines are picked at the exact moment of ripeness for your news reading pleasure.


Rob Ford : ‘Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine.’
Rob Ford said he smoked crack about a
year ago. “I don’t even remember.
Probably in one of my drunken stupors.”


Full transcript of Mayor Rob Ford admitting he smoked crack cocaine

Doug Ford calls on Toronto police chief to step down
Says Chief Blair believes he’s ‘judge, jury and executioner’ in case involving Mayor Rob Ford

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford ‘could easily get re-elected’
The mayor’s base of support hasn’t eroded much, say experts


Du Pont Mansion in Coconut Grove Is Buried in Poison


8.8 billion habitable Earth-size planets exist in Milky Way alone


Alabama GOP Special Election Candidate Told
Gays To ‘Go Back To California Or Vermont’


‘You Would Have To Kill Me’: Hawaii Police Union
President Speaks Against Gay Marriage Laws


The Real Story Behind the Phony
Canceled Health Insurance Scandal

Insurance companies ripped off Americans for years
with lousy health plans. Obamacare was designed to fix that.


Family evacuated as deadly spiders hatch from Sainbury’s bananas
Terrified family flee London home after finding dozens of world’s most venomous
spiders hatching and crawling all over banana bought in supermarket chain


John Carlisle: Utopia-seeking squatters struggle
to create oasis in rough Detroit neighborhood


Ted Cruz’s Father is a Dangerous Religious Fanatic

Fresh Plagiarism Charges Raised Against Rand Paul

He Did It Again: Rand Paul Caught Plagiarizing
Word for Word in Washington Times Op-Ed

Gun-loving rock star Ted Nugent on possible
run for president: ‘Sure, why not?’

15 Things You Need To Know About David Barton,
The Man Who Could Be Texas’s Next Senator



4 On Your Side looks into traffic stop
gone horribly wrong for Lordsburg man


Colbert Trolls Fox News By Offering
@RealHumanPraise On Twitter, And It’s Brilliant 



Headlines Du Jour is a semi-regular feature at Not Now Silly. Updated through the day. Use our valuable bandwidth to post your news comments in today’s open thread.

Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person

Recently Ellen wrote about Johnny
Dollar.  Today it’s my turn.  Mark Koldys, the psychopath* behind the
Johnny Dollar brand, has published a very long post by GrayHammy that accuses
me of: 1). Writing under a nom de plume; 2). Being a man; 3). Being a man named
Headly Westerfield; 4). Being an elitist; and 5). Being the puppetmaster of
anyone who tweets at him.  1). Duh!; 2). Yes;
3). Yes; 4). WTF?, 5). Double WTF?  However,
why is Johnny Dollar dangerous?  Under
the guise of his rubric of “CABLE NEWS TRUTH” he published GrayHammy’s long character
assassination on his website, which exposed my alternative lifestyle.  Reprehensible.  Disgusting. 
Beyond the pale.  And, we must
ask: Why was this done?  Simply because I
write for NewsHounds.  If it’s something
that could potentially hurt NewsHounds, then why not destroy Headly Westerfield
personally by all means necessary?  I’m
merely the collateral damage in the years long war J$ has dishonestly fought
against NewsHounds.  There was no other
reason to expose things about me that have no relevance to my writing for
NewHounds and there is nothing in that article that has any relevance to
NewsHounds.  Johnny Dollar has proven
himself to be a very dangerous person. 

The long post (which I won’t link
to, but is there for all to see unless it has been changed or deleted. Screen
caps all ‘round if needed) was written by GrayHammy, one of the sycophantic
asslickers that hang out in Johnny Dollar’s sewer.  GrayHammy—who it must be said is hiding
behind his own secret identity—sends dozens
upon dozens
of tweets to me and Alex ON A DAILY BASIS.  Here’s a link to the profile so you can see
for yourself just one crazy, obsessive, cyber, stalking bully from the Johnny
Dollar cult at work.  Now GrayHammy is
only one of several that will pop over from the J$ sewer and shit all over our
timelines, but he is the most persistent. 
In fact, in his post he admits joining Twitter only to harass us with
questions.  Why?  Because we write for NewsHounds and he’s in
the Johnny Dollar cult of personal destruction. 
Is another reason needed?  I
collectively call them #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive and there are times that all
of them are hitting all of us NewsHounds at once with tweets.  Yet, get this: In his post that demonstrates
his obsessive stalking behaviour even better than his hundreds and hundreds and
hundreds of tweets, GrayHammy denies being an obsessed stalker.  Ironic, no? 
I’m the only NewsHounder that hasn’t blocked those Dollarites due to
their creepy stalking-like behaviour.  In
his post GrayHammy gives me credit for that. 
Ironic, no? 
#MarkieKandtheSycophantFive are hilarious most of the time, and I have
some good fun yanking their chains; there are entire Spotify playlists
dedicated to them.  But there are times all
I wanna do is tweet with friends.  Just
ignoring #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive can be exhausting at times.  
Lest we lose sight of the primary
mission: all this obsessive behaviour from the Johnny Dollar Cult is because they
are defending Fox “News” against us terrible NewsHounds.  Therefore, in order to defend Fox “News,” GreyHammy
put on his cyber-camo to creep and crawl around the innertubes to find shit I
forgot was even out there.  It’s true
what they say; it never goes away.  This
was obviously a long project on the part of GreyHammy.  Look at all the meticulous research.  Read how he lays out all the clues—one after
another—like it’s the final scene in a Perry Mason novel.  I’m a writer. 
I know how much research and writing and editing went in to get this
just right.  Then I read his P.S., his final
AHA! moment when GrayHammy levels a new charge at me, one I’d never heard
before in my entire life: I am a draft dodger who high-tailed it to Canada
when the going got tough in the Vietnam war. 
Of all the spurious smears Johnny Dollar and his crew of dead-enders
have tried to slap on me, that’s the only one I will address.  However, ask yourself: Why would GrayHammy even
go there?  Politics and NewsHounds again.  Today I tweeted out a NewsHounds post that
exposed Ted Nugent as a self-admitted draft dodger.  This can’t stand.  My reputation must be destroyed in order to
defend Fox “News’” and Sean Hannity’s favourite son, Ted Nugent. 
Anyway, here’s the truth in a
nutshell: When I was 17 years old I made the same mistake a young Levi Johnston
made and I got a girl pregnant.  She was
Canadian.  I moved to Canada to marry
the mother of my child.  End of story,
except that I duly registered at my ‘local’ draft board at the United States
Consulate on University Avenue
in Toronto and was
100% copasetic with my draft board.  YAWN.
While GrayHammy did the legwork, he
wasn’t the one who published this screed of personal destruction—this character
assassination that has no NewsHound content. 
Mark Koldys published it because he’s all about CABLE NEWS TRUTH, doncha
know?  For reasons that only a psychopath
might understand, Mark Koldys decided that this post of GrayHammy’s qualified
as “CABLE NEWS TRUTH,” so he published it. 
In doing so, Johnny Dollar has proven himself to be a very dangerous
person.  I am left to answer any
questions that family and friends may have. 
There’s a group who argue politics on the patio of the local coffee shop
who all know I write as Aunty Em.  I
suppose I’ll have some explaining to do there, too.  Meanwhile, Mark Koldys/Johnny Dollar and his
evil sycophants cackle in his comment thread how they got NewsHounds good by
taking Aunty Em down.  But here’s the
thing: This was exactly the reason I used a pen name.  I was fearful of writing about ‘Merkin politics
and being stalked by crazies.  Johnny
Dollar has proven himself to be a very dangerous person by exposing both my
identity and my lifestyle. 
Here’s something else about Johnny
Dollar’s sewer that I find interesting. 
He only ever publishes linked headlines, unless it’s about
NewsHounds.  Then he will do long posts
that twist our words and spit them out in a way that make them resemble a fun
house mirror.  His only reason to exist
appears to be to tear down NewsHounds and he’s been at it a very long time
now.  Ellen says he must be paid to be so
devoted.  I think he’s just plain mean
and crazy.  Yesterday, when he learned I
was travelling to Michigan
where he resides, he suggested we meet for “détente.”  Today he exposes me, leaving me without even
a fig leaf of cover.  That’s clearly
psychotic behaviour.  Johnny Dollar has
proven himself to be a very dangerous person. 
If he has paymasters, I hope they are proud of the Frankenstein monster
they created.  Maybe he’ll get a bonus
for this one. 
On a more personal note, as if this
hasn’t been gut-wrenching enough: I sincerely apologize to all NewsHounds past
and present and a special apology to Ellen Brodsky for any disgrace my private
life may have brought upon NH.  I am here
because I have always believed in the mission. 
Just before I moved back to ‘Merka after 35 sane years in Canada, I decided
to write about what I had seen happened to the land of my birth from media
distance that eluded most in this country. 
When my mother’s illness forced me to move back I started looking for a
nom de plume because I knew the opposition have guns and are bat shit
crazy.  I kept rejecting the name Aunty
Em Ericann, but it kept making me laugh in a way that Phil Harmonic, Phyllis
Stein, and Ben Dover didn’t.  I
eventually gave in to the inevitable.  But
here’s some more truth about me.  I am
not anti ALL ‘Merkins.  Hell, some
of my best friends and family are ‘Merkins. 
I’m just anti-some ‘Merkins, like those who would actually cheer on this
act of personal cruelty perpetrated by Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys, aka the
lead singer of #MarkieKandtheSycophantFive. 
Considering what I have been through in the last 12 hours, I think the
nom de plume was well-chosen. 
With all my love,
Headly Westerfield
* Not an actual diagnosis by an
actual doctor, but I have eyes.