Welcome to the 3rd Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Points Memo.
Loofah Lad squeezes out a load like this one every single day and calls it a Talking Point Memo. It’s always interesting to read between the lines in order to figure out WTF he’s really saying when he’s pontificating. Freud could have had a field day with him. Since Freud is not here, I’ll give it a shot.
Today’s topic: O’Reilly called it “White Grievance and the Republican Party.” I call it, “In How Many New Ways Can I Defend My Good Buddy Donald J. Trump While Blowing Dog Whistles?” Let’s get right to it, shall we?
All the polls say the same thing: Donald Trump’s rise is being fueled
largely by white men who are angry with both political parties.
Not to mention all that free publicity the media has given him, especially on Fox “News” with all the softball interviews he gets there. Like on your show, f’rinstance Bill O. I can’t wait to see how you WHITEwash all of this on behalf of your vanilla milkshake buddy. Go on. Entertain me.
At this point 47% of Republican women say they will not vote for Mr. Trump, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll.
Which merely proves women are the smarter gender, but not all women.
So it is the guys who have catapulted the candidate to the top of the Republican primary pack.
According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump is favored by 50% of
Republican voters who make less than $50,000 a year, most of them men.
Also, Mr. Trump is supported by just 32% of Republicans who have
college degrees, according to polling from 20 Republican primary states.
So you can see that Trump’s support is largely coming from working-class white men who feel aggrieved.
I tend to think of them as working-class White men who have been brainwashed into thinking they’re aggrieved. I look at them as soft racists — if not actually hardcore racists — who see equality as a zero sum game: If a group of folks are having their Civil Rights respected, these fools somehow think something is being taken away from them.
Now we’ve seen this before. The black grievance industry is a powerful presence in America.
Wait!!! What??? Did you just change the topic to create a false equivalency?
That group sells the notion that most problems in the
African-American precincts are caused by white people and historical
OH, MY!!!
You actually did change the topic to create a false equivalency. And then you blew your dog whistle. Let’s unpack your White Privilege, shall we Mr. Falafel? Because only a White man who doesn’t recognize his White Privilege would allow such manure to escape from his lips.
Are you saying there was no racism in the country? Or, are you saying that racism is over?
I’m so glad we’re living in a post-racial society. FINALLY!!! /sarcasm
Listen, Loofah Lad: Even if one were to buy your bullshit argument that there are are no legitimate grievances in “African-American precincts” to be attributed to “White people and historical oppression,” can you not see how that “historic oppression” has continued to create an uneven playing field when it comes to wealth creation and inheritances, not to mention the quality of neighbourhoods that each group tend to live within?
While the media gives that view a lot of attention, most African-Americans reject the propaganda.
And, you’ll prove that, right?
A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation says that 61% of
American blacks believe the breakup of the African-American family is a
major reason for the economic deprivation and social problems in the
black community.
Wait just a gosh darn minute. You do realize that both can be true at the same time, doncha?
Just because 61% of Black folk “believe the breakup of the African-American family is a major reason for the economic deprivations and social problems in the Black community” (and, I’ll assume your number is correct despite the many fibs you’ve told over the years), doesn’t mean that Black folk don’t also recognize, and fully understand, the “historic oppression” that got them there.
One fact does not negate the other. Unless you’re just blowing another dog whistle in which facts are manipulated to create a false narrative.
Oh, wait!
I thought this was going to be about your good friend Trump’s aggrieved constituency: Poor, uneducated, racist voters. Sorry I interrupted.
On the white side the issue is similar.
Here we go. Back on topic. Thank you.
Many white Americans believe that illegal immigration hurts their job
prospects and are angered by changing neighborhoods and social
And, there’s your false equivalency in a nut shell, asshole.
You’ve just alluded to the fact that Black folk have no right to feel aggrieved because they only have themselves to blame — and they even admit it — but White folk are legitimately spooked by “changing neighborhoods [sic] and social patterns”. In your false equivalency you’re not even giving equal weight to both sides in your false argument. You see nothing wrong with that as long as it helps Trump. Just another reason you’re a hack, as I correctly called you in The Annotated Bill O’Reilly Talking Point Memo #2.
Their refrain is often, I want my country back.
Back to when Black folk knew their place, perhaps?
These voters are tired of seeing welfare doled out to people who are not motivated to succeed.
How many dog whistles you got?
They are angry that terrorists are not being contained.
Doncha mean radical Islamist terrorists? And, what does “contained” even mean in such an asymmetrical war?
Oh, and, Muslim dog whistle.
They see the Republican Party as largely cowardly in the face of political correctness.
I see the people who reject political correctness as saying, “Rude as I wanna be,” just like the meme to the right I tricked up back in August.
Incidentally, I love how you’re using the word “they,” but you’re really not only talking about yourself, but using this Talking Point Memo to excuse the worst aspects of Trump’s campaign. Like weaving in “political correctness”.
Remember when your friend Trump said he had no time to be politically correct? The Anti-PC Police Squad™ has long been a fixture of the Fox “News” Channel, as you must know.
Never mind. You were saying. Any more reasons why White folk are the real victims and only your pal Donald Trump can save us?
The white grievance crew also believes they are being oppressed economically and that nobody is looking out for them.
But, you’re looking out for us, aren’t you Mr. Falafel? You’ll tell us what to believe and who to believe, won’t you?
Enter Donald Trump, who vividly reflects the anger, who has criticized his own party for being weak.
Now both the black and white grievance movements have some legitimate points.
Wait! That’s not what you said above. You were dismissive of the Black grievance industry.
Anyway, do go on. My eyes can’t roll any farther away than they have already. How are Blacks folks’ grievances legitimate? This should be good.
There is no question that in poor black neighborhoods schools are generally deficient because the property tax base is low.
So poor black children are not being educated as well as affluent children.
That’s true.
Yes, it’s true. And, why is that, you obtuse piece of crap?
Because of systemic and ongoing racism!!!
U.S. cities look the way they do — and the property taxes are such — because of White Flight, redlining, just two aspects of the “historic oppression” that you blithely dismissed out of hand as of no consequence.
You also seem to feel that systemic racism has been eradicated, when it clearly has not been. Otherwise, poor Black children would be as educated as poor White children, never mind any stupid false equivalency with affluent White children.
On the white side, here’s a simple example: The Republican Party did
not get behind Kate’s Law, which would have harshly punished illegal
alien felons who defy deportation.
How did we get from that to one of your pet projects, not to mention one of your favourite Muslim dog whistles?
It doesn’t matter because you just — once again — pointed out your own racism. Answer me this, Sherlock, how is this strictly a White issue? If it’s as important as you say it is, shouldn’t it cross all racial lines?
While GOP senators like Grassley, McCain and Cruz did actively try to
get Kate’s Law passed, the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did
And in general Republican politicians did not raise the flag on this issue.
I mean, when you control both houses of Congress and you cannot get Kate’s Law passed, there is a serious problem.
Or, maybe it’s just a stupid law that you are championing. But, again, you’re just playing defense for your BFF Trump. The funniest part is that you actually believe you are in the No Spin Zone. My eyes are spinning from where you’ve taken this Talking Points Memo.
Again, Donald Trump has tapped into that chaos.
Thank goodness we’re back on topic.
Going forward, Mr. Trump’s nomination is not a lock.
Thank goodness there are still smart people in this country who are banding together to stop this demagogue before it’s too late. First they came for the Mexicans . . .
He has made mistakes and will have to win over millions of Americans who do not believe he is qualified.
The majority of ‘Merkins don’t believe he’s qualified and if he somehow manages to snag the GOP nomination, which is starting to look less and less likely, he will be destroyed in the General Election. And, the GOP will be on the endangered species list, especially if the Republican Convention becomes a brokered one. [Pass the popcorn.]
If you believe the polls, Mr. Trump is in for a rough day tomorrow in Wisconsin.
Let’s hope so.
That being said, the issue of white grievance is not going away and Trump will maintain a loyal level of support.
Among the poor, uneducated, xenophobic racists that want to make ‘Merka great again. Everyone else, as you have already made the case above, are fleeing from this sinking ship.
Many of his supporters are furious, and if Mr. Trump does not get the
nomination, the stay-home vote next November is likely to be
Pass the popcorn.
And that’s the memo. [Transcript provided by Bill O’Reilly.]
And that’s my answer, ‘cept:
Don’t you get winded blowing so many dog whistles, Loofah Lad? After all, you’re not a young man anymore. But, you’re still an aggrieved racist White man.