Tag Archives: Legalization

Judge Not 4 ►

Unretouched photo of Judge Nap taken from author’s tee vee

Maybe Judge Nap was still licking his wounds after Tuesday’s election, in which Mendacious Mitt had his ass handed to him.

Or maybe it was simply because Judge Judy still won’t return his tweets. [It’s a long, complicated story. Sunday night The Judge and I were killing time and a bottle of tequila when he got a crazy idea and took out his smartphone. I warned him not to send Judge Judy that! Have you ever tried to tell The Judge what to do when he gets a snoot-full?]

Whatever the cause, Judge “Andy” Napolitano, the Fox “News” Senior Judicial Libertarian, barely sent out anything out this week, especially when compared to his high of 2 weeks ago. It’s the second week in a row that Judge Not  (soon to be a major motion picture starring Matt Damon or Steve Carell. I always get those two confused.) showed a marked decline. Since I had only 41 messages to choose from, as you can imagine, I had to use the good and the bad, starting with a Libertarian cause very close to The Judge’s heart:

Most people do not realize that Judge Nap runs a string of Animal Mills across the country. The Judge Nap Animal Mill™ sells dogs and cats and, yes, even rabbits. However, much closer to the Judge’s heart are the wolves and hyenas he loves to breed. If LA can close down his Animal Mills, then where next?
Like a lot of people who had power and hot and cold running water, Judge Nap joined the outrage against NYC Mayor Bloomberg after he endorsed President Obama.

Hating NYC Mayor Bloomberg became the GOP’s national sport as soon as he endorsed President Obama. The marathon merely gave those haters a focus for their hate. Don’t say that Judge Nap isn’t willing to jump on a bandwagon once it’s already going.
That’s not the question I want answered. I’d prefer to ask, “Are the Supremes Individual?” Not the Supreme Court, either! Diana Ross and The Supremes! I hear a symphony.
I’ve already written about this in my blog post “Bully Boy Bolling Believes Bullshit Baffles Brains.” What does this prove? Even Judge Nap likes a good fight and is willing to jump on  a bandwagon.
Judge Nap thinks nothing of passing along a thoroughly debunked piece of crap, long after it had already been debunked. That’s why Judge Nap fits in so well on Fox “News,” because it’s a network that doesn’t care about truth either.
Judge Nap jumped on the Libertarian bandwagon that argued the position that Free Markets should rule after a natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy and that jacking up the cost is not really price gouging, it’s simply the laws of supply and demand coming in to play.
It didn’t take long before Fox “News” figured out a way to blame Democrats for the aftermath of a once-in-a-lifetime natural disaster.
After an unprecedented hurricane, people became angry that it was taking as long as it was to repair a massively broken infrastructure. Judge Nap was happy to jump on that bandwagon and fan the flames of anger and resentment. That’s why Judge Nap would leave it to the private sector.
TRANSLATION: “Then we’ll just have to find something else to blame NYC Mayor Bloomberg for . . .
“. . . FOUND IT!!! Proven to be a quote taken out of context and not true at all? Too late!!!”

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.
It really doesn’t seem as if Judge Nap is terribly optimistic about the human race.

That’s how a Republic works. Get over it.
Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from total anarchy.

Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! We are just moments away from Kid Rock being right about something.

Several Republicans are arriving in Washington to pick up Ron Paul’s Losing Banner. Hooray!!!

This will be a battle between State Rights and Fed Rights. Pass the popcorn. And the Cheetos. Did you bring the M&Ms?

Right after the election, Republicans started to play The Blame Game to avoid the Pink Elephant in the room. This is what DeMint should have said: “If Republicans don’t understand the important aspects of what THE AMERICAN PUBLIC is saying, we won’t be able to exist as a party, certainly not a majority party.”

Why doesn’t Judge Nap believe that Mendacious Mitt wouldn’t also crush personal freedoms? Because, silly, those are personal freedoms that Judge Nap doesn’t believe that those with a uterus deserve.
Yes, they are. Next question.
Here is Judge Nap fanning the flames of anger and resentment some more. The election’s over, but The Judge is prepared to start fighting it again RIGHT NOW!

There’s a lot of silly Monday Morning Quarterbacking going on following the election, but the Libertarian position seems the silliest. One could make the argument that Ron Paul supporters threw the GOP under the bus.

More Monday Morning Quarterbacking merely to fan the flames of anger and resentment. Heya, Judge Nap! Over here! When does the GOP or Libertarian Party say, “Even with the lies we made up against President Obama — even with the hundreds of millions of dollars we spent propagandizing those lies — the people still preferred the President’s message. Imagine how much of a drubbing we would have taken had if Mendacious Mitt actually told the truth — about anything at all.”

Empty slogans cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer.
Far gone, man.
What was Judge Nap saying when Dubya was talking about Regime Change in Iraq?

“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”
“QUICK! How can we blame this on President Obama?”
Don’t Libertarians just say the darndest things?

Judge Nap sided with the GOP before the election and sided with the GOP after the election. He’s a LINO: Libertarian In Name Only. However, far worse is his lack of self-awareness. There’s no shame. No stock-taking. No introspection. No mea culpa. There will be no apology tours. None of that hand-wringing, self-analysis for Judge Nap. It’s all the Progressive’s fault, all of the time.

Judge Not, lest you be judged. Which, using my convoluted logic, is why Westerfield Data Room called this series Judge Not. And, if any further proof was needed, here’s a song followed by some classic British comedy. Judge Not, ‘Merka.

Judge Not 3 ► Libertarian Leprechaun

Maybe it was the after effects of Hurricane Sandy, maybe it was sheer laziness on Judge Nap’s part, or maybe I was away from my computer more this week (which seems pretty unlikely). However, Judge Nap really seemed to slack off this week, only sending out some 40 updates, when last week I had 153 to choose from. 

Regardless the reason, it doesn’t mean that the Laughing Judge neglected any of his favourite topics. They were all there, from drones, to Ludwig von Mises, to legalization of marijuana, the to government being the enemy. Let’s deconstruct, shall we?

If it’s secretive, how is it that you know all about it?

It’s not unconstitutional until a court has adjudicated it so. Or did you forget that lesson, Judge?

Rep. King, who I rarely agree with, seems to disagree with Judge Nap’s assessment of this. I put my money on Rep. King.

But Rep. King and Congress says they’re legal. I put my money on Rep. King and Congress.

Patent #6630507 is for medicinal forms of marijuana. I’d love to see Judge Nap be honest with the brain-dead Fox “News” audience and admit on the air that he is for the legalization of drugs for recreational purposes. Their heads would explode.

Only an idiot would deny that there is no economic benefit to people having to rebuild and replace all their household goods. It may not be politically correct to say, but it’s true.

Just covering up for Mendacious Mitt’s idiocy during the GOP primary debate.


I think it’s disgusting how Charles Woods’ grief is being used by Fox “News” to attack President Obama. I’m not the only one who thinks so. Your colleague Geraldo Rivera agrees with me. I think it’s disgusting that you are so willing to jump on that bandwagon, Judge Nap.

Who cares?

A defense of price gouging, which says, essentially, that market forces of supply and demand should rule.

Then why isn’t Ron Paul the Republican nominee, as opposed to Mendacious Mitt, who has traded with China and even shipped jobs to China?

Next question.

Would you be surprised to learn that Judge Nap would find it helped Mendacious Mitt?



This narrative was falling apart by week’s end, but facebook turned it into a controversy.

This is a total misreading of what’s going on. Homeland Security is simply making it easier for local LEOs to bring forward concerns. It does not give local police departments any additional power, but Judge Nap wants people to think so, even though he knows better.

facebook censored that image above, and then reversed itself and put it back. Fox “News” tried to turn this into a censorship issue which ONLY affected the Right Wing. Tell that to all the nursing mothers who have had pictures removed from facebook. While Jude Nap correctly said facebook, as a private company, can do what it likes, the truth of the matter is that facebook only responds to complaints. Often it takes action before thinking it through properly. You can also find many Left Wing organizations who have had their images, and words, removed by facebook, but Fox “News” will NEVER tell you about that.

Another case of Eminent Domain gone awry.

Regardless of the fact that Judge Nap said facebook is a private entity and can do what it likes, he still played along with Fox “News” and called it censorship and made a big deal out of the fact that some poor, FALSE Right Wing meme was removed, and then restored. It happens to people on the other side of the political spectrum all the time, but Fox “News” will never tell you that.

Remember The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.

What’s your point?

Then Judge Nap’s an idiot. It restored the pic and apologized, but that’s not good enough for Judge Nap, who still refuses to accept it happens all the time on facebook, to people on all sides of the political spectrum.

Lookit, Judge. Groups of people have reported facebook pages that were full of racial remarks against Muslims and others that were filled with hateful messages against the LGBT communities. facebook, in its infinite wisdom, replied that it didn’t find anything wrong with the pages being reported. Everyone who has ever dealt with these facebook issues understands that somebody — with little experience in these matters — makes a snap judgement call when something has been reported. Not all of these decisions are going to be right. But, Judge Nap is going to make a federal issue out of one FALSE Right Wing meme being removed from facebook. Get with the program, Judge. Or, at the very least, be honest and admit it happens to both sides.

YIKES!!! Now that’s scary!!!

Arrested for what? These nothing illegal in this and when it happened during Dubya’s Administration there was nary a peep.

TRANSLATION: Gouging is good.

A phony story taht Judge Nap felt the need to pass along because it smeared Obamacare.

There is no evidence whatsoever that drones have been deployed within our borders.

Why don’t you ever pass along the jokeds made about Mendacious Mitt?

He’s right, yannow.

Are you advocating for legalization, Judge? Will you ever say that on Fox “News”?

I thought so too. It might actually make some people think twice about voting for Mendacious Mitt.

C’mon, Judge. Come right out and tell us how you really feel.

I keep hoping that one of these days Judge Nap will be honest and do what Geraldo Rivera did this morning: Call out Fox “News” for its lies. Do you think he has enough guts for that?

Prohibition Then and Now

Detroit on January 16, 1920, the day before prohibition began.

DATELINE October 28, 1919 – The House overrides President Woodrow Wilson’s veto to pass the 18th Amendment, also known as the Volstead Act. The Senate went along the following day, which brought in prohibition across the nation the following January. Prohibition lasted for almost 14 years — 14 years of extreme lawlessness. It was a complete failure. As PBS tells us

Prohibition turned law-abiding citizens into criminals, made a mockery
of the justice system, caused illicit drinking to seem glamorous and
fun, encouraged neighborhood gangs to become national crime syndicates,
permitted government officials to bend and sometimes even break the law,
and fostered cynicism and hypocrisy that corroded the social contract
all across the country. With Prohibition in place, but ineffectively
enforced, one observer noted, America had hardly freed itself from the
scourge of alcohol abuse – instead, the “drys” had their law, while the
“wets” had their liquor. 

 I highly recommend the three-part Ken Burns-Lynn Novik documentary Prohibition. Here’s a taste:

Watch Al Capone Beer Wars on PBS. See more from Prohibition.

Prohibition Now

‘Merka learned almost nothing from Prohibition. No sooner did the country do away with Prohibition, it brought in the Marihuana [sic] Tax Act of 1937. Oddly enough, the law did not outlaw marijuana; it merely required paying a tax of about a dollar to deal in hemp, marijuana, or cannabis. However, it was impossible to obtain a tax stamp. This effectively made marijuana illegal even though there are many uses for marijuana, whether for smoking or making products out of hemp, such as paper.

The outlawing of marijuana was a perfect storm of business interests and racism, all whipped up by Harry J. Anslinger, who was appointed to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930 by Treasury Secretary Andrew W. Mellon. One of the Mellon Bank’s financial interests was DuPont, which was moving out of munitions and into plastics and synthetic fibers. Hemp, which had been a huge industry at the time, was a threat to DuPont’s plans.

One of Anslinger’s weapons in his campaign to outlaw marijuana was undisguised racism, as DrugWarRant.com clearly lays out in its report on Why Is Marijuana Illegal:

He also promoted and frequently read from “Gore Files” — wild reefer-madness-style exploitation tales of ax murderers on marijuana and sex and… Negroes. Here are some quotes that have been widely attributed to Anslinger and his Gore Files:

    “There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”

“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”

And he loved to pull out his own version of the “assassin” definition:

“In the year 1090, there was founded in Persia the religious and military order of the Assassins, whose history is one of cruelty, barbarity, and murder, and for good reason: the members were confirmed users of hashish, or marihuana, and it is from the Arabs’ ‘hashashin’ that we have the English word ‘assassin.’”

Yellow Journalism

Harry Anslinger got some additional help from William Randolf Hearst, owner of a huge chain of newspapers. Hearst had lots of reasons to help. First, he hated Mexicans. Second, he had invested heavily in the timber industry to support his newspaper chain and didn’t want to see the development of hemp paper in competition. Third, he had lost 800,000 acres of timberland to Pancho Villa, so he hated Mexicans. Fourth, telling lurid lies about Mexicans (and the devil marijuana weed causing violence) sold newspapers, making him rich.

Movies such as Reefer Madness (1936) helped to drive the national hysteria:

While the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was supplanted by various laws over the years, the result is the same: Marijuana is still illegal. Some of the costs of the War on Drugs include:

  • Amount spent annually in the U.S. on the war on drugs: More than $51,000,000,000
  • Number of people arrested in 2010 in the U.S. on nonviolent drug charges: 1,638,846
  • Number of people arrested for a marijuana law violation in 2010: 853,838
  • Number of those charged with marijuana law violations who were arrested for possession only: 750,591 (88 percent)
  • Number of Americans incarcerated in 2009 in federal, state and local prisons and jails: 2,424,279 or 1 in every 99.1 adults, the highest incarceration rate in the world
  • Fraction of people incarcerated for a drug offense in state prison that are black or Hispanic, although these groups use and sell drugs at similar rates as whites: 2/3
  • Number of states that allow the medical use of marijuana: 17 + District of Columbia
  • Estimated annual revenue that California would raise if it taxed and regulated the sale of marijuana: $1,400,000,000
  • Number of students who have lost federal financial aid eligibility because of a drug conviction: 200,000+
  • Tax revenue that drug legalization would yield annually, if currently-illegal drugs were taxed at rates comparable to those on alcohol and tobacco: $46.7 billion

Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico and current candidate for President of the United States for the Libertarian Party argues

It’s time we tax and regulate marijuana. The War on Drugs is a proven failure.  We have spent several decades and close to a trillion dollars trying to eliminate drugs.

Consider these facts:

  • The last three Presidents and half of American adults have said they have smoked marijuana.
  • More children have tried marijuana, which is illegal, than cigarettes, which are regulated.
  • Last year we arrested 850,000 people for marijuana, mostly for possession.
  • So far, fourteen states have passed medical marijuana laws enabling sick people to benefit.
  • Massachusetts, Denver, and Seattle have either successfully decriminalized, or instituted lowest priority law enforcement policies for marijuana possession.

We learned a valuable lesson with alcohol prohibition in this country. Prohibition created black markets and violence as gangs fought to control the market. The same thing is true today.  Mexican cartels make the majority of their profits distributing marijuana in 230 American cities, and the resulting violence is tragic. That’s why the presidents of many Latin American countries signed a declaration that the war on drugs needs to be ended.

Isn’t it time to do away with the War on Drugs?

Ron Mann’s 1999 documantary Grass: The History Of Marijuana is a great overview of how marijuana became illegal.