Fox “News”

Hannity’s Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore
Hannity's Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore
I picked the wrong decade to stop writing Fox “News” Criticism. All my previous TRUTH about the FAKE NEWS CHANNEL can be found HERE and HERE. Hannity’s Advertisers Are Dropping Like Flies After Sean Defends Disgusting Roy Moore The other day Roy Moore was accused of having sex with underage girls. Not just one, but FOUR women stepped forward and stated that then-prosecuting attorney Roy Moore had sought out their company for the purpose of sexual relations. The youngest was 14 years ...
The Fox "News" Spin Cycle ► Episode FiveThe Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode Five
Bizarro is owned by DC Comics It was a busy day for the The Fox “News” Spin Cycle because it was the day AFTER Todd Akins (Republican Idiot) said that women ...
The Fox "News" Spin Cycle ► Episode FourThe Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode Four
Bizarro is owned by DC Comics Having been incredibly busy the last few days, I’ve not been able to monitor the Fox “News” SPIN Cycle as much as I would have ...
The Fox "News" Spin Cycle ► Episode ThreeThe Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode Three
Bizarro is owned by DC Comics The Fox “News Spin Cycle is working overtime, which means I am having to work overtime just to keep up with it. You can see ...
The Fox "News" Spin Cycle ► Episode TwoThe Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode Two
Bizarro is owned by DC Comics Who knew that when I posted Episode One of the The Fox “News” Spin Cycle, there would be enough material for a new episode just 32 ...
The Fox "News" Spin Cycle ► Episode OneThe Fox “News” Spin Cycle ► Episode One
Bizarro is owned by DC Comics Bizarro is owned by DC Comics For the last little while I have been collecting some of the propaganda sent out by Fox “News” over its ...
Watergate ► The Beginning of the EndWatergate ► The Beginning of the End
Then It hardly seems like 40 years. However, four decades ago today the Washington Post published the first article by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on what was to become known ...
Unpacking The Aunty Em Ericann Blog ► Part NewUnpacking The Aunty Em Ericann Blog ► Part New
A moment in time While I use this occasional series to peel back the layers and reveal some of the behind-the-scenes aspects of my blog, the more astute among my readers ...
The Day I Shook Hands With Glenn Beck ► Nostalgia Ain't What It Used To BeThe Day I Shook Hands With Glenn Beck ► Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used To Be
Glenn Beck. Picture by author. Eyes by Crazy. In November 2009, not quite three years ago, I was still in the middle of my Performance Art project that began in ’07. ...
Another Magical Tee Vee Moment ► Ernest Borgnine's Secret To Long Life ► R.I.P.Another Magical Tee Vee Moment ► Ernest Borgnine’s Secret To Long Life ► R.I.P.
Those Foxy Friends at Fox and Friends have a way of bringing out the best in people. Here they get Ernest Borgnine to reveal his secret to longevity. R.I.P.
Today's Fox Snark ► Gretchen CarlsonToday’s Fox Snark ► Gretchen Carlson
HEY!!! Look who got the memo. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Today's Fox Snark ► Gretchen Carlson ► Updated with New Snark!!!Today’s Fox Snark ► Gretchen Carlson ► Updated with New Snark!!!
Following Fox “News” personalities on Twitter and facebook can be a never-ending source of amusement. Especially Gretchen Carlson. UPDATE: Names have been called. I absolutely deny being an anal grammarian. I ...