Tag Archives: GrayHammy

The Johnny Dollar Wars ► The Last Chapter?

Cyber-bully Mark Koldys as a child

As I prepare for the 3rd Annual Sunrise to Canton Road Trip for Research, I would be remiss if I allowed an anniversary to pass unremarked.

July 4th of last year was a personal Independence Day of sorts. It’s the day Ashley Graham, the Head Nutjob of The Flying Monkey Squad, tweeted his last tweet. Grayhammy, as he called himself on the interwebs, stalked me online, revealed my alternative lifestyle, and cyber-bullied me for more than 3 years. He didn’t do this for himself. He did it on behalf of Johnny Dollar, who gleefully joined in on the cyber-fun.

Johnny Dollar — in reality, former-Wayne County Michigan prosecutor Mark Koldys — is a self-appointed Fox “News” defender. Because I was writing Fox “News” criticism, Johnny Dollar thought the very best way to defend Fox “News” was to publish details of my private life on his sewer of a blog. If you can’t kill the message, try to kill the messenger.

Despite July 4th of last year being the last cyber-attack, I waited a full 6 months before I was Declaring Victory in the Johnny Dollar Wars. Things have been very quiet since that went up.

IRONY ALERT: While Mark Koldys had no compunction about publishing details of my private life in his quest to be an apologist for Fox “News,” he squealed to facebook and Google when I used pictures of him and his family that I found online. He then tried to pretend that he was the victim of my unprovoked attacks, as if I had no reason whatsoever to retaliate.

However, that’s water under the bridge, all written down, and currently being poured over by editors. However, one of them makes a fair point: “Where’s the Fairness & Balance in your story? What does your antagonist have to say?”

Home of Mark Koldys, who, as Johnny
Dollar, is a proud Fox “News” defender

Fun fact: Canton is a township, not a town
Official Wesbite
Wikipedia Entry
Canton Weather
Public Safety Office
Public Library

Observer and Eccentric – Canton
Plymouth-Canton Patch
Canton Videos
Canton at ClickOn Detroit

Things to do in Canton
Attractions near Canton
IKEA Canton

Canton Township
Cornerstones: A History of
Canton Township Families

Seven Fatality Christmas Tree Fire
Encyclopedia of Invasive Species: From
Africanized Honey Bees to Zebra Mussels

Leaving Home to Find Home


Let me explain. Since the day Johnny Dollar outed my alternative lifestyle I have been writing The Johnny Dollar Wars, a full-length book on what it’s like to be the target of a viscous and relentless cyber-bullying campaign.

Mark Koldys (Johnny Dollar) lives in Canton Township, Michigan. Therefore, The Sunrise to Canton Road Trip for Research was always an itinerary based on my need for on-the-ground research. I purposely named it such so he would know I was coming. While the word “Canton” means little to most people, it hit the intended target: both Ashley Graham and Mark Koldys, who stalked my social media for anything to use against me, made a point to mention it.

During the upcoming 3rd Annual Sunrise to Canton Road Trip for Research I am hoping I can finally write the last chapter of The Johnny Dollar Wars by interviewing Mark Koldys himself. This will be a way for Johnny Dollar to finally go on the record and describe the skirmishes in The Johnny Dollar Wars from his side of the battlement. Maybe there were extenuating circumstances that resulted in my private life being outed.

I have a journalistic duty to find out, I suppose.

Because Johnny Dollar blocked me on Twitter after I started sharing The Johnny Dollar Wars with his correspondents, I cannot message him there. I am hoping someone — like maybe his brother Bruce — will pass along this interview request to him.

Funny story: Bruce and I exchanged some messages in 2013, after which I wrote Fun With Pictures. For reasons I don’t quite remember (I hope I was trying to be funny) I blacked out his name in that post, but it was Bruce Koldys I had been addressing.

During that exchange of messages, Bruce asked me not to judge an entire family based solely on the nut that fell from the tree, but I am paraphrasing wildly. TO BE FAIR: He merely wanted me to know that his politics are far different from his older brother’s and to leave him out of The Johnny Dollar Wars. Ever since, Bruce Koldys has regularly retweeted some of my Fox “News” snark, which is probably his way of tweaking his brother’s nose.

IRONY ALERT: Just before publishing this, I checked his
Twitter timeline. I’m glad I did because it’s obvious Johnny
Dollar has reformed. Now it’s diseased and creepy to stalk
people online. I’ll have to ask him why he changed his mind.

So, I am hoping I can dragoon Bruce into passing along my interview request to his big brother Mark.

Bruce: Tell him we will meet in a neutral location, preferably a Starbucks. He should come alone and make sure he’s not followed. No weapons of any kind. Both of us can record the interview for posterity. Everything said, from first greeting to last goodbye, is ON THE RECORD. Any deviation from these instructions and the truth gets it.

If he agrees to these terms tell him to give me a call. Mark once indicated (correctly) that he knew my address and phone number, so that should be no problem. Or, he can email me. I will be in Canton from July 17th, through to the 24th performing some last-minute research. He can contact me right up until the 24th.

SYNCHRONICITY ALERT: Those who have been following my Pastoral Letter series will be glad to know I finally have a copy of A Letter to my Congregation by my childhood friend, Pastor Ken Wilson, of the Blue Ocean Faith Church in Ann Arbor.

I started reading the book as I always do, from the title page on, including the copyright page. Lo & behold: A Letter to my Congregation is published by Read The Spirit Books; an imprint of David Crumm Media, LLC; of Canton, Michigan.

It all comes full circle. Maybe Pastor Kenny can help me how to find forgiveness for Mark Koldys. However, I’m more inclined to think I’ll be able to forgive when the full-length Johnny Dollar Wars is finally on the shelves of bookstores all across ‘Merka.

A Series of Tubes ► Unpacking the Writer

He went that away!!!

Welcome back, dear readers. For the uninitiated, Unpacking the Writer is the monthly series in which I pull back the curtain, just like Toto did in the Wizard of Oz, and reveal some of the inner workings of the mind of a writer on this series of tubes.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: I’ve been told, by someone in the know, that begging my readers to click on the adverts on these pages could vitiate my contract with Google Ads. Therefore, I certainly won’t do that ever again. However, I also realize I have no control over my readers. Some of them may click on the adverts without prompting. They are such mavericks that way.

WHEN I’M 62: Maybe it’s because I had a birthday earlier this month or maybe it’s just a function of getting older, but I’ve been thinking about the past a lot lately. Facebook helps me rediscover the past through many of the Groups and Pages I’ve joined.

I’ve also been thinking about my past a lot lately and this series of tubes has also been helping me catch up with that. Through them, I have connected to people I knew 42 years ago. F’rinstance, I’ve reconnected with Jim Cox, one of my favourite instructors back when I was at Sheridan College. There are several stories I’ve started writing about my times at Sheridan College. Eventually, they’ll all connect up and I’ll publish it as a book, or magnum opus of some kind.

Jim is almost my oldest connection rediscovered on the Facebookery. However, that honour would go Leon Stevenson. I first met Leon back in 1971, or ’72, around the same time I met my 1st wife in what was then known as Cooksville, Ontario. [I don’t know if anybody still calls it Cooksville, but it was the first place I ever lived in Canada. I watched over the years while Cooksville was swallowed by greater Mississauga.] Leon went on to form several bands, one of which became The Extras. I’ve followed Leon’s career and we’ve run into each
other on and off at Music Biz functions over the years. The Extras had a number of hits in Canada, including this terrific Ska tune, which was more of an underground hit due to its subject matter:

However, novelty tunes are not the only thing The Extras are known for. They were also known for great tunes with silly videos, because that’s what people did back then:

Sadly, that’s as far back as I’ve been able to take the Facebook Time Machine. I can’t get past the event horizon that marks the transition between my life in Canada and growing up in Detroit.

When I first moved to Canada I tried to keep up with my Detroit friends. I’d visit my folks on Gilchrist Street some 10-20 times a year and, while I was back, would catch up with some of my Detroit friends. However, as Detroit visits became less frequent, I also noticed that my ‘Merkin friends had not really reciprocated by visiting me in Canada.

“No soup for you!!!”

Mark Levine, my band mate in Cobwebs & Strange, visited once. He rode his bicycle from Southfield, Michigan, to Oakville, Ontario, on his way to register at MIT. That’s the last time I ever saw him.

Kenneth John Wilson and his new bride visited once. In the couple of years since I had seen him Kenny had been Born Again. Most of the visit (or so it seemed at the time and in retrospect) was spent trying to convince me to accept Jesus Christ in my life. They even left me a Good News Bible, which I kept until about 10 years ago, when it became one of the few (cherished) objects left behind (no pun intended) in my last break-up (along with 3 other different versions of The Bible, which I loved showing people the contradictions. But I digress. Again.). I would love to see Kenny again and see whether he is still highly religious.

However, those were the only friends who visited me. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about and have grown quite nostalgic for the friends that preceded the Cooksville event horizon: Dean Donaldson, who drummed for Cobwebs & Strange; Craig Portman, whose family moved to California before I moved to Canada, and I lost track of him then; Jimmy Coblentz, a few years older, who had a fleet of Studebakers and — inappropriately — moved to Normal Avenue in Los Angeles; Terry Seissor, an occasional girlfriend who wasn’t happy to learn I was moving to Canada and getting married; Jeff Deeks, whose family was so convinced that he was a drug addict (he hadn’t discovered drugs yet) and I was a bad influence on him, that they shipped him down to live with his grandparents in Hernando, Florida; Kenny Wilson; and Mark Levine are all people I’d love to find again. If you have a clue where any of them absconded to, let me know, because I’m just not as good at cyber-sleuthing on this series of tubes as some people.

A moment in time in the Not Now Silly Newsroom

ALMOST QUIET ON THE CRAZY FRONT: Speaking of cyber-sleuths. It has grown relatively quiet since I published The Johnny Dollar Wars and started sharing the hell out of it. As of this writing it’s #6 on the Not Now Silly All Time Top Ten, with a bullet!

I might have forgotten all about the feud by now had it not been for their reflexive attacks on me. Sadly — for Koldys — The Flying Monkey Squad, his sycophantic gang of ass-kissers that used to hound me on this series of tubes, is now reduced to just one: Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy. While crossfire has diminished considerably, the war has not ended. Whenever a new skirmish breaks out I am reminded to share The Johnny Dollar Wars with more individuals. Then I set up a whole new series of timed click bait tweets, a simple process carried out with the flick of a button. All of this to push more truth about Johnny Dollar through this series of tubes.

The Johnny Dollar Depreciation Society is your place
for all the latest on The Flying Monkey Squad and
your daily adult requirement of Fox “News” snark!

Now, you’d think a smart guy like Mark Koldys — a former-Wayne County Prosecutor, fer fuck’s sake — would have figured out a way to end the war he started. Perhaps I give him too much credit. No matter, because I am content to keep this up as long as he and his Gang of One does. However, after slapping these fools down on this series of tubes for the past 3 years, would I grow nostalgic for The Johnny Dollar Wars if it were to ever end?

TWO MORE REASONS FOR MY MOTOR CITY NOSTALGIA: I’ve started making final preparations for The 2nd Annual Sunrise to Canton Road Trip for Research. This year there are already more stops planned and more subjects for research than last year’s very successful trip. I’ll be gathering more documents, examining more microfiche, and gathering photographs for the 2014 edition of the Road Trip.

The Purple Gang trying to remain anonymous

One of the topics I’ll be researching while up north is the history of Detroit during the 1920s through to the late ’60s for later chapters of Farce Au Pain (the long-lost book I keep promising to serialize in these pages). I’m still writing and researching parts of Farce Au Pain while I edit other parts. One never knows where research will lead. The story of Farce Au Pain is still taking unexpected turns in this series of tubes, but not everything can be found on the Information Highway, hence the The 2nd Annual Sunrise to Canton Road Trip for Research.

More specifically, I’ll be researching newspaper microfiche for articles on The Purple Gang. It surprised me that a person in Farce Au Pain, who will be introduced in Chapter Two, had a strange connection to The Purple Gang? And, who knew, that would lead to further research in Miami, a place I’ve been writing about for the last several years.

This series of tubes is an amazing place, occasionally filled with wonderful synchronicity like this, some of which make me shiver. This one had all my hairs standing on end. Get comfortable while we take a rest stop on the Information Highway:

Recently I was retweeted by the grandson of Meyer Lansky because I shared an article about his grandfather. Makes sense. No big deal, right?

This is where it gets weird. While it was accidental that the Tampa Times published an article about the daughter of the famous mobster just before Father’s Day, it was not accidental that I shared it. I shared it because Meyer Lansky has been on my mind a lot lately because that’s where the Purple connection led and I have been researching him for Farce Au Pain.

That’s why the last book I finished reading was “Mickey Cohen; The Life and Crimes of L.A.’s Notorious Mobster.” Lansky, not surprisingly, comes up 13 times in Cohen book. The next book I started reading was “The Purple Gang; Organized Crime in Detroit 1910-1945.” I’ve read it before and own it. I decided I’d read it again because it, and the Cohen book, are sources for “Farce Au Pain.” [For the record: Lansky only comes up once in the Purple book, but it was a different era.]

Without giving too much away [NO SPOILER ALERTS!] there is someone introduced in Chapter Two of “Farce Au Pain” who grew up in the Jewish ghetto of Detroit, ‘Merka’s first throwaway city. He was just in his early teens when the Purple Gang was a happening thing, but he was a cocky kid who would run errands for Harry Millman. [Incidentally, and almost besides the point, Pops was friends with Morrie (Morris) Millman, Harry’s brother. And, Morrie and Millie Millman are my sister’s Godparents, but I digress.]

As he grew up, Harry Millman paid for his education so he wouldn’t fall into a life a crime. He became a lawyer, so you’d have to argue whether Harry was successful, or not. That lawyer, almost 20 years later, connects Adrian (who you may all remember from Chapter One) tangentially to Meyer Lansky, who appears in “Face Au Pain” twice as often as he did in the book on The Purples.

It’s a series of tubes.

UPDATED!!! ► The Johnny Dollar Wars ► Chapter and Verse



INTRODUCTION: Welcome, truth-seekers!!!You are here because you want the truth about Johnny Dollar aka Mark Koldys. Every word here is
100% true. Just ask him. He’s lying if he denies it. Here are the proofs.
DEDICATION: The Johnny Dollar Wars is dedicated to all victims of bullying, cyber or real, past, present, and future.
LONG STORY SHORT: This project documenting the hate and malevolence of former-Wayne County, Michigan Prosecutor Mark Koldys (aka Johnny Dollar)
began in April, 2012. It was started only after he posted details of my sex life on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog (later redacted). I wrote for NewsHounds at the time — motto: “We watch Fox so you don’t have to” — under the nom de plume of Aunty Em Ericann. Because Johnny Dollar is a Fox “News” defender (let that sink in for a sec), he thought the very best way to defend Fox “News” against FAIR CRITICISM was to publish details of my alternative lifestyle.Had it ended there, this would be a short story. However, since 4/2012 I have collected enough new material for an entire book. Publishers: Contact me. I’m turning this into a situation comedy or a Gothic horror movie. It works both ways.
SPOILER ALERT: We’ve come full circle: From Mark Koldys posting details of my sex life, to The Flying Monkey Squad crying VICTIM because I have refused to wither away from their 3-years of nonstop cyber-bullying. It’s the CABLE NEWS TRUTH vast circle of life.

The Johnny Dollar Wars

The newest circle jerk between Johnny Dollar and
Grayhammy (aka Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham).Note how the Dysfunctional Duo pretends there is no
reason whatsoever to attack Johnny Dollar, despite
his outing my alternative lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS
TRUTH blog, like butter don’t melt in their mouths.

Chapter One

This is a very good place for truth-seekers to start. While this was the last chapter written (so far), it describes the multi-year arc of The Johnny Dollar Wars, which began long before I came along.

Chapter Two

When it was learned that Fox “News” paid opposition agents to attack those who criticized it in the blogosphere, it became an open question whether Mark Koldys was a paid troll, or whether he was just freelancing when he outed my sex life.

The closest Johnny Dollar has come to admitting that he posted
details of my sex life on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH sewer.
He deleted it when it offended the delicate sensibilities of
one of his sycophants, not because he thought it was wrong.

Chapter Three

After pondering whether Fox “News” paid him, it was hardly a leap to consider whether Fox “News” supports Johnny Dollar’s tactics of outing a person’s sex life in order to defend Fox “News” over a political difference of opinion. Whether it was done for pay, or because it seemed like a good idea, hardly matters. It is despicable and Mark Koldys now wants to pretend it never happened. Yet, it did.

Join in on the fun! The Johnny Dollar Depreciation Society is your place for the daily antics of The Flying Monkey Squad.


I’ve also learned that it’s a mistake to use humour or sarcasm with
The Flying Monkey Squad. It either goes over their heads, or they
purposely twist it as if it’s true. After I sacrastically thanked J$ for
redacting the details of my sex life after the bell had already been
rung, Mark Koldys threatened to post the details of my alternative
lifestyle all over again if I don’t sit down, shut up, and fall into
line like every previous victim of The Flying Monkey Squad.Remember: Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, but threats?

Chapter Four

Anyone who would reveal a person’s sex life to try to destroy the messenger is a very DANGEROUS PERSON. No longer about defending Fox “News” on a shitty blog, when Mark Koldys published details of my alternative lifestyle, he began the politics of personal destruction that sparked this crazy feud. For my part: I have merely continued to document the truth about these crazy, obsessive, malevolent Mofos — as it happened — in order to reveal them to the world as the dangerous scumbags they are. I consider it a public service. YMMV

Not surprisingly, Ashley Graham picked up J$’s refrain that if
I didn’t sit down and shut up they’d re-expose my sex life. More
proof that these crazy MoFos revealed details of my sex life
and then threatened to do it all over again, despite their many
subsequent public denials.IRONY ALERT: Before he wrote the screed that exposed my
sex life, Ashley Graham scrubbed every trace of his own identity
from the interwebs. I wonder why he’d do something like that?

Chapter Five

No discussion of Koldys’ Kiddie Klan would be complete without a look at his henchmen: Grayhammy and The Flying Monkey Squad. [Geddit? AUNTY EM!!! AUNTY EM!!!] There used to be an entire hornet’s nest of Johnny Dollar sycophants, who attacked any and all perceived enemies of Fox “News” and/or Mark Koldys. Sadly, for the reunion meetings, most have dropped out, one by one, until only the most perniciously malignant — or crazily obsessed — remains. Ashley Graham has anointed himself Johnny Dollar’s defender, using the exact same exact tactics as Mark Koldys uses to defend the Fox “News” Channel: lies, smears, and innuendo.

My sex life was a CABLE NEWS TRUTH?

IRONY ALERT: Of course, there would be no reason to defend Johnny Dollar had Mark Koldys not conspired with Ashley Graham to reveal my sex life on
his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog. Grayhammy wrote, and Mark Koldys published, the post that attempted to destroy me over a difference of political opinion. Nowadays Grayhammy and Johnny Dollar pretend to be my victims. This after publicly attacking me for my victimization. Hypocrite much? Especially after just last week — more than 2 years after he first did so — Ashley
Graham used 12-year old references to my sex life in an attempt to smear me again. To defend Johnny
Dollar again. See? It’s the CABLE NEWS TRUTH vast circle of life.

This is what passes for clever political debate by
The Flying Monkey Squad. That’s why they had to
expose my sex life. They have no valid arguments.

Chapter Six

I can be kind of slow on the uptake sometimes. It didn’t occur to me that what I had been undergoing at the hands of The Flying Monkey Squad was a non-stop, relentless campaign of cyber-bullying until I read the sad story of Rebecca Sedwick, who killed herself after concentrated cyber-bullying by “a coterie of 15 middle school” classmates. It was the references to “coterie” and “middle school” that made the light bulb go off. DING! DING! DING! While Ashley Graham’s written attacks are so Jr. High School, it’s in his refrigerator art where he really shows his true emotional age. However, better this than another Columbine. Am I right?



More proof nothing gets by Ashley Graham’s crazily, obsessive
cyber-sleuthing. He discovered Aunty Em’s secret identity and
my sex life. This picture appeared in the Miami Herald when
the paper mentioned my campaign to Save the E.W.F. Stirrup
. That’s when my beard started undergoing Twitter attacks,
which was then echoed by Fox “News” Chief Washington
Correspondent James Rosen, as opposed to a denial, after
I proved a passage in his book on John Mitchell was a lie.


Of course this will continue. That’s because The Flying Monkey Squad is far too stupid to just let it drop. They have already hinted they know my birth name, which leads them to my friends and my family on social media. Nothing that happens anywhere on the innertubes gets past the cyber-sleuth Ashley Graham. Just last week, after I wrote about how Pop’s declining health was beginning to weigh on me, Grayhammy started a new barrage of attacks. Like any schoolyard bully, he attacks when he senses weakness.

Meanwhile there are several more chapters — and dozens of crazy tweets — which illustrate The Johnny Dollar Wars. However, just like I’ve run out of steam finishing this post, I couldn’t even bother to give some of them names:

Johnny Dollar ► Hypocrite ► UPDATED!Is Johnny Dollar The World’s Biggest Hypocrite?The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the DayThe Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day ► One Year AnniversaryThe Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the DayThe Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day ► The gretchen carlson EditionThe Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the DayMark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the DayMark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the DayMark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the DayThe Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day • And, many more . . .

When will it end? Stay tuned CABLE NEWS TRUTHERS. But first, a word from our sponsor:


Unpacking the Writer ► Closing Out Another Year

Crazy angles. Just like Batman.

Long-time readers of Not Now Silly know that Unpacking The Writer is a monthly feature, in which I pull back the curtain and reveal the man pulling the levers.


New readers may be unaware that this is also my clever way to remind people to click on the adverts on these pages. The few cents I get from the monthly clicks don’t even cover the cost of storing the pics I use. [Did I say “few”? I meant miniscule.] However, now that Google has lowered the price of storage, I might actually be at the break-even point. Whoopie!

No matter. While money was never the reason I started a blog, it would be nice to make a few dollars here and there for all the hard work I put into these posts. On your mark. Get set. Start clicking.

I compare myself to Superman whenever I can.

Something else new readers may not know: I had a residency for a few years at NewsHounds, the motto of which is “We watch Fox so you don’t have to.” Because I was concerned Right Wing Crazies™ might want to hunt me down, I used a nom de plume. Because I thought it was funny, that pseudonym was Aunty Em Ericann. Because that so upset Right Wing Crazies™, some of them decided to hunt me down.

It’s the circle of life.

So, the Right Wing Crazies™ hunted me down and exposed my secret identity, just like I was a superhero and they were trying to conquer the world. No one ever accused them of being Braniacs, however.

In an effort to destroy me — because he couldn’t refute my message — Johnny Dollar was stupid enough to publish details of my alternative lifestyle at his sewer because, clearly, my sex life falls under his stated rubric of CABLE NEWS TRUTH. That’s the story I tell in the very first post on this blog: Johnny Dollar has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person.

TRUE STORY: This blog was launched to expose Mark Koldys. Therefore, if you like this blog, you have Johnny Dollar to thank for it. It’s my modest suggestion that the very best way to thank Johnny Dollar is to share my Johnny Dollar stories all across the World Wide Interwebs. Feel free to repost.

The more that people learn about Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham, the more repulsed they are. They are saddened such evil motherfuckers like Johnny Dollar and Grayhammy actually exist. They are outraged that people would do such a thing over political differences. They understand that I might be willing to forget this silly little cyber-feud — even after 3 years of relentless and mendacious attacks — except Koldys and/or Graham keep reminding me it’s time to write about them all over again. What’s funny is how they keep trying to convince people that they are the victims.

For all those reasons I ask my faithful readers to share, or trade, these blog posts with your family and friends. Here’s are some good places to start:

blackflon was once part of the Flying Monkey Squad, but became bored and
gave up his part in the feud. Maybe Mark Koldys & Ashley Graham will take a clue.

I guess I’m just nostalgic for the earliest days of this blog. While it started with the mission to destroy Johnny Dollar, I’ve branched out considerably since then.

For the first year — to keep the continuity and to bring along my NewsHound fans — this blog was slapped with the unweildy title of Headly Westerfield’s “Aunty Em Ericann” Blog, which I got tired of typing. A year ago, April 1st, I simplified it to Not Now Silly, the URL I had chosen a year earlier. It occurs to me that I’ve not told that story here:

When I was originally setting up this blog I was asked to come up with a URL. I knew that it was something that I’d have to live with for a while, so I typed one possibility after another. They were either already taken, or just seemed stupid when I stared at it long enough. I was just starting to get frustrated when Pops called me from the other room. “Not Now Silly” is what my fingers automatically typed. Then I hit enter. It was as good as any URL, I suppose and, just like every problem, I was over-thinking it. 

For some reason Keg tried it in blue before we settled on sepia.

When I decided to rename the blog last year, I reverted to that URL. Keg designed a logo I that I love, based on a pic I found on the innertubes.

To blow my own horn: I’m most proud of my investigative writing on Coconut Grove. Back when I was still disguised as Aunty Em, I wrote my first blog posts on the Charles Avenue Historical Marker. Accidentally stumbling across that marker led me to all my other reporting on Coconut Grove, from the Demolition by Neglect of the E.W.F. Stirrup House; to the quiet racism that led to Trolleygate; the historical racism that led to Old Smokey; right on down to documenting The Colour Line as it shifts throughout the history of Coconut Grove.

And, my Coconut Grove posts do pretty good, click-wise, because I have regular readers now who want to know what I’ve uncovered lately. However, nothing could have prepared me for the click action on my post of February 22nd, Aries Development Continues To Rape Charles Avenue, all about the illegal cutting of the trees at the E.W.F. Stirrup House. It garnered 1297 clicks in just a month, jumping to the #3 in the Not Now Silly Top Ten. Sadly that knocked one of my Johnny Dollar posts down to the #9 position.

Readers: I do it for you. Without my readers, these words would be meaningless. These last two years have been a great ride. I sure hope you’re going to stick around for the next few. Here are some videos I made that combines my love of history and my obsessive picture collecting. See you around the funny papers. Oh, and click on an advert. It won’t cost you a thing and you’ll feel better for it.

Looking Back ► Unpacking The Writer At The New Year

From time to time I peel back the curtains — AUNTY EM!!! AUNTY EM!!! — and reveal what goes on behind the scenes here at Not Now Silly. The first day of the new year seems an appropriate time to sum up the previous one, doncha think?

Since starting this blog I have published 420 posts, 207 of them in 2013. When I started this blog I swore I’d post something every day. Little did I know how hard that would be. This past year I took a few weeks off here and there to recharge my batteries, research some bigger articles, and go on a road trip for research.

A year ago I was still doing regular Fox “News” snark with my 3 weekly series, Fox “News” Spin Cycle, Judge Not, and Chow Mein and Bolling. However, I got bored of those. Not to mention that compiling and formatting them was very time consuming. Which is the biggest reason I dropped ’em. I found meatier things to research and write about.

Such as Trolleygate. My first post on that topic came on January 27, 2013, with An Introduction to Trolleygate. I first learned of this story through a secret source, my Coconut Grove Deep Throat, who has tipped me to several stories now. However, I would never have won their trust had it not been for all my previous writing on Coconut Grove, and more specifically West Grove. When I learned of Trolleygate I called it racism, straight up:

As much as Coconut Grove is used to being ignored by Miami City Hall — which ironically is in Coconut Grove — Black Coconut Grove is used to being ignored by everybody. […]

Meanwhile, Black Coconut Grove gets stuck with all the negatives of a diesel bus garage from a neighbouring city. Furthermore, while it gets the increased traffic and pollution, the residents will not even get what is normally a benefit of a bus garage: a bus stop. Having a bus stop might allow Black Grove to get on the bus and ride to Merrick Park, or Miracle Mile, or any of those other swank places, including any multimillion dollar project by developers named Astor. It reminds me of how Robert Moses, who built the Long Island Expressway, purposely built all the underpasses too low to allow for buses. That’s so the ‘great unwashed’ couldn’t go to his beaches at Fire Island and Jones Beach.

Skip ahead to November: None other than the U.S. Department of Transportation confirmed what I had been saying all along. According to the US DOT, the lack of public notice and input contravenes the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It has ordered Coral Gables, the city of Miami and Miami-Dade County to come up with a plan for retroactive consultation with the affected communities. I don’t know how that’s going to work, but those three entities are going to submit a plan.

Meanwhile, just to wrap Trolleygate up in a nice bow: Coral Gables is currently suing Astor Development to get out of the deal it struck that resulted in Trolleygate in the first place. The residents of West Grove, who lost their first round in court, are planning to appeal. With the US DOT now involved it’s become one of the most confusing series of intertwined lawsuits that you can imagine.

Miami taxpayers owe it all to [allegedly] corrupt Miami Commissioner Mark D. Sarnoff. Sarnoff seems to have skated away from all responsibility [so far] for sticking the city, county, and Coral Gables with this White Elephant that will never be a “government operated vehicle maintenance facility.” There’s still the Smoking Gun email that was discovered and people continue to investigate who was responsible for telling Astor Development to remove the word maintenance from its 2nd application to build this garage. Speculation says it leads directly to Sarnoff.

Bring on the depositions!!!

Another brag: As 2014 closed, Not Now Silly had its best month ever. The blog had 13,719 clicks in December, which is an average of 442.5 a day. That beats my previous record of 12,067 from August, 2013. I don’t know where all those people come from, but I wish they’d leave some comments. As you can see on the graph above, the monthly numbers go up and down, but I’m happy with the steady progression of onwards and upwards.

This is also the year I broke the lid off a Watergate story hidden in plain sight all these years. It began with my post Aunty Em Ericann’s Bun Fight With James Rosen of Fox “News” and continued with a review of Rosen’s book in Did Roger Ailes Dupe James Rosen, Or Did Rosen Dupe ‘Merka? To be BOTH “fair and balanced,” I also told the other side of the story with James Rosen Responds To Me, Sort Of and with the follow-up Serial Liar James Rosen Responds To Me Again. Long story short: I have rejected his explanations until he produces some evidence. My theory is on the table. He has yet to disprove it.

Another media bun fight I kept alive was versus the Coconut Grove Grapevine. I’m finally willing to admit that some of my feelings is sheer jealousy. Tom Falco gets advertising dollars for producing his reviews, event listings, and promotional bumph. While I have some Google averts here — AND CLICKING ON THEM WILL BE A GOOD THING! GO AHEAD — they produce pennies per post and my storage fees for the pics are higher than that. However, the other part of my frustration with the Grapevine is that it has a very large readership. Falco could be writing and/or researching and/or publishing news of importance to the people of Coconut Grove instead.

Mark Koldys during happier times

Sadly, I’m still fighting The Johnny Dollar Wars, a feud I never started and only kept alive by The Flying Monkey Squad.

Believe me, I would have ended it with Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person, posted 20 months ago. However, for reasons that only a psychiatrist and powerful psychotropic drugs would be able to determine, Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham (@JohnnyDollar01 and @Grayhammy on Twitter) have continued to cyber-bully me long after it made any real sense.

Dr Keith Ablow, whose motto is NORMAL OR NUTS, would have a field day with these wackos because they are still carry on this crazy
cyber conflict more than 3 years after they began it.

They latched onto me merely because I was a writer at NewsHounds — the motto of which is WE WATCH FOX SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO — and I refused to slink away like all the others they’ve cyber-bullied over the years.

Johnny Dollar’s site has a motto, too: CABLE NEWS TRUTH. I’m strill trying to get someone to explain what part of my alternative lifestyle came under that bullshit rubric.

I have a motto as well: READ THE TRUTH ABOUT JOHNNY DOLLAR. My last three J$ posts are, I believe, the ones that best sum up these crazy MoFos. If you’re going to read them, read them in this order: The Smoking Gun ► UPDATED! followed by Does Fox “News” Support Johnny Dollar? with Anatomy of a Cyber-Feud bringing up the rear.

To make a long story somewhat shorter: Nearly every day Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham spend hours on Twitter smearing me with lies and half-truths or having cute little circle jerks all about me.  The time they devote to it is legendary. Meanwhile, once a month I dash off a post about their mendacity that makes me laugh and, hopefully, entertains my readers. It seems to be working.

A moment in time: The All Time Top Ten with J$ at #8
with a bullet, and another J$ post bubbling under at 307 hits.

I’m building my reputation off Johnny Dollar’s back, one click at a
time, and it feels great. The first Mark Koldys post has recently
entered my All Time Top Ten and is moving up fast. [Check the current
All Time Top Tell in the column on the right.] The next highest is
bubbling under at 307 clicks. I’m content to continue writing about
Johnny Dollar, especially if it keeps getting those kinds of numbers.
The more people who read about Johnny Dollar the better, as far as I am

You might have thought that some logic would have penetrated. You’d think they would have figured out by now whose brand is being tarnished by this silly Cyber War they started. Not Now Silly, as a brand new Rest Stop on the Information Highway™, had nowhere to go but up. J$’s reputation had nowhere to go but down. You really would think they’d stop already.

Last but not least: When I launched the serialization of my book Farce au Pain, I never anticipated how much work it would be to format the chapters in a way that pleased the eye and my exacting standards, especially within the limitations of the Blogger platform.

I thought I’d manage to post a chapter every month, but now it’s looking like every 45-60 days for me to get it all right. Here’s the way I figure it, to look at the glass as half full: If you are willing to wait that long for the next exciting episode after the cliffhanger, then I’m doing my job as a writer. If not, then I’m not sure it would have mattered had I posed the whole thing at once. But, we’ll never know, will we?

So . . . as we end this exciting episode of Unpacking The Writer, we have a brand new year to look forward to. Here’s to all the political muckraking, fights, and feuds to come in 2014!!!

Unpacking The Writer ► Continued

Aunty Em!!! Aunty Em!!!

If you are a new reader, welcome to my irregular blog series in which I pull back the curtain like The Wizard of Oz — AUNTY EM!!! AUNTY EM!!! — and reveal some of the inner-workings of the Not Now Silly blog. If you are not new, then you already know this is just an excuse to beg my readers to click on some of the adverts on this blog. Those people are already happily clicking away. It’s because they enjoy my writing and know the return I get from clicks doesn’t even cover the maintenance fees I pay each month to keep Not Now Silly going, but it sure helps. So, click ’til it hurts. Then click one more time.

There’s a lot of Not Now Silly news to report this go-round, so let’s get right to it.

First off, there’s my new continuing series Headlines Du Jour, launched late last month. I created the series for 3 reasons: 

A Headline Du Jour from the Wayback Machine

1). Often the links I post on social media (the facebookery or Twitter) today, I see scattered all over the innertubes tomorrow and the next day. It so often seems like I ferret out these stories long before the rest of the twiterati. Headlines Du Jour is where my faithful readers can find the news before it’s news to them;

2). The other reason I launched Headlines Du Jour is because I actually dreamed about it several nights in a row, right down to the name. Since I never had a Not Now Silly dream before — or since, for that matter — I decided to listen to my subconscious for a change of pace;

3). Every time I type “Today’s Headlines Du Jour,” I laugh at the redundancy. 

Unfortunately, when I dreamed about Headlines Du Jour I didn’t dream the format, or how it should look. Consequently, I’m still tinkering with Headlines Du Jour and trying to find the right balance between serious and funny, smart and snarky, hard news and news you can use. If you have any suggestions, feel free to send them in over the transom.

Since my last Unpacking The Writer post, I’ve also launched another new irregular feature here at the Steam-Powered Word-0-Matic. Ablow Job is where I put Dr. Keith Ablow, the Fox “News” Channel’s pop psychiatrist, on the couch. My long-time readers might remember when I used to delve into Glenn Beck’s Freudian impulses under my nom de blog of Aunty Em at NewsHounds. This will be similar, ‘cept this time it’s Glenn Beck’s writing partner, Dr. Keith Ablow. Initial reaction has been strong, but you can help spread the word by sharing the hilarity with your friends and family.

UPDATE ON TROLLEYGATE: I’ve been writing about Trolleygate since the end of January — long before any of the local mainstream media covered it. Right from the start I called it a classic case of institutional racism. Early this month my reporting was vindicated by no less than the United States Department of Transportation, which declared Trolleygate in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically Title VI. Not Now Silly also broke the story of The Smoking Gun Email days before any other newspaper. However, only here will you learn about its significance and why it points to corruption within the City of Miami. So, yeah, I’m blowing my own horn: Racism was at the core of Trolleygate and [allegedly] corrupt Miami Commissioner Marc D. Sarnoff may have had a backroom deal with the developers to get it approved. Anonymous tipsters continue to send me avenues of inquiry to follow. Eventually one of these Sarnoff rumours will pan out, or lead to pay dirt — both expressions coming from the Gold Rush.

I’ve saved the best news for last!!!

The cover of Farce au Pain, by Keg — © 2013, Headly Westerfield

I know you have every reason to doubt me, because I’ve made this promise before, but I am mere days away from the serialization of Farce au Pain. I’ve been working on it for quite a while and, I am happy to report, the launch is now imminent.

While most of the delay has been totally avoidable (I work so much more diligently when I have hard deadlines), there has been one unavoidable road block. My tattooed, coffee-stained lawyer (with the grudge) has been pouring over every word of Farce au Pain, the exact same way Grayhammy pours over every word I post. Then we spent a lot of time exchanging emails to get the wording of certain passages exact. I argued some points and won. He argued some points and won. On some, we just compromised.

To be perfectly honest, I’d love to defend Farce au Pain in a court of law. While it would prove to be a laugh riot, I have much better things to do with my time. That’s why I am using weasel-words, just like I’ve accused Johnny Dollar of using. Consequently, some of my sentences are not quite as declarative as they appear on first read. I learned that from the best. “I’m just asking questions.”

That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that things are back on track for the serialization of Farce au Pain, my longest and lengthiest on-going project. A friend recently asked why I would serialize my book. Because I like comparing myself to Charles Dickens whenever I get the chance.

Oh, and if you’ve made it down this far and haven’t clicked on an advert, you’re stealing. Either click, or don’t come back. 

Does Fox “News” Support Johnny Dollar? ► The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

Does Shep Smith of Fox “News” support Johnny Dollar’s tactics?

This isn’t a post about financial recompense. I did that one last month. We  already know that Fox “News” paid trolls and surrogates* to attack web sites critical of the fact-challenged network.

Not Now Silly highly suspects that Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, who runs Johnny Dollar’s Place, was a recipient of Fox “News” largess. Nothing else really explains his almost 10-year obsession with NewsHounds and anyone having anything to do with it. Nobody is THAT dedicated without being paid to be so, especially since Koldys has to twist truth into a pretzel to do so.

No, this question of “support” isn’t about money. This blog post asks the musical question, ‘Does Fox “News” support Johnny Dollar’s methods and tactics in outing my sex life in his never-ending quest to defend Fox “News” as one of its surrogates?’

During a recent Twitter rage Mark Koldys admits he posted
details about my sex life on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog. Then
he pretends that because he found it on the internet, it rose to the
level of being posted on his piece of shit CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog.

Now, I always get a kick out of Johnny Dollar’s sleight-of-hand on Twitter. When someone is critical of Fox “News,” Dollar/Koldys responds with some lame variation of “Oh, did the building say that?” As if this silly red herring negates the valid criticism in the first place. That’s just the lawyer in Mark Koldys, twisting words again. Can you believe he was once a Michigan prosecutor? Is it any wonder people hate lawyers?

So, believe me when I say that I am not asking whether the physical building supports Johnny Dollar’s methods and tactics. Despite what you may have heard, corporations are not people, my friends.

However, “some people say” corporations are peopled with people. “Some people say” that some of the people at Fox “News” actually have hearts and compassion. [The jury’s still out on Bully Boy Bolling.] That’s why I’m asking each and every person within Fox “News” to search deeply and ask themselves whether they support Johnny Dollar’s methods and tactics: posting information about my alternative lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog because I wrote about Fox “News” for NewsHounds.

Hypocrite, thy name is Koldys.

A tweet from October 25, 2013, in which Johnny Dollar attacks @DylanByers
for tweeting details of Shep Smith’s alternative lifestyle personal info. So, what
does that make Mark Koldys for printing details about my alternative
lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog? Because . . . journalism!

Imagine how you would feel, Greta Van Susteren, if you woke up to find details of your sex life posted on the innertubes, merely for a difference of opinion. Would Gretchen Carlson be pleased to see intimate details of her sex life splashed around the innertubes because people didn’t like her message?  I wonder how Shep Smith would like seeing details of his sex life as fodder for internet jokes because a someone didn’t like what he had to say. Oh! Wait!! That actually happened!!!

Yet the same MoFo — Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys — who felt my alternative lifestyle was perfect material for his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog NOW believes that publishing personal details about someone’s sex life is … err … hitting below the belt.

Read a compendium of my NewsHounds columns, written under the nom de blog of Aunty Em Ericann, by clicking here.

So . . . When Greta Van Susteren or Shep Smith or any other Fox “News” personality supports Johnny Dollar with messages or Re-Tweets, they are, in reality, supporting Mark Koldys’ methods and tactics of outing people’s sex lives to destroy the messenger, simply because he couldn’t destroy the message.

There are no two ways to look at it. If you are supporting a hypocrite, you are a hypocrite yourself.

How else is Mark Koldys a hypocrite? I’m glad you asked.

When Johnny Dollar posted a picture of NewsHounds’ Ellen on his blog, and was called on it, he justified it by saying anything found on the internet is FAIR USE, therefore fair game. Every picture I have ever posted of Mark Koldys I have found on the internet. FAIR USE, therefore fair game, right? So, please, Koldys Kiddies Klub, aka The Flying Monkey Squad, spare me the faux outrage that I have invaded his precious privacy. Especially after he posted details about my alternative lifestyle. I hadn’t realized there were rules in the politics of personal destruction.

How else is Mark Koldys a hypocrite? I’m glad you asked.

When I posted a little movie montage comprised of photographs I found on the internet of Mark Koldys, he bleated to the officials of the YouTubery that I invaded his privacy, which threatened my account if I refused to take it down. That’s why I edited it to the following:

I just want to repeat that, because it would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking sick: He cites the law to justify his use of Ellen’s pic, but he uses the law to his advantage to complain to YouTube. That’s why he’s the Hypocrite Supreme. I ask again: Is it any wonder people hate lawyers? Especially weaselly lawyers like Mark Koldys?

Grumpy Cat, aka Mark Koldys,
with his family removed

How else is Mark Koldys a hypocrite? I’m glad you asked.

He bleats like a stuck pig while he’s making up lies about me for his twitter surrogates. F’rinstance, contrary to his oft-repeated whine of victimization, it’s simply not true that I have used these pictures found on the internet to mock Mark Koldys’ dead parents. I never mocked his dead parents. I mocked Mark Koldys, the spoiled, stupid, fat fuck who outed my alternative lifestyle.

Yes, Koldys, I’ve mocked you and exposed you for the slimy piece of shit you are, the same way you exposed my alternative lifestyle on your piece of shit CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog. So, stop pretending that your shit don’t stink. Thanks to Not Now Silly people can smell you coming a mile away, Koldys.

You started this trip into the sewer. I’m just happy to follow you there and keep kicking your ass up and down these cyber-corridors as long as it continues to amuse me to do so.

Oh, and while you’re at it, say HI! to your surrogate Grayhammy. I can always tell when I’ve hit my target: When your surrogate Ashley Graham starts shoveling the bullshit on your behalf.

So says my eternal victimizer. If anyone would know, it’s him.


David Folkenflik, who recently published his scathing biography Murdoch’s World: The Last of the Old Media Empires, was recently interviewed by Joe Strupp at Media Matters for America for the article “Murdoch Biographer Folkenflik On News Corp. Opposition, Family Dysfunction, and Fox News’ Role As GOP “Referee.” This excerpt jumped out at me:

MMfA: You describe how Fox PR staffers created an elaborate series of dummy accounts to fill the comments sections of critical blog posts with pro-Fox arguments. When was that going on? Do you know if it continues? What blogs were being monitored?

DF: My sense was that I believe that after the Tim Arango incident [in which someone leaked personal information about Arango shortly after he had been threatened by the network for his reporting], that Murdoch who had known Arango a bit as a reporter was embarrassed by it when he was told about it and consulted some of his top aides and he sort of said ‘let’s pull back a bit,’ Fox was not as publicly vituperative after that. Certainly if you look at how [New York Magazine’s] Gabe Sherman has been treated on the air and in blogs and other places it’s hard not to conclude that they are very wary of what he is going to write and that they’re willing to ramp up again, I’m not saying they are sock puppeting, but I know that they are aggressively tracking personal blogs and major sites and they try to see it all and they try to let reporters know that they see it all. At one point I was warned when I was inquiring about an interview request, I was told that they were watching my Tweets, well, good, they’re there to be watched, God bless, they are there for them as well. There is a notion that they are monitoring everything.

The way I am told it is done now is that it is through surrogates.

That excerpt prompted me to tweet, without any identification whatsoever, “Some people can defend themselves. Others need surrogates.” Perhaps indicative of a guilty conscious — or perhaps because I clearly hit my 2 cyber-bullies with one stone — Grayhammy IMMEDIATELY started accusing strangers who tweet of being my surrogate and under my mind control super-power:

The four people he lists thought he was an asshole, totally independent of anything I said, and felt the urgent need to pound a keyboard to tell him so. They sure didn’t need my prompting.
What does he do next? Lies again, of course. He connects me to comments made by people I don’t
know in order to try and smear me.

Let me repeat: I have no surrogates and no one is
under my mind control super-power. Furthermore, what others say has nothing to do with me. However, one does not need 6 degrees of separation to connect Grayhammy with Johnny Dollar and their comments to each other. They are BFFs forever!! 

Don’t believe me? Search the Twitter timeline of one and you’ll find RTs from the other, day after day, after day, after day. I supposed I should be flattered, but it’s stunning is how often it’s about me. What’s even more stunning is how many other people have also noticed the same thing:

Followed by . . .

Just for giggles . . .

. . . and then . . .

. . . and even . . .

But the message that sums up these several years of being cyber-bullied by Johnny Dollar and Grayhammy is this one:

At least Ashley Graham finally admits he analyzes every one of my electronic messages. He does this as a surrogate for Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar. Of course, Johnny Dollar acts as a surrogate for Fox “News.” To put it simply: Johnny Dollar outed my alternative lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog because I said things he didn’t like about Fox “News.” 
Whether Fox “News” paid him to do so is hardly the issue. What kind of despicable person would do such a despicable thing, merely over ideological differences of opinion? What kind of person would support people who do this? This is what Fox “News” needs to ask itself, and I don’t mean the building.

Johnny Dollar ► Hypocrite ► UPDATED!

Mark Koldys: Hypocrite

If you look up “hypocrite” in the dictionary, the name Mark Koldys (aka Johnny Dollar) and his picture pops up.

Just to remind you: The former-Michigan prosecutor thought that invading my privacy — and exposing my alternative lifestyle on his blog — was a good thing to do. Yet, he has now complained to YouTube over a short movie I posted:

Dear Headly Westerfield,

This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content:

We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant.

Isn’t that special? You’d think that the narcissist in him would be happy that I created a little movie starring him and his whole fam damily. You’d think he’d want to share it with his family and friends. But, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!.

Mark Koldys goes running to Mommy [YouTube] to have it removed.
Rather than waste my time getting into a pissing match with YouTube, I’ll allow them to remove the video when 48 hours have passed. 
But the point has been made: Johnny Dollar can dish it out, but he can’t take it. And that, dear readers, makes Johnny Dollar the Hypocrite of the Year.

UPDATE: I learned this morning that YouTube has a new enhancement that allows one to blur faces in a video. Therefore, rather than allow YouTube to remove my Johnny Dollar movie — which took me about 10 minutes to toss together; work I didn’t want to see go to waste — I have blurred the faces so that no one is identifiable. To be honest, not having to look at his ugly mug is an improvement.

Here is the NEW & IMPROVED Johnny Dollar Movie for your viewing enjoyment:

The Smoking Gun ► The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day ► UPDATED!

If I didn’t read J$P how would I ever know they were lying about me again?

I’d been prepping a Not Now Silly post, based on the silly Flying Monkey Squad exchange to the left. My plans changed due to a posting at Media Matters, but I’ll get to that shortly.

More than anything else, this small exchange demonstrates the Flying Monkey Squad’s never-ending obsession with me. Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, and Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy, have been obsessed with me ever since I started writing for NewsHounds. I’ve not written for NewsHounds for a year and a half, but their obsession continues. That may be because I still write negatively about Fox “News” for Not Now Silly and continue to make fun of the personalities on the so-called news channel.

Chicken entrails, anyone? Bitstrips is a fun little facebook
time-waster, which The Flying Monkey Squad has used
to attack me with childish graphics like this.

Like a Voodoo High Priest going over chicken entrails to divine a message, the Flying Monkey Squad pours over my every innertube utterance, whether it’s on Twitter or facebook. That sharp-eyed Voodoo Priest Johnny Dollar noticed that the URL in one of my tweets came from a link on his piece of shit blog. He was only able to do that because of some extra characters added to the URL.

Oh, my! Now, that’s what I call an unhealthy obsession. Mark Koldys follows every link I send out and then, because that’s not crazy enough, he looks at the browser’s address bar.

Chicken entrails, anyone?

Now, I have never denied my obsession with the Johnny Dollar Hate Machine, nor do I deny checking into his sewer from time to time. How else would I know when those assholes are lying about me again?

However, I come by my obsession honestly. As you may recall, it began when those cyber-bullies felt the need to expose my alternative lifestyle as part of their CABLE NEWS TRUTH. In an effort to destroy the messenger, because they didn’t like my message, they went to the most personal areas of my life and then published it; all in the name of CABLE NEWS TRUTH, doncha know? What my sex life had to do with CABLE NEWS TRUTH is only something that a psychopath like Johnny Dollar can explain.

They still don’t like my message and they still attack me vociferously. However, their attacks are like water off a duck’s back because they are so sophomoric. I am amused more than anything else that they think this childish photoshopped bullshit says something about me. It doesn’t, but it says volumes about Mark Koldys, Ashley Graham and The Flying Monkey Squad.

CLICK HERE to read all my posts on that walking piece of excrement Johnny Dollar

Another childish graphic attack
Another childish graphic attack

IRONY ALERT: The last time I wrote a Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day, Little Markie Koldys groused on Twitter that it contained no actual Johnny Dollar content. However, to be fair, it was full of Grayhammy (Ashley Graham) content and that’s the same damn thing. Especially since those crazy MoFos have linked me to people I have had nothing whatsoever to do with. They have used these invented connections to smear me as homophobic because an asshole on Twitter, that attacks them both, has made many homophobic slurs. Even thought I have said many times on Twitter that I have nothing to do with this jerk, they continue to attack me for his comments.

However, I don’t have to invent a link between Johnny Dollar and Grayhammy because Ashley Graham’s lips are permanently linked to Mark Koldys’ big fat behind. Their Twitterific circle jerks demonstrate how they walk in lockstep with each other and support each other.

I could play the same semantic game that Mark Koldys plays and deliberately twist words to mean whatever I want them to mean. F’rinstance: I could say in all honesty, that it’s called the Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day because I am making comment about Johnny Dollar. However, I have more integrity than to play word games the way the former-Michigan prosecutor (I know, right?) Mark Koldys plays word games.

At any rate, these thoughts were swirling around in my head this past weekend as I worked on just the right phrasing to describe the above when BOOM! Media Matters confirmed what had been long suspected, but never proven. Under the headline Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts Ben Demiero writes:

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik writes in his forthcoming book Murdoch’s World that Fox News’ public relations staffers used an elaborate series of dummy accounts to fill the comments sections of critical blog posts with pro-Fox arguments.

In a chapter focusing on how Fox utilized its notoriously ruthless public relations department in the mid-to-late 00’s, Folkenflik reports that Fox’s PR staffers would “post pro-Fox rants” in the comments sections of “negative and even neutral” blog posts written about the network. According to Folkenflik, the staffers used various tactics to cover their tracks, including setting up wireless broadband connections that “could not be traced back” to the network.

A former staffer told Folkenflik that they had personally used “one hundred” fake accounts to plant Fox-friendly commentary:

On the blogs, the fight was particularly fierce. Fox PR staffers were expected to counter not just negative and even neutral blog postings but the anti-Fox comments beneath them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to post pro-Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp account. Another used an AOL dial-up connection, even in the age of widespread broadband access, on the rationale it would be harder to pinpoint its origins. Old laptops were distributed for these cyber operations. Even blogs with minor followings were reviewed to ensure no claim went unchecked.  [Murdoch’s World, pg. 67]

In the book’s endnotes, Folkenflik explains that “four former Fox News employees told me of these practices.” It’s unclear whether these tactics are ongoing.

If my experience is any indication, I can assure Folkenflik that these tactics are ongoing.

Ashley Graham lies again

Oh, did I just bury the lede? No matter. Those of us who toiled at NewsHounds have asked time and time again how much Fox “News” paid Johnny Dollar to be its rabid attack dog. He has always declined to answer.

However, Fox “News” certainly got its Johnny Dollar’s worth when he exposed my alternative lifestyle in an effort to destroy me because he didn’t like my message; just as he and his Flying Monkey Squad continue to attack me to this very day. I think it’s safe to assume that Ashley Graham is also on the Fox “News” payroll, whether he is paid directly, or whether Mark Koldys shares some of his booty with the scumbag who dug into my background and wrote the personal attack against me. It’s curious that Grayhammy denies he ever did that. Unless, of course, he’s just playing one of those semantic word games. You see, he didn’t actually post my “personal info; Mark Koldys did. Ashley Graham merely did the detective work and then wrote all about it. See how these MoFos play with language?

I’m learning some new software, so relax and enjoy my latest movie.

And, a big Aunty Em Thank You goes out to Ashley Graham and Mark Koldys, who are easily my most faithful readers. They’ve already attacked me once today and I haven’t even published this yet.

Thanks for all your support, boys. You make it so much fun.

UPDATE: A note about the video. Because he’s a hypocrite, the little weasel Mark Koldys complained to the YouTubery about me invading his privacy by using images freely found on the innertubes, I have edited the video in order that it complies with Johnny Dollar’s warped sense of propriety.

Please keep in mind that Mark Koldys had no problem invading my privacy when he published details of my alternative lifestyle in order to smear me. However, he went running to YouTube with a privacy complaint within minutes of me posting the original video.

The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Cyber-Bully Comments of the Day

Rebecca Sedwick, cyber-bullied to death

I’ve been thinking a lot about cyber-bullying lately, which should not be a surprise as I have been on the end of a cyber-bulling campaign that’s lasted for well more than a year.

However, cyber-bullying has also been on my mind because I have been reading about this horrible example of cyber-bullying in the New York Times, which led 12-year Rebecca Sedwick to commit suicide by jumping to her death.

In jumping, Rebecca became one of the youngest members of a growing list of children and teenagers apparently driven to suicide, at least in part, after being maligned, threatened and taunted online, mostly through a new collection of texting and photo-sharing cellphone applications. Her suicide raises new questions about the proliferation and popularity of these applications and Web sites among children and the ability of parents to keep up with their children’s online relationships.

For more than a year, Rebecca, pretty and smart, was cyberbullied by a coterie of 15 middle-school children who urged her to kill herself, her mother said. The Polk County sheriff’s office is investigating the role of cyberbullying in the suicide and considering filing charges against the middle-school students who apparently barraged Rebecca with hostile text messages. Florida passed a law this year making it easier to bring felony charges in online bullying cases.

“A coterie of 15 middle-school children.” Let that sink in for a moment.

Bullies were often bullied as children. Was little Mark
Koldys a victim in his childhood? That would explain a lot.
Hell, that sweater alone would be worth slapping him over.

Just like analog playground bullies, cyber-bullies don’t work alone. Bullies can’t work alone because bullies are, essentially, cowards, pure and simple. Bullies most often become bullies because they were bullied as children. When it becomes their turn to be the bully, they need the mob mentality to give them the courage needed to attack.

Which brings us full circle to my coterie of cyber-bullies: The Flying Monkey Squad.

The Flying Monkey Squad — and that would be primarily Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, and Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy — needs the mob mentality to support their cruelty. And, make no mistake: Cruelty is the exact reason The Flying Monkey Squad exists. The mob mentality allows them to cackle and laugh at their latest, cruel attacks on whomever they decide is the Enemy of the Day.

Sadly, I am almost always Enemy of the Day. Nary a day goes by they don’t Tweet about me. Don’t believe me? Take a look at their Twitter feeds [Johnny Dollar & Grayhammy.] Looking at their feeds will demonstrate better than anything I could type how they act like a coterie of obsessed cyber-bullying 12-year old school girls.

Like 12-year old cyber-bullies, they pick and probe for a topic that will get a reaction. One day it’s teasing me that I can’t afford the Harry Nilsson Box Set because I mentioned casually on facebook that it was not in my budget. Duly noted by the Flying Monkey Squad, who used it as an attack.

Then later, when they didn’t get the reaction they were hoping for, they thought dissing Harry Nilsson might piss me off and bring me out. So, that’s why one day they spent hours calling Nilsson every name they could think of.

More silliness: You know how 12-year old girls will also make fun of people’s looks? That must be why The Flying Monkey Squad returns to the topic of my beard over and over again, because that’s how 12-year old girls attack. The Flying Monkey Squad even got James Rosen to make fun of my beard, which must make him 12-years old as well. You’d think that my laughing at all their beard bullshit — even to the point of creating a photo album on facebook, called My Beard Over The Years, filled with epic beards — would make them realize that I already know I have a beard and that their japes don’t bother me.

But, no. They even made fun of my beard again the other day — just like 12-year old girls would do. It clearly demonstrates their crazy obsession, because Bitstrips is just a bit of fun I have on my facebookery and neither Mark Koldys or Ashley Graham are among my facefriends. [In fact, they keep their facebook walls hidden.] However, because nothing gets by The Flying Monkey Squad (clearly my most faithful fans) even my facebook tomfoolery is not beneath their cyber-bullying. It’s HIGH-LARRY-US they’d spend any time tricking up an image. It’s HIGH-LARRY-US they think it’s a clever attack. But then, again, I’m dealing with 12-year old girls in The Flying Monkey Squad who are obsessed about my every facebook and Twitter utterance:

Because beards have now become a running joke between me and my facefriends, I couldn’t help but send out the following this morning:

Within minutes, because nothing I do or say ever gets by The Flying Monkey Squad, Ashley Graham replied:

It’s not the first time he’s gone for flea-infested either. Just like a 12-year old girl would. However, that’s not the funniest thing I discovered from Grayhammy this morning. This is:
Gee! Now he’s lying and denying writing about my alternative lifestyle?

There was a time, and not all that long ago either, when Ashley Graham was inordinately, and unjustifiably, proud of what he did to me. He even threatened to do it all over again after Johnny Dollar [Mark Koldys] had second thoughts and deleted that part of Ashley Graham’s screed. If he was so proud, why is he now denying it?

Maybe I’m reading his Tweet wrong. Maybe Grayhammy playing a game of semantics, making the distinction between having written about my alternative lifestyle and posting it, which was actually done by Mark Koldys, aka Fox “News” defender Johnny Dollar. And, why would Johnny Dollar post such a screed in the first place? Because I wrote for NewsHounds and that’s how he defends Fox “News.” Because Mark Koldys disagreed with my politics his Flying Monkey Squad set to destroy me. This is documented on the very first post on Not Now Silly: Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person.

There are times I actually wonder whether Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, is still happy that he opened this can of worms. I’m one of the only people who has ever stood up to his and his sycophants’ nonsense. I will continue to stand up to The Flying Monkey Squad and I won’t back down.

I would be willing to bet that when Mark Koldys really stops and thinks about it, he will have to admit that he made a serious mistake. He allowed himself to get caught up in the mob mentality of 12-year old girls and printed Ashley Graham’s screed without considering the larger ramifications. And, he’s still encouraging The Flying Monkey Squad cyber-bullying without thinking of the larger ramifications. Their every silly, cyber-bullying, 12-year old girlie tweet makes them look ridiculous to their followers. Furthermore, every time I publish something on my blog about Johnny
Dollar (Mark Koldys), more people come to realize what raging
psychopaths he and his little 12-year old girl buddies are. They could grow the fuck up, but I know they won’t.

How do I know? Because they’re not done with me yet. They have one more card to play. Lately The Flying Monkey Squad has been goading me for one reason and one reason alone: They are trying to get me to react and fly off the handle, which will allow them to publish a new esposé of me (and for all I know it’s already written).

Get this: The Flying Monkey Squad is preparing to reveal the name I was born with. They’ve already dropped hints about it.

Or, maybe those hints were the cyber-bully’s equivalent of a threat: Don’t mess with us or we’ll reveal all your secrets.

Which means these 12-year old girls, aka The Flying Monkey Squad, are not quite ready to admit they are cyber-bullies yet.

It’s also why I can accurately call The Flying Monkey Squad obsessive cyber-bullies. In the past The Flying Monkey Squad has tried to paint me as obsessive. But we all know the unvarnished truth — The Flying Monkey Squad more than any. I didn’t start this and my desire to stand up to the cyber-bullying from Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham has nothing to do with obsession and everything to do with
exacting revenge. Who will stop first?

Mark Koldys used to be a Michigan prosecutor and this is what he is reduced to in his dotage? Acting no better than a coterie of 12-year old cyber-bullying girls. With every passing day his The Flying Monkey Squad proves its sick obsession by sneaking into my
private life, revealing details of that life, collecting everything I
say on social media, and regurgitating it in the ugliest way possible. It’s as true today as it was over a year ago: Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person.

Clich here and read more about Johnny Dollar. Hilarity ensues.