Tag Archives: Johnny Dollar Changes The Record Again

Does Fox “News” Support Johnny Dollar? ► The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

Does Shep Smith of Fox “News” support Johnny Dollar’s tactics?

This isn’t a post about financial recompense. I did that one last month. We  already know that Fox “News” paid trolls and surrogates* to attack web sites critical of the fact-challenged network.

Not Now Silly highly suspects that Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, who runs Johnny Dollar’s Place, was a recipient of Fox “News” largess. Nothing else really explains his almost 10-year obsession with NewsHounds and anyone having anything to do with it. Nobody is THAT dedicated without being paid to be so, especially since Koldys has to twist truth into a pretzel to do so.

No, this question of “support” isn’t about money. This blog post asks the musical question, ‘Does Fox “News” support Johnny Dollar’s methods and tactics in outing my sex life in his never-ending quest to defend Fox “News” as one of its surrogates?’

During a recent Twitter rage Mark Koldys admits he posted
details about my sex life on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog. Then
he pretends that because he found it on the internet, it rose to the
level of being posted on his piece of shit CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog.

Now, I always get a kick out of Johnny Dollar’s sleight-of-hand on Twitter. When someone is critical of Fox “News,” Dollar/Koldys responds with some lame variation of “Oh, did the building say that?” As if this silly red herring negates the valid criticism in the first place. That’s just the lawyer in Mark Koldys, twisting words again. Can you believe he was once a Michigan prosecutor? Is it any wonder people hate lawyers?

So, believe me when I say that I am not asking whether the physical building supports Johnny Dollar’s methods and tactics. Despite what you may have heard, corporations are not people, my friends.

However, “some people say” corporations are peopled with people. “Some people say” that some of the people at Fox “News” actually have hearts and compassion. [The jury’s still out on Bully Boy Bolling.] That’s why I’m asking each and every person within Fox “News” to search deeply and ask themselves whether they support Johnny Dollar’s methods and tactics: posting information about my alternative lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog because I wrote about Fox “News” for NewsHounds.

Hypocrite, thy name is Koldys.

A tweet from October 25, 2013, in which Johnny Dollar attacks @DylanByers
for tweeting details of Shep Smith’s alternative lifestyle personal info. So, what
does that make Mark Koldys for printing details about my alternative
lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog? Because . . . journalism!

Imagine how you would feel, Greta Van Susteren, if you woke up to find details of your sex life posted on the innertubes, merely for a difference of opinion. Would Gretchen Carlson be pleased to see intimate details of her sex life splashed around the innertubes because people didn’t like her message?  I wonder how Shep Smith would like seeing details of his sex life as fodder for internet jokes because a someone didn’t like what he had to say. Oh! Wait!! That actually happened!!!

Yet the same MoFo — Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys — who felt my alternative lifestyle was perfect material for his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog NOW believes that publishing personal details about someone’s sex life is … err … hitting below the belt.

Read a compendium of my NewsHounds columns, written under the nom de blog of Aunty Em Ericann, by clicking here.

So . . . When Greta Van Susteren or Shep Smith or any other Fox “News” personality supports Johnny Dollar with messages or Re-Tweets, they are, in reality, supporting Mark Koldys’ methods and tactics of outing people’s sex lives to destroy the messenger, simply because he couldn’t destroy the message.

There are no two ways to look at it. If you are supporting a hypocrite, you are a hypocrite yourself.

How else is Mark Koldys a hypocrite? I’m glad you asked.

When Johnny Dollar posted a picture of NewsHounds’ Ellen on his blog, and was called on it, he justified it by saying anything found on the internet is FAIR USE, therefore fair game. Every picture I have ever posted of Mark Koldys I have found on the internet. FAIR USE, therefore fair game, right? So, please, Koldys Kiddies Klub, aka The Flying Monkey Squad, spare me the faux outrage that I have invaded his precious privacy. Especially after he posted details about my alternative lifestyle. I hadn’t realized there were rules in the politics of personal destruction.

How else is Mark Koldys a hypocrite? I’m glad you asked.

When I posted a little movie montage comprised of photographs I found on the internet of Mark Koldys, he bleated to the officials of the YouTubery that I invaded his privacy, which threatened my account if I refused to take it down. That’s why I edited it to the following:

I just want to repeat that, because it would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking sick: He cites the law to justify his use of Ellen’s pic, but he uses the law to his advantage to complain to YouTube. That’s why he’s the Hypocrite Supreme. I ask again: Is it any wonder people hate lawyers? Especially weaselly lawyers like Mark Koldys?

Grumpy Cat, aka Mark Koldys,
with his family removed

How else is Mark Koldys a hypocrite? I’m glad you asked.

He bleats like a stuck pig while he’s making up lies about me for his twitter surrogates. F’rinstance, contrary to his oft-repeated whine of victimization, it’s simply not true that I have used these pictures found on the internet to mock Mark Koldys’ dead parents. I never mocked his dead parents. I mocked Mark Koldys, the spoiled, stupid, fat fuck who outed my alternative lifestyle.

Yes, Koldys, I’ve mocked you and exposed you for the slimy piece of shit you are, the same way you exposed my alternative lifestyle on your piece of shit CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog. So, stop pretending that your shit don’t stink. Thanks to Not Now Silly people can smell you coming a mile away, Koldys.

You started this trip into the sewer. I’m just happy to follow you there and keep kicking your ass up and down these cyber-corridors as long as it continues to amuse me to do so.

Oh, and while you’re at it, say HI! to your surrogate Grayhammy. I can always tell when I’ve hit my target: When your surrogate Ashley Graham starts shoveling the bullshit on your behalf.

So says my eternal victimizer. If anyone would know, it’s him.


David Folkenflik, who recently published his scathing biography Murdoch’s World: The Last of the Old Media Empires, was recently interviewed by Joe Strupp at Media Matters for America for the article “Murdoch Biographer Folkenflik On News Corp. Opposition, Family Dysfunction, and Fox News’ Role As GOP “Referee.” This excerpt jumped out at me:

MMfA: You describe how Fox PR staffers created an elaborate series of dummy accounts to fill the comments sections of critical blog posts with pro-Fox arguments. When was that going on? Do you know if it continues? What blogs were being monitored?

DF: My sense was that I believe that after the Tim Arango incident [in which someone leaked personal information about Arango shortly after he had been threatened by the network for his reporting], that Murdoch who had known Arango a bit as a reporter was embarrassed by it when he was told about it and consulted some of his top aides and he sort of said ‘let’s pull back a bit,’ Fox was not as publicly vituperative after that. Certainly if you look at how [New York Magazine’s] Gabe Sherman has been treated on the air and in blogs and other places it’s hard not to conclude that they are very wary of what he is going to write and that they’re willing to ramp up again, I’m not saying they are sock puppeting, but I know that they are aggressively tracking personal blogs and major sites and they try to see it all and they try to let reporters know that they see it all. At one point I was warned when I was inquiring about an interview request, I was told that they were watching my Tweets, well, good, they’re there to be watched, God bless, they are there for them as well. There is a notion that they are monitoring everything.

The way I am told it is done now is that it is through surrogates.

That excerpt prompted me to tweet, without any identification whatsoever, “Some people can defend themselves. Others need surrogates.” Perhaps indicative of a guilty conscious — or perhaps because I clearly hit my 2 cyber-bullies with one stone — Grayhammy IMMEDIATELY started accusing strangers who tweet of being my surrogate and under my mind control super-power:

The four people he lists thought he was an asshole, totally independent of anything I said, and felt the urgent need to pound a keyboard to tell him so. They sure didn’t need my prompting.
What does he do next? Lies again, of course. He connects me to comments made by people I don’t
know in order to try and smear me.

Let me repeat: I have no surrogates and no one is
under my mind control super-power. Furthermore, what others say has nothing to do with me. However, one does not need 6 degrees of separation to connect Grayhammy with Johnny Dollar and their comments to each other. They are BFFs forever!! 

Don’t believe me? Search the Twitter timeline of one and you’ll find RTs from the other, day after day, after day, after day. I supposed I should be flattered, but it’s stunning is how often it’s about me. What’s even more stunning is how many other people have also noticed the same thing:

Followed by . . .

Just for giggles . . .

. . . and then . . .

. . . and even . . .

But the message that sums up these several years of being cyber-bullied by Johnny Dollar and Grayhammy is this one:

At least Ashley Graham finally admits he analyzes every one of my electronic messages. He does this as a surrogate for Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar. Of course, Johnny Dollar acts as a surrogate for Fox “News.” To put it simply: Johnny Dollar outed my alternative lifestyle on his CABLE NEWS TRUTH blog because I said things he didn’t like about Fox “News.” 
Whether Fox “News” paid him to do so is hardly the issue. What kind of despicable person would do such a despicable thing, merely over ideological differences of opinion? What kind of person would support people who do this? This is what Fox “News” needs to ask itself, and I don’t mean the building.

Johnny Dollar ► Hypocrite ► UPDATED!

Mark Koldys: Hypocrite

If you look up “hypocrite” in the dictionary, the name Mark Koldys (aka Johnny Dollar) and his picture pops up.

Just to remind you: The former-Michigan prosecutor thought that invading my privacy — and exposing my alternative lifestyle on his blog — was a good thing to do. Yet, he has now complained to YouTube over a short movie I posted:

Dear Headly Westerfield,

This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content:

We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant.

Isn’t that special? You’d think that the narcissist in him would be happy that I created a little movie starring him and his whole fam damily. You’d think he’d want to share it with his family and friends. But, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!.

Mark Koldys goes running to Mommy [YouTube] to have it removed.
Rather than waste my time getting into a pissing match with YouTube, I’ll allow them to remove the video when 48 hours have passed. 
But the point has been made: Johnny Dollar can dish it out, but he can’t take it. And that, dear readers, makes Johnny Dollar the Hypocrite of the Year.

UPDATE: I learned this morning that YouTube has a new enhancement that allows one to blur faces in a video. Therefore, rather than allow YouTube to remove my Johnny Dollar movie — which took me about 10 minutes to toss together; work I didn’t want to see go to waste — I have blurred the faces so that no one is identifiable. To be honest, not having to look at his ugly mug is an improvement.

Here is the NEW & IMPROVED Johnny Dollar Movie for your viewing enjoyment:

The Smoking Gun ► The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day ► UPDATED!

If I didn’t read J$P how would I ever know they were lying about me again?

I’d been prepping a Not Now Silly post, based on the silly Flying Monkey Squad exchange to the left. My plans changed due to a posting at Media Matters, but I’ll get to that shortly.

More than anything else, this small exchange demonstrates the Flying Monkey Squad’s never-ending obsession with me. Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, and Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy, have been obsessed with me ever since I started writing for NewsHounds. I’ve not written for NewsHounds for a year and a half, but their obsession continues. That may be because I still write negatively about Fox “News” for Not Now Silly and continue to make fun of the personalities on the so-called news channel.

Chicken entrails, anyone? Bitstrips is a fun little facebook
time-waster, which The Flying Monkey Squad has used
to attack me with childish graphics like this.

Like a Voodoo High Priest going over chicken entrails to divine a message, the Flying Monkey Squad pours over my every innertube utterance, whether it’s on Twitter or facebook. That sharp-eyed Voodoo Priest Johnny Dollar noticed that the URL in one of my tweets came from a link on his piece of shit blog. He was only able to do that because of some extra characters added to the URL.

Oh, my! Now, that’s what I call an unhealthy obsession. Mark Koldys follows every link I send out and then, because that’s not crazy enough, he looks at the browser’s address bar.

Chicken entrails, anyone?

Now, I have never denied my obsession with the Johnny Dollar Hate Machine, nor do I deny checking into his sewer from time to time. How else would I know when those assholes are lying about me again?

However, I come by my obsession honestly. As you may recall, it began when those cyber-bullies felt the need to expose my alternative lifestyle as part of their CABLE NEWS TRUTH. In an effort to destroy the messenger, because they didn’t like my message, they went to the most personal areas of my life and then published it; all in the name of CABLE NEWS TRUTH, doncha know? What my sex life had to do with CABLE NEWS TRUTH is only something that a psychopath like Johnny Dollar can explain.

They still don’t like my message and they still attack me vociferously. However, their attacks are like water off a duck’s back because they are so sophomoric. I am amused more than anything else that they think this childish photoshopped bullshit says something about me. It doesn’t, but it says volumes about Mark Koldys, Ashley Graham and The Flying Monkey Squad.

CLICK HERE to read all my posts on that walking piece of excrement Johnny Dollar

Another childish graphic attack
Another childish graphic attack

IRONY ALERT: The last time I wrote a Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day, Little Markie Koldys groused on Twitter that it contained no actual Johnny Dollar content. However, to be fair, it was full of Grayhammy (Ashley Graham) content and that’s the same damn thing. Especially since those crazy MoFos have linked me to people I have had nothing whatsoever to do with. They have used these invented connections to smear me as homophobic because an asshole on Twitter, that attacks them both, has made many homophobic slurs. Even thought I have said many times on Twitter that I have nothing to do with this jerk, they continue to attack me for his comments.

However, I don’t have to invent a link between Johnny Dollar and Grayhammy because Ashley Graham’s lips are permanently linked to Mark Koldys’ big fat behind. Their Twitterific circle jerks demonstrate how they walk in lockstep with each other and support each other.

I could play the same semantic game that Mark Koldys plays and deliberately twist words to mean whatever I want them to mean. F’rinstance: I could say in all honesty, that it’s called the Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day because I am making comment about Johnny Dollar. However, I have more integrity than to play word games the way the former-Michigan prosecutor (I know, right?) Mark Koldys plays word games.

At any rate, these thoughts were swirling around in my head this past weekend as I worked on just the right phrasing to describe the above when BOOM! Media Matters confirmed what had been long suspected, but never proven. Under the headline Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts Ben Demiero writes:

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik writes in his forthcoming book Murdoch’s World that Fox News’ public relations staffers used an elaborate series of dummy accounts to fill the comments sections of critical blog posts with pro-Fox arguments.

In a chapter focusing on how Fox utilized its notoriously ruthless public relations department in the mid-to-late 00’s, Folkenflik reports that Fox’s PR staffers would “post pro-Fox rants” in the comments sections of “negative and even neutral” blog posts written about the network. According to Folkenflik, the staffers used various tactics to cover their tracks, including setting up wireless broadband connections that “could not be traced back” to the network.

A former staffer told Folkenflik that they had personally used “one hundred” fake accounts to plant Fox-friendly commentary:

On the blogs, the fight was particularly fierce. Fox PR staffers were expected to counter not just negative and even neutral blog postings but the anti-Fox comments beneath them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to post pro-Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp account. Another used an AOL dial-up connection, even in the age of widespread broadband access, on the rationale it would be harder to pinpoint its origins. Old laptops were distributed for these cyber operations. Even blogs with minor followings were reviewed to ensure no claim went unchecked.  [Murdoch’s World, pg. 67]

In the book’s endnotes, Folkenflik explains that “four former Fox News employees told me of these practices.” It’s unclear whether these tactics are ongoing.

If my experience is any indication, I can assure Folkenflik that these tactics are ongoing.

Ashley Graham lies again

Oh, did I just bury the lede? No matter. Those of us who toiled at NewsHounds have asked time and time again how much Fox “News” paid Johnny Dollar to be its rabid attack dog. He has always declined to answer.

However, Fox “News” certainly got its Johnny Dollar’s worth when he exposed my alternative lifestyle in an effort to destroy me because he didn’t like my message; just as he and his Flying Monkey Squad continue to attack me to this very day. I think it’s safe to assume that Ashley Graham is also on the Fox “News” payroll, whether he is paid directly, or whether Mark Koldys shares some of his booty with the scumbag who dug into my background and wrote the personal attack against me. It’s curious that Grayhammy denies he ever did that. Unless, of course, he’s just playing one of those semantic word games. You see, he didn’t actually post my “personal info; Mark Koldys did. Ashley Graham merely did the detective work and then wrote all about it. See how these MoFos play with language?

I’m learning some new software, so relax and enjoy my latest movie.

And, a big Aunty Em Thank You goes out to Ashley Graham and Mark Koldys, who are easily my most faithful readers. They’ve already attacked me once today and I haven’t even published this yet.

Thanks for all your support, boys. You make it so much fun.

UPDATE: A note about the video. Because he’s a hypocrite, the little weasel Mark Koldys complained to the YouTubery about me invading his privacy by using images freely found on the innertubes, I have edited the video in order that it complies with Johnny Dollar’s warped sense of propriety.

Please keep in mind that Mark Koldys had no problem invading my privacy when he published details of my alternative lifestyle in order to smear me. However, he went running to YouTube with a privacy complaint within minutes of me posting the original video.

The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Cyber-Bully Comments of the Day

Rebecca Sedwick, cyber-bullied to death

I’ve been thinking a lot about cyber-bullying lately, which should not be a surprise as I have been on the end of a cyber-bulling campaign that’s lasted for well more than a year.

However, cyber-bullying has also been on my mind because I have been reading about this horrible example of cyber-bullying in the New York Times, which led 12-year Rebecca Sedwick to commit suicide by jumping to her death.

In jumping, Rebecca became one of the youngest members of a growing list of children and teenagers apparently driven to suicide, at least in part, after being maligned, threatened and taunted online, mostly through a new collection of texting and photo-sharing cellphone applications. Her suicide raises new questions about the proliferation and popularity of these applications and Web sites among children and the ability of parents to keep up with their children’s online relationships.

For more than a year, Rebecca, pretty and smart, was cyberbullied by a coterie of 15 middle-school children who urged her to kill herself, her mother said. The Polk County sheriff’s office is investigating the role of cyberbullying in the suicide and considering filing charges against the middle-school students who apparently barraged Rebecca with hostile text messages. Florida passed a law this year making it easier to bring felony charges in online bullying cases.

“A coterie of 15 middle-school children.” Let that sink in for a moment.

Bullies were often bullied as children. Was little Mark
Koldys a victim in his childhood? That would explain a lot.
Hell, that sweater alone would be worth slapping him over.

Just like analog playground bullies, cyber-bullies don’t work alone. Bullies can’t work alone because bullies are, essentially, cowards, pure and simple. Bullies most often become bullies because they were bullied as children. When it becomes their turn to be the bully, they need the mob mentality to give them the courage needed to attack.

Which brings us full circle to my coterie of cyber-bullies: The Flying Monkey Squad.

The Flying Monkey Squad — and that would be primarily Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, and Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy — needs the mob mentality to support their cruelty. And, make no mistake: Cruelty is the exact reason The Flying Monkey Squad exists. The mob mentality allows them to cackle and laugh at their latest, cruel attacks on whomever they decide is the Enemy of the Day.

Sadly, I am almost always Enemy of the Day. Nary a day goes by they don’t Tweet about me. Don’t believe me? Take a look at their Twitter feeds [Johnny Dollar & Grayhammy.] Looking at their feeds will demonstrate better than anything I could type how they act like a coterie of obsessed cyber-bullying 12-year old school girls.

Like 12-year old cyber-bullies, they pick and probe for a topic that will get a reaction. One day it’s teasing me that I can’t afford the Harry Nilsson Box Set because I mentioned casually on facebook that it was not in my budget. Duly noted by the Flying Monkey Squad, who used it as an attack.

Then later, when they didn’t get the reaction they were hoping for, they thought dissing Harry Nilsson might piss me off and bring me out. So, that’s why one day they spent hours calling Nilsson every name they could think of.

More silliness: You know how 12-year old girls will also make fun of people’s looks? That must be why The Flying Monkey Squad returns to the topic of my beard over and over again, because that’s how 12-year old girls attack. The Flying Monkey Squad even got James Rosen to make fun of my beard, which must make him 12-years old as well. You’d think that my laughing at all their beard bullshit — even to the point of creating a photo album on facebook, called My Beard Over The Years, filled with epic beards — would make them realize that I already know I have a beard and that their japes don’t bother me.

But, no. They even made fun of my beard again the other day — just like 12-year old girls would do. It clearly demonstrates their crazy obsession, because Bitstrips is just a bit of fun I have on my facebookery and neither Mark Koldys or Ashley Graham are among my facefriends. [In fact, they keep their facebook walls hidden.] However, because nothing gets by The Flying Monkey Squad (clearly my most faithful fans) even my facebook tomfoolery is not beneath their cyber-bullying. It’s HIGH-LARRY-US they’d spend any time tricking up an image. It’s HIGH-LARRY-US they think it’s a clever attack. But then, again, I’m dealing with 12-year old girls in The Flying Monkey Squad who are obsessed about my every facebook and Twitter utterance:

Because beards have now become a running joke between me and my facefriends, I couldn’t help but send out the following this morning:

Within minutes, because nothing I do or say ever gets by The Flying Monkey Squad, Ashley Graham replied:

It’s not the first time he’s gone for flea-infested either. Just like a 12-year old girl would. However, that’s not the funniest thing I discovered from Grayhammy this morning. This is:
Gee! Now he’s lying and denying writing about my alternative lifestyle?

There was a time, and not all that long ago either, when Ashley Graham was inordinately, and unjustifiably, proud of what he did to me. He even threatened to do it all over again after Johnny Dollar [Mark Koldys] had second thoughts and deleted that part of Ashley Graham’s screed. If he was so proud, why is he now denying it?

Maybe I’m reading his Tweet wrong. Maybe Grayhammy playing a game of semantics, making the distinction between having written about my alternative lifestyle and posting it, which was actually done by Mark Koldys, aka Fox “News” defender Johnny Dollar. And, why would Johnny Dollar post such a screed in the first place? Because I wrote for NewsHounds and that’s how he defends Fox “News.” Because Mark Koldys disagreed with my politics his Flying Monkey Squad set to destroy me. This is documented on the very first post on Not Now Silly: Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person.

There are times I actually wonder whether Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, is still happy that he opened this can of worms. I’m one of the only people who has ever stood up to his and his sycophants’ nonsense. I will continue to stand up to The Flying Monkey Squad and I won’t back down.

I would be willing to bet that when Mark Koldys really stops and thinks about it, he will have to admit that he made a serious mistake. He allowed himself to get caught up in the mob mentality of 12-year old girls and printed Ashley Graham’s screed without considering the larger ramifications. And, he’s still encouraging The Flying Monkey Squad cyber-bullying without thinking of the larger ramifications. Their every silly, cyber-bullying, 12-year old girlie tweet makes them look ridiculous to their followers. Furthermore, every time I publish something on my blog about Johnny
Dollar (Mark Koldys), more people come to realize what raging
psychopaths he and his little 12-year old girl buddies are. They could grow the fuck up, but I know they won’t.

How do I know? Because they’re not done with me yet. They have one more card to play. Lately The Flying Monkey Squad has been goading me for one reason and one reason alone: They are trying to get me to react and fly off the handle, which will allow them to publish a new esposé of me (and for all I know it’s already written).

Get this: The Flying Monkey Squad is preparing to reveal the name I was born with. They’ve already dropped hints about it.

Or, maybe those hints were the cyber-bully’s equivalent of a threat: Don’t mess with us or we’ll reveal all your secrets.

Which means these 12-year old girls, aka The Flying Monkey Squad, are not quite ready to admit they are cyber-bullies yet.

It’s also why I can accurately call The Flying Monkey Squad obsessive cyber-bullies. In the past The Flying Monkey Squad has tried to paint me as obsessive. But we all know the unvarnished truth — The Flying Monkey Squad more than any. I didn’t start this and my desire to stand up to the cyber-bullying from Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham has nothing to do with obsession and everything to do with
exacting revenge. Who will stop first?

Mark Koldys used to be a Michigan prosecutor and this is what he is reduced to in his dotage? Acting no better than a coterie of 12-year old cyber-bullying girls. With every passing day his The Flying Monkey Squad proves its sick obsession by sneaking into my
private life, revealing details of that life, collecting everything I
say on social media, and regurgitating it in the ugliest way possible. It’s as true today as it was over a year ago: Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person.

Clich here and read more about Johnny Dollar. Hilarity ensues.

The Flying Monkey Squad Strikes Again & Again

Mark Koldys is the phat phucking psychopath on the far right

I call them the Flying Monkey Squad, but they actually have actual names: Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, and Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy. 

[Sadly] I have been writing about these supreme creeps since the very first post on this blog called, appropriately enough, Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person. Since that was published just over a year ago, Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham have proven — time and time again — they just can’t to quit me. It’s an addiction with these two MoFos. I am their crack and they just can’t stop hitting on the pipe.

I go about my merry life — such as it is — ignoring The Flying Monkey Squad as best I can. However, from time to time friends message me, “Hey have you seen the latest from the Koldys Kiddie Korner?” Sometimes I take a look, but I certainly don’t reply to every provocation because it’s a daily thing with these nut bars. Not a single day goes by that they don’t reference me on Twitter. There have been many days they spend HOURS in a Twitter circle jerk all about me. Please, as Glenn Beck would say, don’t take my word for it. Feel free to check the Twitter feeds for both Johnny Dollar  and Grayhammy. I suppose I should be flattered at the daily attention, but it’s really creepy, stalking behaviour.

Sickness is as sickness does.

TRIVIA: Mark Koldys [seated], the undisputed Wicked Witch leader of
The Flying Monkey Squad, was the original human model for Grumpy Cat

BTW: I find their Twitter bios to be HIGH-LARRY-US!!! Johnny Dollar proudly proclaims himself, “Blogger on all things cable news and your source for the truth about the Fox News Channel.” Yet, all intelligent people know the truth about the Fox “News” Channel: Most! Mendacious!! Network!!! Ever!!!!

What does it say about Mark Koldys that he has made it his life’s work to defend the indefensible? That he does so with misdirection, red herrings, and deliberate twisting of words taken out of context only means he’s learned well from the Roger Ailes School of Broadcasting.

Ashley Graham’s Twitter bio is even funnier, if that’s possible. Grayhammy claims to be “More of an expert on Canadian Broadcasting than someone else I know!” which is a direct reference to me. Why he’d turn over his biography to me, and leave it that way for a year, is really a subject fit for a trained psychiatrist. “Some people say” Ashley Graham’s wife is a psychologist. If that’s true: Can you take a look into your husband’s crazy behaviour? Ashley Graham has now demonstrated a repeated pattern that can only be put down as part of an Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder. I’m not the only one. His worship of and service to Mark Koldys has people all over the internet accusing him of invading their privacy. What’s up with that?

As I was saying . . . I let the Flying Monkey Squad idiocy build up until I have enough material for a Not Now Silly blog post, exposing their supreme ignorance and their crazy cyber-stalking behaviour. Then I’ll write up something about those assholes and post it here. Which is why I already have a series of posts about Johnny Dollar and his Flying Monkey Squad. Read ’em all; trade ’em with your friends.

Which explains why I ignored their provocation of July 10, 2013, in which Johnny Dollar accused me of stealing his credit card information to commit theft. I know!!! I didn’t believe it either, but here it is as a screen capture from the Mark Koldys shit-hole of a web site:

Actual screen capture from an actual shit-hole of a web site

Note the interesting language: “someone poked and prodded into my background.” Gee, Koldys, projection much??? That’s all The Flying Monkey Squad has done with me: poke and prod into my background. Exposing my sex life on the internet was the result of all their poking and prodding. Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person was my reply. And, the crazy Merry-Go-Round continues.

I ignored this July 10th provocation for two reasons:

1). It’s not a good idea to respond to the crazies too often, lest they begin to get the mistaken impression that they are important. Since I had already written about these assholes on June 21st, I wanted some more time to pass before I returned to the subject of the Walking Turds Who Stalk Me On The Internet™. Not Now Silly is not about them and their obsessions. It’s all about me and my obsessions.

2). I was actually hoping Koldys would come out and definitively accuse me of stealing his credit card info so I could sue his fat, sorry ass. However, he’s too much of a coward to actually come out and say it, so he hints about it in a roundabout, douchebaggy way. Two of my friends recognized that he was talking about me and alerted me to the post. Therefore, it’s not terribly well disguised, whether it’s actionable or not.

So, while I was studiously ignoring being called a credit card scam artist, I was alerted to this yesterday by one of my favourite fans. [You know who you are.] Here is another example of The Flying Monkey Squad’s finely-tuned sense of humour:

TO BE FAIR: Ashley Graham was merely responding out of anger on behalf of Johnny Dollar, his Wicked Witch of the West. You can imagine how that conversation may have gone. Watch:

TO BE FAIR: In my recent post Where Did July Go? ► Unpacking The Writer I tweaked their nose. I showed a screen capture of a Google image search of “Flying Monkey Squad” and said it was the best new thing on the internet.

Ashley proved me right by attacking me the very next day, which also proves what I have been saying all along: The Flying Monkey Squad are my most faithful readers. It took Grayhammy almost no time at all to: 

  1. Read my blog post; 
  2. Realize that a Google image search for “Flying Monkey Squad” brings up pictures of Johnny Dollar; 
  3. Do a Google image search for Headly Westerfield; 
  4. Grab the first pic he finds, from a Spanish language web site
  5. Trick up his sophomoric little graphic; 
  6. Tweet it out; 
  7. So that he and Johnny Dollar can have a little jerk-off about it.

Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. Then, after Johnny Dollar and Grayhammy have their daily circle jerk, they can sit back sated. Their Twitter-post-orgasmic bliss will tide them over until the next time they feel the need to cyber-stalk and cyber-attack me. Sickness is as sickness does.

However, d’ya want funny?  A Google image search of “Headly Westerfield” brings up almost as many images of Mark Koldys as it does of me. I’m making Johnny Dollar famous no matter what term you search.

It’s time to grow the fuck up, Koldys. Defending Fox “News” will only take human garbage so far.

The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

A thread from Johnny Dollar’s CABLE NEWS TRUTH sewer on my birthday

The Flying Monkey Squad™ is at it again. 

The Flying Monkey Squad™ has, once again, started with an observation and, working backwards, created another Bogus Conspiracy Theory™. Then Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys, allows the use of his sewer about CABLE NEWS TRUTH to disseminate their bullshit.

Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s the same old pattern I’ve put up with for the last year of obsessive cyber-stalking by The Flying Monkey Squad™.

It’s so nice that The Flying Monkey Squad thinks I am important enough to continue to cyber-stalk. You’d have thought li’l ol’ me wouldn’t be worth their time, but they just can’t quit me.

Who is obsessed? They claim it’s me. I say it’s them. Who you gonna believe?

Take a look: Ashley Graham, aka Grayhammy, is quoting my emails from 10 years ago and making unfounded assumptions about it. He also quotes an exchange from somewhere with Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys, from 2011. Check out that obsession!!! The NSA could use a few pointers from Ashley Graham on obsessive cyber-stalking.

Yet, this is his latest feeble attempt to discredit me.

That MoFo Grayhammy has proven once again that he simply doesn’t understand how a nom de plume works. I created the character of Aunty Em Ericann SEVERAL YEARS before I was approached to write for NewsHounds. When I started writing for NewsHounds, I simply kept the nom de plume. Using a nom de plume to write under is not a lie, just ask A.A. Fair. In fact, in today’s political climate it might be wise to use a nom de plume, right (he asks of the piece of shit hiding behind the sock puppet) Grayhammy?

Case in point: Ashley Graham and Mark Koldys tried to discredit me as a NewsHound writer by exposing my sex life. They sweep that inconvenient fact under the carpet. Exposing my sex life and Aunty Em’s nom de plume proves why a political writer would need a nom de plume in this age of personal destruction, a tactic at which The Flying Monkey Squad™ excels.

Grayhammy claims, without proof, that I lied to my family and friends when I created the performance artist I named Aunty Em. Several hundred people knew I was Aunty Em, including my family, my friends, and Flo and Eddie, among many others. How much of a secret could it really be? Whenever I called up contacts for NewsHound research I’d introduce myself as “Headly Westerfield, writing for NewsHounds under the name of Aunty Em.” AGAIN: How much of a secret could it really be?

The Flying Monkey Squads™ conspiracy theory falls apart right there. They know that, of course. Which is why they know they are lying about me when they continue to bring it up.

Having said all that: Johnny Dollar continues to prove that he is the enabler, and often instigator, of the The Flying Monkey Squad™. I cut enablers no slack. I wonder why a grown man — a former Michigan prosecutor — would act that way. I’m sure his parents taught him better than that.

Above: a mother’s adoring eyes.
Far left, Grumpy Cat, aka Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, the fearless leader of The Flying Monkey Squad. You’d have thought his mother (pictured here with Brother Bruce and brother Ken) and father would have taught him to not be such a mendacious piece of shit.

I need to point out that Grayhammy also drags Patrick into his discussion.
What’s so HIGH-LARRY-US about that is for the longest time The Flying Monkey Squad™ kept
accusing Aunty Em of being this person named Patrick, along with dozens of other sock
puppets, even tho’ the only name I was using online at that point was Aunty Em. When The Flying Monkey Squad™ finally exposed Aunty Em’s identity they also proved I
wasn’t Patrick. Or have they? Bwah-ha-ha!!!

Regardless, now I am being
accused of directing this Patrick — telling him what to say. Aside from a few exchanges on various
forums on the innertubes, I don’t know Patrick. Nor do I tell him what
to tweet. From what I have seen of Patrick’s tweets, nobody tells him what to tweet. He tweets what he wants to tweet
and much of it is unpleasant. But, I have no connection to Patrick. I
never have. Nor do I feel a need to denounce someone I do not know. However, The Flying Monkey Squad™ loves to play guilt by

LAUGH OF THE DAY: “You’ve inspired a hammytweet.” And, sure enough, as if on cue, there was a hammytweet tweet about Chicolinis:

I can’t wait to see what chicken entrails Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys, Grayhammy, and the rest of The Flying Monkey Squad™ examine next to come up with their next Bogus Conspiracy Theory™ concerning me. Sadly I am leaving for my Sunrise to Canton Road Trip For Research first thing in the morning, so I may not be able to see what those assholes get up to for the next few days.* However, you can bet it will be a doozy. Hilarity ensues.

* h/t to my innertube tipster. You know who you are.



The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

The original Grumpy Cat, Mark Koldys

A sincere h/t to my innertube buddy (who wishes to remain anonymous) who always feels the need to fill me in whenever the Flying Monkey Squad™ — Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham — gets to tweeting about me again. 

I don’t see these gems on my Twitter feed because I blocked The Flying Monkey Squad a year ago. Their circle jerks are boring and predictable.

However, every once in a while my electronic friend suggests I take a look. It’s usually worth a glance to see what my Cyber-Stalking Bullies are up to. It’s just not always worth writing about.

However, the most recent links sent to me demonstrate — once again — several things I have already pointed out, but bear repeating:

  • These crazy MoFos are truly obsessed with me. The Flying Monkey Squad could very well be my most faithful followers, and I have some pretty rabid followers;
  • My tweets and facebook postings are poured over, examined, and dissected. Then they are spit back out by the Flying Monkey Squad, as twisted as a Bush-choking pretzel;
  • There’s nothing too trivial that the Flying Monkey Squad won’t use to distort, twist, and lie in order to try and smear me;
  • Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, enables and cheers on Ashley Graham by retweeting just about every lie he sends out about me;
  • When they retweet me, or discuss me, I pick up a few new followers. Thanks for the free promotion, boys;
  • These people are truly sick fucks who will now accuse me of being obsessed because I have — once again — documented their Cyber-Stalking obsession.

Here is one of Wednesday’s tweets (there were several others in the same vein) in which I am accused of supporting child rape because I happen to support Kate, the young lady in Florida who was charged after she turned 18 with sex crimes at the insistence of her lover’s parents, upset at her lesbianism:

I’d rather be a Fox “News” Hater than a Fox “News” Defender, like Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar. To have to defend Fox “News” for its daily lies must be soul crushing. Unless one has no soul, which may very well be why Mark Koldys can do it for years on end.

As he always does, if he bothers to defend himself at all, Ashley Graham, aka GrayHammy, will say, “Hey! What? Me? I’m just asking questions.”

Here’s a question: Is Ashley Graham a confessed pedophile, or was that Blackflon? I always forget. Either way, Mark Barnard is just another member of The Flying Monkey Squad and they all support each other like any group of psychopathic sycophants who feed off each other. Think Manson Family with computers instead of knives.

Here’s one of Thursday’s tweets. Note how my pathetic little joke about Jack Webb and Neil Cavuto is turned against me:

What does my sex life or my facebook pics or my
tweets have to do with CABLE NEWS TRUTH?

This simply proves, once again, that there’s no comment of mine too trivial for Ashley Graham and Mark Koldys to twist. No low to which they won’t go in order. No lie they won’t concoct. No words they won’t mischaracterize. No decency they won’t vitiate. Over the past year The Flying Monkey Squad has continued to prove — over and over again — what I wrote in the very first post on the Not Now Silly blog: Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person.

Grumpy Cat Mark Koldys

Every time Mark Koldys’ Flying Monkey, Ashley Graham, flings poo, most of the shit winds up on Mark Koldys. I love the irony.

Oh, BTW: Have you ever seen this memo in which Mark Koldys supports well-known religious nutcase Pat Robertson for president? In this memo Mark Koldys alleges an evil, dark conspiracy on the part of Jack Kemp to steal the nomination for George Bush. Oddly enough this secret, hush hush, confidential memo got right back to Jack Kemp because this copy was released by Kemp’s office:

Actual memo from Mark Koldys supporting religious nut Pat “Homos Cause Hurricanes” Robertson for POTUS

Further reading on Now Now Silly

Johnny Dollar Threatens To Cyber-Rape Me All Over Again

On The Thread Where He Cyber-Raped Me, Johnny Dollar Edited Away My Mild Sarcasm

Several more instances of The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

Is Johnny Dollar The World’s Biggest Hypocrite?



The Mark Koldys-Johnny Dollar Comment of the Day

It’s been one year since Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, exposed my alternative lifestyle at his sewer, and clearly he just can’t quit me. However, in typical high school bully-style, he’s accusing me of doing the very thing he’s actually doing himself.

[First off I’d like to thank my various friends, who alert me to all Mark Koldys’ latest nonsense, wherever and whenever it appears. Because I don’t have the time, energy, or inclination to keep up with his obsession, it’s nice to have people who care enough to look out for me.]

Is this the human model for Grumpy Cat?
Who would send me J$’s family pictures?

Here’s the latest controversy: Johnny Dollar, aka Mark Koldys, dropped this turd in the comment section of his own web site, even tho’ he claims his web site is all about CABLE NEWS TRUTH.

Our friend Aunty Headly apparently has some unusual cravings.

However, Mark Koldys must be freelancing again because there’s nothing about CABLE NEWS TRUTH in that facebook photo album he chose to share. In point of fact: Mark Koldys, or his #1 stalker and sycophant Ashley Graham, had to have been crawling all over my facebook pages (again) to discover what’s in my facebook photo albums.

After Mark Koldys shared the link with his Flying Monkey Squad, and after I was alerted to it, I mentioned it in passing on social media because it struck me funny. The stalker Mark Koldys immediately seized upon this offhand remark as some kind of sick win:

Bam! Less than 24 hours. Aunty has already acknowledged reading the above comment. We now know that Headly obsessively reads thru the comments on this website. Hey Aunty, thank you for reading J$P.

Wait!!! What??? It took my friend almost 24 hours to alert me of this? You’re fired!!!

However, it’s highly amusing that Mark Koldys and Ashley Graham dig into my every tweet, facebook status update, and photo album, but if I make note of their sick obsession in passing I am “obsessed, fixated, and possibly in need of professional help.

This is called “projection.”

And, on cue, the Flying Monkey Squad takes to Twitter to do their Frick and Frack comedy routine for 45 minutes:

No, I suggested it was stalking and cyber-bullying to post it as a comment on your CABLE NEWS TRUTH web site, Who’s obsessed again, Mark Koldys? Some days the Flying Monkey Squad spends hours passing tweets back and forth about me, but pretend I’m the one with the obsession in the very tweets they are obsessing about me. That’s one crazy meta-obsession.

However, credit where credit’s due: Heartfelt thanks to Mark Koldys (aka JohnnyDollar01 in the Twitterverse) and Ashley Graham for being my most faithful readers. Want to see crazy in action? Here’s a live Ashley Graham timeline. He’s clearly one crazy MoFo, but not as crazy as Mark Koldys, his enabler.


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Unpacking the Writer ► A New Name; A New Look

Aunty Em Ericann

When I was leaving Canada 9 years ago I told several people that my goal was to become a nationally known pundit under the nom de plume of Aunty Em Ericann. I did that.

For 8 years I became, for all intents and purposes, Aunty Em, entirely subsuming my identity under which I had already earned a writing reputation. It would have been far easier to have used my reputation as a writer, but somehow this writing project appealed to my warped sense of humour.

I have been a freelance journalist for the better part of 40 years. I got my start writing record reviews, eventually moving on to magazine work, investigative journalism, various words-for-hire projects. For ten years I worked as a Ventriloquist (News Writer) at Citytv. I have long joked that I have done every kind of writing there is, except greeting cards.  Not to blow my own horn, (if not me, who will?) but merely to explain what became a tangled mess in the end. However, as a professional writing project, the longest, greatest, funniest, most interesting, challenging and hardest I ever had was creating the Performance Art character of Aunty Em Ericann. Who knew she would eventually be hired to write for NewsHounds? When my editor agreed to let me keep the nom de plume, I was thrilled.

Johnny Dollar — aka Mark Koldys — plays with his organ.
Remember Mark, like ratings organ size doesn’t matter.

That all ended a year ago, an episode hilariously explored in the very first post on this blog: Johnny Dollar Has Proven Himself To Be A Very Dangerous Person. While he’s still dangerous, I was entirely mistaken: He’s barely a person. He’s a walking piece of shit who recently connected me to the terrorism in Boston. I no longer write for NewsHounds, but that hasn’t stopped him from smearing me.

Laughingly, Johnny Dollar seems to think I crossed some kind of line by publishing pictures of him with his family and he’s become incensed enough to expose his hypocrisy. Here’s the irony: Exposing my alternative lifestyle didn’t seem to cross any kind of moral line for Mark Koldys, but publishing his family pictures is despicable behaviour according to him. It’s refreshing to see he actually draws moral lines about some things, especially when he’s on the receiving end. But, I digress. This isn’t about THAT asshole, or his Flying Monkey Squad. Today’s a day of celebration.

Today is the One Year Anniversary of having that asshole expose my nom de plume and the day I created this blog. The original name of this blog was a reaction to not using my name for 8 long years. So desperate to finally get credit, I called it “Headly Westerfield’s.” To retain the continuity and help bring along my NewsHound readers I used the tagline “Aunty Em Ericann Blog.” However, it’s time to give it the blog a brand new look and a brand new name. Of course, it will still include all the words you’ve come to expect from me. Just in a totally different order for each blog post.

If I had no readers, I’d have 84,842 fewer reasons to write, because that’s how many views Not Now Silly has had since it launched a year ago. However, not to offend any of my faithful readers, I’d be writing even if you weren’t reading. I was a writer long before I had any readers more than 45 years ago.

However, credit where credit’s due: I’m quite fond of most of what has risen to the Top Ten, and that’s entirely because my readers have good taste.

Here’s the Top Ten Of All Time Not Now Silly blog posts (and the date published):

1). Musical Appreciation ► Brian Jones – Jul 3, 2012
2).  The Detroit Riots ► Unpacking My Detroit ► Part Five – Jul 22, 2012
3).  Day In History ► Josephine Baker Born – Jun 3, 2012
4).  Chow Mein and Bolling 5 ► Bully Boy Lies (Again) – Oct 4, 2012
5). Is Marc D. Sarnoff Corrupt Or The Most Corrupt Miami Politician? – Feb 6, 2013
6). Aunty Em Ericann’s Bun Fight With James Rosen of Fox “News” – May 15, 2012
7). How Mitt Romney Didn’t Build That – Oct 17, 2012
8). Day In History ► May 31, 1921 ► When Whites Went Crazy In Tulsa – May 31, 2012
9). Unpacking Coconut Grove ► Part Two ► E.W.F. Stirrup House – Jul 11, 2012
10). Another Magical Tee Vee Moment ► Barbara Walters ► Katehrine Hepburn ► Trees – Jun 1, 2012
So, onward and upward as we inaugerate Not Now Silly for the next 365 days. I’m glad you’re here to take the ride with me.

A special big Aunty Em shout out to Keg who designed the new Not Now Silly banner. Thank you so much. I love it.



Is Johnny Dollar The World’s Biggest Hypocrite?

Both of the pictures above were removed from the Johnny
Dollar Depreciation Page because Mark Koldys cried a
river to facebook. Will he report my blog to Google next?

In the last few hours I have received 3 copyright infringement notifications from facebook concerning pictures of Mark Koldys, aka Johnny Dollar, on the Johnny Dollar Depreciation Page. 

IRONY ALERT: For the longest time (although it has now been removed) Johnny Dollar’s Sewer had a prominently placed picture of Ellen, of NewsHounds, posted on his excuse for a blog. Mark Koldys — who hides behind the nom de turd Johnny Dollar — defended posting Ellen’s pic by saying it was FAIR USE because the pic was found on facebook. Now how can Mark Koldys claim I have infringed on HIS copyright by posting pictures I found in public forums on the innertubes? Unless he’s the world’s biggest hypocrite.

I expect Mark Koldys to lie and say he was not the one to report me. However, if that were true it would constitute a crime. Who else would own the copyright to a picture of Mark Koldys in his teens? Only the owner of the copyright can claim an infringement.

Of course, facebook only removes pictures, and warns users, when someone reports an alleged infraction. facebook never
looks into whether there is any truth in the allegation. It just
removes the offending picture and the accused must appeal. Never forget that Mark Koldys is
a former Prosecuting Attorney. They know how to twist the law and

No matter. All J$, and Greyhammy, know are lies. F’rinstance: After my last post about them Greyhammy denied he had been tweeting about me. However, in his denial he called me the same exact name, and used the same insinuations, as he did when he denied was tweeting about me. He’s not just a liar, but he’s a dumb liar. Screen caps don’t lie, even he does.

Meanwhile, this is the most curious violation notification of the 3 I received from facebook:

How can promoting my own blog be a violation of Mark Koldys’ copyright? Hypocrisy all around tonight.